D73 Communication System

Action Needed: Instructions for Hawthorn District 73's Mass Communication System
July 22, 2024
Dear Hawthorn Families,
We are sharing important instructions for our mass communication system that will help ensure you receive important notifications throughout the school year.
Hawthorn School District 73 uses BrightArrow as our primary mass communication tool to keep you informed in the most efficient and reliable manner possible. BrightArrow enables us to seamlessly email, text, and call parents, guardians, and emergency contacts registered in PowerSchool when necessary.
We kindly request that you follow the instructions below and complete these tasks on or before July 29th.
Please add no-reply@hawthorn73.org to your contacts or “safe senders” list to avoid important messages being sent to your spam folder.
Phone Calls
Please save 847-973-5958 in your phone contacts as “Hawthorn District 73" so that these calls do not display as spam.
Text Messaging
This is an essential part of our communication system. To receive text message notifications, all parents, guardians, and emergency contacts registered in PowerSchool must opt-in. Please text the word "Yes" to 79041 from your cell phone to complete this process. Only phone numbers already registered in PowerSchool will be added to our mass communication system.