St.Isidore School
603 West Broad Street Quakertown, PA 18951
Happy Birthday!
Happy 1/2 Birthday!
August 14th Addison Balloqui and Olivia Landt
August 15th Leon Smith
August 16th Gavin Hamburger
August 18th Mr. Prince and Sloan Trowbridge
August 19th Nela Mordzinski and Andrew Howard
August 20th Micah Molettiere and Kaley Mack
Happy Birthday!
February 19th Mrs. Bowen
February 20th Jack Cazier and Joshua Maigur
Non Hub Day for QUAKERTOWN bus riders 2/14/25
On Friday, 2/14/25 there will be new busing for QUAKERTOWN bus riders only. Quakertown is closed that day so there will be no hub busing that day. Bus slips were sent home on 2/11/25.
Dress Down Day 2/14/25
Happy Valentine's Day!! Wear Valentine Colors!! While celebrating Valentine's Day teachers will be able to share the parade events as it fits into their schedules. Proceeds will be going to Go Red! This is in honor of Mrs. Lafontaine.
We are closed on Monday February 17th, 2025 for Presidents' Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
6 more Weeks untill Enrollment/Re-Enrollment Price Increases!
Let the competition begin!
The class that has the highest percentage of students who have either completed re-enrollment (or hits 100% first) or communicated they are not enrolling for 2025-2026 school year will win. Deadline is March 31st, 2025. The enrollment fee will increase from $125 to $200 on April 1st, 2025. Make sure to complete ASAP. You are not fully enrolled until the enrollment packet is submitted!
Currently Second grade is in the lead with Fifth Grade close behind!
Preschool B is in the lead right now for Early Childhood!
K-7th Grade will win a free dress down day and an extra 20 min. of recess Preschool/Prek: Will win an ice cream party on the day of their choice.
Hearing and Vision Screenings
This week the nurse was in doing screenings. If your child (K-8) did not pass the screening you will be receiving a notification letter. If you do not receive one, all is well.
Doylestown Health
Doylestown Health will be here on 2/21/25 for their Teddy Bear Clinic.
For students in Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten please bring in a teddy bear that fits in their bag for them to use for the presentation.
For students in Grades 1-3 please wear your Gym Uniform to participate in exercises.
Lollipop Love
Thank you to everyone who ordered the Valentine Lollipop candy grams. We are working on getting those personalized to send out to the lucky recipients. Please make sure payment has been sent in for the orders so they can be delivered on Friday.
Students now have the opportunity to purchase lollipops at school during lunch. These can be for themselves or to send to a friend in our school. We will be selling them through Friday or until they are sold out. The cost of each lollipop is $1.
All proceeds will go to the Lafontaine Family.
Thank you for your support!
St. Isidore Student Council
Hot Diggity Dog!
Two of our amazing Hot Lunch Volunteers that help support our Hot Lunch Program. We would not be able to provide the programs/events without the help of all of our amazing volunteers! If you would like to know more about volunteering for our Hot Lunch Program please reach out to Mrs. McFadden! (jmcfadden@stisidoreschool.com)
Spirit Wear
Congrats to 4th grade, who had the highest sales total for the last spirit wear sale. 4th grade has earned a free dress down day!
Students Shine on the Ice!
Great Job by the Children's Choir at the Lehigh Valley Phantoms Game!
Great Job Mrs. Pieninck and choir!
CYO Track + Field
Registration is OPEN for Track and Field- students born between 2009-2015 are welcome to join! Please see attached flyer for more info. Don't miss a great opportunity to have fun and challenge yourself this spring. Practice begins 3/11. Contact Coaches Jon and Emily Slabek at stizzytrack@gmail.com with questions.
Family Surveys
Reminder to return the survey forms tomorrow for our Federal Programs benefits. These were sent home with the Oldest/Only child. Please send in ASAP so we can submit the necessary paperwork.
Art Club
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Religion Bee
PreK A Fun!
Iron Pigs Game
St. Isidore Parish has teamed up with the Lehigh Valley IronPigs for a Faith Night Out on Friday, June 13th! The Lehigh Valley IronPigs are the AAA affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies located in Allentown, PA. This event has sold out in previous years.
· Each ticket purchased through the link below is $13.00 and includes $2.00 ballpark credit.
· Faith music played throughout the night.
· Players and coaches sharing what their faith means to them on the scoreboard throughout the night.
· After the game, the team chaplain and players will come out and have a question-and-answer session.
· Fireworks after the game!
· Game time is 7:05 p.m., with gates opening at 5:45 p.m.
To purchase tickets please use this link:
Consider bringing the family out for a fun, faith filled night of baseball! Everyone is welcome to come-just simply share the link above with whoever you would like to invite! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Jeffrey Daley (dre@stisidoreprep.com) and I will be happy to assist! Hope to see you there! God Bless & Play Ball.
Weather Updates
It has been so cold outside that we have not been able to go outside for recess. Please make sure you are packing appropriate winter clothing for the days we are able to go outside for recess (jacket, hat, gloves)
A reminder that gym uniforms include the sweatpants. Student may wear the shorts under the pants for gym class but shorts alone are not part of the winter wear.
Weather Alerts: Thank you for having children already in coats at drop off and to those who came on time to get our staff back inside out of the frigid temperatures. 25 min. doesn't sound like a long time but standing in the cold temperatures 5 min. feels like an hour :( We try to expedite the process in the afternoon as well so having your signs is very helpful.
Club Invention
Or try out our new pilot program on Monday afternoons:
Club Invention
Your child will:
Explore medieval history, basic scientific principles and hands-
on creativity in Castles, Catapults and Coats of Arms!
Explore the effects of Archimedes’ principle by sculpting clay boats
that float across a moat while supporting cargo. Apply science and engineering principles to the construction of a
castle wall.
If you have any questions about either program, please email me at coconnor@stisidoreschool.com.
Mrs. Christine O'Connor
Annual Auction 2025
Hello St. Isidore Families!
As you know, the 2025 St. Isidore School Auction is being held on Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 6:30 to 11:00 pm! Tickets are currently on sale for $50 each and can be purchased until February 28, 2025 at 12 noon … unless we sell out earlier!
The link to purchase tickets is: https://one.bidpal.net/izzyauction2025
If you have special seating requests, please please make sure to designate that in the comments section when purchasing. If you have already purchased your tickets and forgot to add a special request, reach out to us via email. We try very hard to accommodate everyone's request!
Raffles & Auction Items
First and foremost, THANK YOU for all the very generous donations and amazing classroom raffle baskets! Large events like this don't happen on their own, and we are so blessed to have families, friends, and teachers who have helped in many different ways to support this event!
Fun Fact … You do not need to be at the event to bid on an auction item or enter to win a raffle basket!
Auction Bids - To be able to bid on an auction item from home, you need to create a bidpal account. To create an account, visit this link , and in the top right corner, you will click “sign in” and continue to follow the prompts. You must be logged into this account to bid on items when the time comes. Feel free to invite your families and friends to create an account and bid from afar too!
Raffles - In addition to tickets being available for purchase at the event, we will be sending home a flyer to school families that will allow them to purchase raffle tickets ahead of the event. Keep on the lookout for the info to come home with your kiddo soon!
New This Year … Auction items will be grouped and will close in sequence, rather than all at one time.
This means there will be groups of auction items that will close at different times throughout the night. If you miss the first round of item closings, you will have another chance to win something in the next group!
Cash/Credit Tickets
There is still time to enter the Cash/Credit raffle! $1,000 cash or $1,500 tuition credit! Need more tickets to sell/purchase? CLICK HERE!
Volunteers are still needed!
Collect your volunteer credits and join us the day before the auction (2/28/25) to help set up and decorate!
The link to find a volunteer opportunity is: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F49ACAB28A5F9C61-52504962-2025
The 2025 St. Isidore Auction Team
(Vicki Rodgers, Tiffany ElBardissi, & Lisa Gaier)
Stay up to date! Check us out on Facebook!
Middle School Hearts Dance
2025-2026 Calendar
2025-2026 School Calendar is completed!
We will begin school after Labor Day due to obligations of the faculty in August.
Please note that dates are subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control.
Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events
Feb. 14: Dress down in Valentine colors $1.00
Feb. 17: No school/Presidents' Day
Feb. 21: Middle School Dance gr. 6-8
Feb. 28: No school for students/Professional Development Day/Auction Set Up
****March 1 AUCTION NIGHT!!************
Mar. 5: Ash Wednesday-Prayer Service
Mar. 7: Fist Friday Mass
Mar. 13: 2nd trimester ends
Mar. 20: Spring pictures (dress up)
Mar. 21-28: Terra Nova testing grades 2-7. Please be on time!!