Board Briefs
Nov. 14, 2023
Board Recognitions and Performances
South Davis Junior High theater students perform holding out for a hero
The Davis School District Board of Education enjoyed a presentation from theater students at South Davis Junior High School. The musical theatre class performed "Holding Out for a Hero" from their upcoming musical: Footloose Youth Edition.
Board recognizes years of service from three office assistants from Bountiful Elementary
Principal Kristen McDonough presented three employees to the board. She shared with the board the amazing work that Linda Pearson, Vera Jones (Jeannie), and Rosa Knight have provided to Bountiful Elementary. They have worked for a total of 90 years at Bountiful Elementary.
Workshop Items
Learning First Presentation - Sand Springs Elementary
Board receives presentation about belonging and inclusion efforts
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Fidel Montero, OEO Director Darrin Nash and outside counsel Heidi Alder shared information with the board about district work on belonging and inclusion.
The presentation included details such as:
- Maintaining and supporting newly created student Multicultural Advisory Councils to learn better ways to make sure that students feel safe in our school buildings
- Ongoing training efforts for teachers and staff
- Creating partnerships with community leaders
- Providing open communication with parents and community members
- Bolstering student supports related to harassment and discrimination
Consolidation of Foxboro and Odyssey French Dual Language Immersion Programs
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Logan Toone updated the board on the consolidation of the French Immersion programs at Foxboro and Odyssey elementary schools.
Based on a year-long study of the two programs, student enrollment projections and parent feedback, the district recommended the two programs be consolidated to a single program at Foxboro Elementary with a gradual, grade-by-grade implementation schedule.
An email with more details was sent out to parents at the affected schools.
Handbook Highlight: Filling a Vacant Board Seat
President Liz Mumford reviewed the board's policy for filling a vacant board seat, due to the resignation of Board Member Derek Lamb earlier this month.
Individuals interested in serving on the Board of Education must submit a Declaration of Candidacy on or before Monday, November 20 at noon. Next, the board will interview qualified candidates during an open meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 28.
More information on submitting a Declaration of Candidacy can be found at
Business Items
Board learns known status of Summit Learning Platform for 2024-25 school year
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Logan Toone shared that beginning in the fall of 2024, the Summit Learning platform that is developed by Gradient Learning will no longer be available for use in schools.
With the details not being finalized for Gradient Learning's plan, Toone reviewed the district’s current understanding, discussed elements that are still in question and identified next steps related to considering any possible use of Gradient Learning in the future.
Finance department presents board with 2022-23 audit report
Finance Department Director Tim Leffel presented the board with the district's 2022-23 audit report.
Independent auditors issued the audit an "unmodified opinion," indicating the district's financial statement was fairly presented in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. This is the highest opinion a government entity can receive.
Board approves boundary and school closure on first reading
Boundary Consultant Dr. Helene Van Natter presented the junior high boundary changes, which are the only changes that have been made since the boundary public hearing held at Syracuse High School on Oct. 17.
The board unanimously approved the boundary and school closure proposal on first reading.
Board approves first reading of 24-25 school year calendar and requests public feedback
Elementary Director Ruthanne Keller presented the 2024-25 school year calendar to the board. The board approved a motion to accept the first reading of the calendar and allow for comment and review of the calendar.
Please submit your feedback through this form:
Feedback form will close at midnight on Wednesday, November 29.
Board approves award for Layton High School remodel project
The Davis School District Board of Education unanimously approved the contract for Hogan and Associates Construction to serve as the Construction Manager/General Contractor for the Layton High School remodel project.
The request for approval was provided by the District Professional Services Selection Committee. Design work is ongoing with plans expected to be complete in January and bid in February. Construction will begin in June 2024 and is expected to take two years.
Board approves Special Education Procedure Manual Updates
Special Education Director Tiffany Midgley presented updates to the Davis School District Special Education Policies and Procedures Manual as required by the Utah State Board of Education.
The board unanimously approved the updates as presented.
Board approves finance committee's recommended compensation changes
There were no public comments during a public hearing portion regarding the proposal.