Special Property Bulletin
Car Park and Property Upgrades
Exciting News!
It is with great pleasure that I inform you that our car park upgrade will be starting on the 19th of August. Along with this, there are several other property projects that will be underway at the same time.
I would like to give a huge thank you to the current and past Board of Trustees who have been diligently working away for the last 4 and half years to get these projects over the finish line.
Below is a summary of the work ahead and how it will impact families, especially at pick-up and drop-off times as well as access to the school grounds during school breaks.
If you would like to come in and see some of the plans they will be available in the Office.
1) Carpark and Drainage
We are having a major upgrade to our parking. This includes a new 30-space car park at the top of the school and an enlarged and redesigned existing car park at the bottom with 30 parks.
A total of 60 car parks.
Please click on the link at the bottom of this section to see the enlarged plans.
πSite setup will start on Monday 19th of August.
πWorks will commence on Monday 26th August
πPhase 1 β upper car park β completion October/November
πPhase 2 β lower car park, fencing and field/bank drainage December/Jan
πCompletion date is set for Friday January 31st. The school start date is Monday 3rd Feb.
Car parking organisation
πPhase 1 β Upper carpark
While the upper car park is being constructed a site access route will be fenced off for the contractors on the old schoolhouse side of the lower car park (See red area on picture). This means there will be less parking space for parents. To remedy this, staff will be parking on the roadside and parents can use the teacher's car park area. Please do not use the front roadside gate as a drop off zone.
This is the easiest and safest option while this phase is being completed.
Please be extra vigilant if you are parking in the teacher's car park area as you will be driving past the the gate area.
πPhase 2 β Lower carpark
When the lower car park is being constructed parents will need to pick up and drop off at the new top car park using the same fenced-off accessway in phase 1. A new concrete pathway will be constructed and will go from the top car park to the courts. This will be the access into school for students and parents. Please do not use the front roadside gate as a drop off zone.
Teachers will continue to park on the road.
πAccessibility parking will be at the front gate anytime in the morning but only after 3:10pm in the afternoon, after the bus leaves. There is new dedicated accessibility car parks in the lower carpark when it is completed.
πWhen both Phases are completed the parking on the roadside will again be eliminated for safety reasons.
πWe think the above will mean that we can manage drop off and pick up each day. But we would encourage parents, that can, to stagger thier pick up times and come slightly later after 3pm.
Stormwater, water tanks and septic
We will be installing a whole new septic and water collection system.
Both systems are being built to cope with future growth and demand.
πThe septic tanks will be shifted to the front of the school with the new septic field spread across βArea 42/bush areaβ at the top of the school. We will increase our capacity tenfold and be gravity feed so that we should be able to stay open if a power cut occurs.
πWe will upgrade from our 1 water tank to 5. Some will be situated at the top of the school so that in the event of a power cut we can keep school open as gravity will feed our drinking water and toilets.
The work will mostly happen during the Christmas holidays β This will affect community access to the school property.
3) Pool Changing Sheds
We are also about to start our new pool changing shed and pump shed project. It is likely to go ahead during term 4 and the Christmas holidays
This means there will be no community access to the pool this summer. It may also mean that students will not be swimming in term 4. (To be Confirmed)
Please click the link below for the enlarged designs.
4) Roofing project
As part of a Ministry of Education roofing upgrade, we will be replacing and correcting some of our roves. This will impact room 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and the Whanau room.
We will split the project between the term 3 holidays and the Christmas holidays.
This will affect community access to the school site during the holidays for safety reason.
Kokopu School
Email: office@kokopu.school.nz
Website: www.kokopu.school.nz
Location: 921 Kokopu Road, Kokopu, New Zealand
Phone: 094346765
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kokopuschool