Anna Yates Elementary
Mid September Newsletter
Completing Online Assignments Are Essential!
Dear Anna Yates Families,
We are now entering week four of our distance learning school year and I want to thank you for all the hard work, time, and effort that has been required thus far.
After meeting with teachers, there are some concerns that our online assignments such as iReady are not being used as regularly as assigned. Here are a few reasons why completing all assignments, including these, are so important:
- They are our asynchronous assignments
- These asynchronous assignments are a part of our mandated daily number of instruction minutes (TK/K: 180 min; 1-3: 230 min; 4-5: 240 min)
- These completed assignments are looked at by site and district staff as well as our auditors to determine attendance and assignment completion
- These online assignments support and reinforce the learning that will take place throughout the week.
- They, such as iReady, serve as an intervention tool and intervention is mandated by new Ed Code
Thank you for supporting the completion of all daily assigned work.
With much appreciation,
Ms. Carter
We Need Your Help! Please Complete Survey
Ms. Carter's BTSN Presentation
EUSD Food Service program will continue to provide Grab-and-Go meals to any child under the age of 18 regardless of his or her affiliation with EUSD.
Office Hours With Ms. Santana: Monday 12-1 p.m.; Horas de Oficina con Sra. Santana
Todos los lunes, la Sra. Santana tendra horas de oficina para apoyar a las familias que necesitan apoyo o preguntas respondidas en espanol. Ella estara disponible de 12-1 p.m. y por correo electronic.
Email: erika.santana@emeryusd.org
Website: annayatesk8.com