Letter to Families and Staff

Letter To Families & Staff
Friday, June 14, 2024
RCS 2024-25 Instructional Calendar Released
The Board of Education approved the Instructional Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year at the May 8, 2024 Board of Education meeting. This calendar shows the first day of school, parent-teacher conference dates, and observed holidays and recess days for the 2024-2025 school year.
Find the RCS 2024-25 Instructional Calendar here and the 2024-25 RCS Board of Education Meeting Calendar here.
Our printed school wall calendars with events like concerts and open houses will be mailed to district households before the start of the school year.
A.W. Becker Principal Interviews Underway
RCS has been fortunate to receive highly qualified applicants for the position of A.W. Becker Elementary principal. As Ms. Neubart completes her last few days before her retirement on June 30, 2024, we will be simultaneously interviewing her prospective replacement. A large and diverse committee will be meeting next week with a number of candidates and we expect to have selected a finalist prior to June 30, 2024. A transition plan is in place to ensure that things go smoothly as we navigate the summer and our return to school in September.
Chromebook Collection
As the school year is coming to a close, it is time to return the school-issued technology given to your students. Each level will have a different return policy, so please read carefully.
High School: Student Chromebook returns will be handled on an individual basis. Chromebooks and chargers can be returned to the HS lobby on June 13, or any day before a Regents Exam.
Middle School: Student Chromebooks will be collected by science classroom teachers and the Technology Department. The collection will take place in the science classrooms. Please make sure Chromebooks and chargers are labeled with the student’s name. If your student is attending RCS Discovery camp, Chromebooks will be available for their use.
Elementary: The Technology Department will be collecting Chromebooks directly from each classroom at the end of the school year. If your student is attending RCS Discovery camp, Chromebooks will be available for their use.
Summer Family Resources
RCS Honored District Retirees
The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District recognized and celebrated its faculty and staff who have or will be officially retiring during the 2023-24 school year. The retiring staff members were recognized at the Wednesday, June 12, public Board of Education meeting. Read more about our retirees here.
Regents Examinations Schedule
The June Regent examinations schedule is available on our website. You can find the information and schedule here. As a reminder, these are essential assessments, required for graduation. We hope that our students show up well-rested and prepared for their exams.
Graduation Information
Our Senior’s last few days at RCS will go by in a blur, so we created a webpage to help keep important, upcoming dates in mind. Find information about the graduation rehearsal on Wednesday, June 26, and graduation at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center on Thursday, June 27, here.
Mark Your Calendars
Last Days of School for PK - Grade 8 students
As we embark on the last week of classes for our PK - Grade 8 students here is the schedule:
Monday, June 17 - Full day of classes
Tuesday, June 18 - Full day of classes
Wednesday, June 19 - No School in observance of Juneteenth
Thursday, June 20 - Early Dismissal
Middle School: Students will be dismissed at 11:07 a.m. and will eat lunch prior to dismissal.
Elementary Schools: Buses depart at 12:30 p.m.
Please note:Students will eat lunch prior to dismissal.
Parent pick-up will begin at 12:20 p.m., and students who take the bus will be dismissed following parent pick-up.
- The after school childcare program at A.W. Becker will be held. Pieter B. after school childcare will be closed.
- Parents/guardians should be prepared for their students to be home 3 hours earlier.
Friday, June 21 - Early Dismissal and Last Day!
Middle School: Students will be dismissed at 11:07 a.m. and will eat lunch prior to dismissal.
Elementary Schools: Buses depart at 12:30 p.m.
Please note:Students will eat lunch prior to dismissal.
Parent pick-up will begin at 12:20 p.m., and students who take the bus will be dismissed following parent pick-up.
The after school childcare program at A.W. Becker will be held. Pieter B. after school childcare will be closed.
- Parents/guardians should be prepared for their students to be home 3 hours earlier.
5th Grade Moving Up Ceremonies
Dear 5th Grade Families,
Please find the information for our 5th Grade Moving Up ceremonies on Monday, June 17, here. The ceremonies will take place in the RCS High School Auditorium.
8th Grade Moving Up
Dear 8th Graders & Families,
The 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony will take place on Friday, June 21, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the High School Main Gymnasium. Find more information here.
Tentative End-of-Year Event Schedule
We are in the final days of the 2023-24 school year! We’ve compiled a list of all the tentative end-of-year activities in one convenient place. You can find it all here.
Go digital! Add to your digital calendar all the important District dates by clicking on the RCS School District Calendar and then “copy to my calendar.”
RCS Highlights
Music Assembly Ends the Year on a High Note
A.W. Becker Celebrates Neubert Day
As the end of the school year draws near, A.W. Becker had a special day during their Alphabet Countdown. On June 4th and for the letter N, the building celebrated Neubart Day, a celebration of their principal, Mrs. Neubart! Mrs. Neubart will be retiring after 34 years as an RCS educator at the end of this school year. Students and staff created posters, recorded positive messages, and shared their well wishes with their principal. Along with lots of hugs, Mrs. Neubart was given an A.W. Becker baseball jersey and an album full of cards made by every student! We appreciate your service to our school district and community and wish you the best for your retirement Mrs. Neubart. Thank you, you will be missed!
Junior Awards Breakfast Celebrates Next Year Seniors
AWB Holds Annual Field Day
A.W. Becker held its annual Field Day on Friday, June 7. Despite the stormy weather in the afternoon, students participated in games and fun activities throughout the day with their classmates. Check out a few photos from A.W. Becker Field Day!
PBC Students Update a Village of Ravena Planter
Pieter B. Coeymans Elementary updated a community planter provided by the Village of Ravena. Several students helped create and paint the design with the guidance of their Art teacher, Ms. Chriss. The newly designed planter features several bumble bees, which hold meaning to the students and their school.
RCS Middle School Finished First in the Stock Market Game Regional Competition
RCS Middle School is proud to announce the outstanding performance of its students in this year's Stock Market Game Regional Competition. Carter Bullock, an eighth-grade student and member of the Stock Market Club, won this year's Stock Market Game Regional Competition, coming in first out of 75 regional teams. Read more about the RCS Middle School Stock Market Club here.
RCS Seniors Walk the Halls of RCS One Last Time
RCS held its annual Senior Walkthrough Monday morning, where the Class of 2024 walked the hallways of A.W. Becker, Pieter B. Coeymans, and RCS Middle School one last time! Check out their last trip around RCS here.
RCS Senior Wins Scholarship For Welding
Congratulations to RCS Senior Connor Dottino on receiving the Evan M. Schwarz Helping Hand Memorial Scholarship on Monday, June 3. The award was presented to Connor by the Schwarz family and his teacher Don Mattoon at the Career & Technical Education Center - Albany Campus. Connor was honored for his work ethic and his future professional plans in welding. Connor is looking forward to joining the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 158 and continuing to pursue a career in welding after graduation.
College Awareness Day
RCS High School celebrated College Awareness Day. Graduating Seniors wore t-shirts and hoodies representing the next destination on their academic path! The day signifies the culmination of four years of hard work and the dawning of a new chapter in our student’s lives.
RCS Senior Awarded For Being a Class B Scholar Athlete
Congratulations to RCS senior Jack McFerran for being selected for two scholar-athlete awards! Jack took home the Class B Scholar Athlete of the Year for Football (23-24) from the New York State High School Football Coaches Association. Also the Scholar Athlete Award (23-24) by the Capital District Chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame.
A.W. Becker Kindergartener Arrives to School with the Bethlehem Police Department
A.W. Becker Kindergartener Aaron Pollock chose a police escort to school as his prize for being one of the top fundraiser earners for the A.W. Becker Fun Run. Thank you to the Bethlehem Police Department for helping Aaron arrive to school in style!