October 2024 Edition
What's Happening This Month
Mobile Food Pantry: October Calendar
For more information on the West Texas Food Bank, please visit https://www.wtxfoodbank.org/
Please note:
- All mobile food distributions are first come, first serve.
- La distribución de comida en las despensas móviles son por orden de llegada.
Mobile Pantry schedule is subject to change due to bad weather. Please call the West Texas Food Bank at 432-580-6333 to check schedule.
El horario de la despensa móvil puede cambiar debido al clima. Por favor, comuníquese con el West Texas Food Bank al 432-580-6333 para consultar el horario.
Professional Development Opportunity
October 23, 2024: McKinney-Vento: Identification Indicators
This session will provide participants with terminology, proper identifiers, and
PEIMS indicators regarding homeless students.
McKinney-Vento/TEHCY Posters
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has released updated McKinney-Vento Posters. There are two versions of the poster, one to assist parents of school-age youth and a second to assist unaccompanied youth. The posters are available in both English and Spanish.
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) can download the digital files below and post this information on their LEA homeless education program webpage. LEAs should collaborate with their school staff and community partners (e.g. food pantries, faith-based organizations, local housing authorities, shelters, etc.) to share printed copies of this poster.
As district visits are being scheduled by our ESC Consultants, hard copies of the posters will be delivered to the District Homeless Liaison at that time. Please be sure to have these posted near entrances/areas with high parent/student traffic.
AskTed How-To Guidance Document
Guidance Regarding Disciplinary Actions for Students Experiencing Homelessness
Additional guidance related to disciplinary actions for students experiencing homelessness is available in a recently released TEHCY Discipline One-Pager.
Witching You a Happy Halloween!
– Because he had no-body to go with!
⚰️ How can you tell if a vampire has a cold?
– Because of the coffin!
ESC18 McKinney-Vento/TEHCY Contacts
Angie Yanez Balderrama
Erin Casey-Richardson
Educational Consultant
Title I -A & D
Title II, PNP
Support in McKinney-Vento Homeless