HHH January 3, 2025

Jamuary 3, 2025
Dear Happy Hollow Families,
As we move into the winter season, it’s important to ensure the safety and preparedness of our students and community. Please remember to pack appropriate winter and snow gear for your child, as those without it will need to stay on the blacktop during recess.
Additionally, safety in our parking lots remains a priority—whether driving or walking, we ask that everyone use designated crosswalks and avoid crossing through the rolling drop-off area. To help maintain traffic flow and minimize congestion on Pequot Road, we kindly ask drivers to pull all the way forward to the main entrance during morning drop-off. As part of these efforts, the “music hallway” door will now remain closed, with all students entering through the main entrance. For everyone’s safety, students should exit vehicles on the passenger side, and parents are encouraged to stay in their cars. Thank you for your continued cooperation and commitment to keeping our school community safe and efficient as we navigate these winter months.
Here is our newsletter and we wish you a joyful weekend.
Nicolette Foundas, Principal
11:30 a.m. dismissal
Please do not forget to update Pick Up Patrol with your child's accurate dismissal plan for this Wednesday January 8!
Please mark your calendars and remember that The Happy Hollow Elementary School will be dismissing students at 11:30am on Wednesday. Please make your arrangements accordingly. Please enter any changes in your child's dismissal plan into Pick Up Patrol and communicate these changes with your child so there is no confusion. Please do NOT enter their dismissal plan as an "early dismissal" unless you are releasing them before 11:30 in the morning. We simply need to know how they are getting home at that 11:30 time.
Base families have already been notified by email of the specific plans for base students. Please contact outside after school programs, (such as Recpass and camp Chickamee) with any questions regarding those programs. All staff will be involved in a meeting directly after dismissal.
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Save The Dates!
We would like to invite all Wayland families with children who will be 5 years of age as of August 31, 2025 to a Kindergarten Information session (virtual) to learn more about the Kindergarten programs offered for the 2025-2026 school year. Information regarding our programs may also be found on the Kindergarten Information website.
You will learn about the opportunities and unique characteristics of our programs and Principals from each of the three Wayland elementary schools will be available to answer your questions. Also in attendance will be Wayland’s METCO Director and after school program (BASE) Director.
Important Dates:
Kindergarten Information Meeting:
Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 7:00 - 8:00 PM (Zoom, Meeting ID: 232 469 1198)
Spanish Immersion Information Meetings:
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 7:00 - 7:45 PM (Zoom, Meeting ID: 232 469 1198)
Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 10:45 - 11:30 AM (Zoom, Meeting ID: 232 469 1198)
Please note: This meeting is not required for Kindergarten enrollment, rather an opportunity to provide information to families with soon-to-be Kindergarteners! However, in order to participate in the Spanish Immersion lottery, a parent/caregiver MUST attend one of the two Spanish Immersion information sessions.
From Our Parent Teacher Organization
PTO Update:
Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a wonderful winter break.
The PTO is super excited for our stacked lineup of fun events over the next few months. Please pay
special attention to the STEAM Fair and the Talent Show which require pre-registration!
PTO Coffee with Principal Foundas with guest speaker BCBA, Liz Korandonis.
When: Friday January 10th 8:15 - 9:00 am. Zoom Link: PTO Coffee with Principal Foundas and BCBA
Where: Happy Hollow (potentially art room) PLEASE fill out this survey to make sure your questions
are answered: Behavior Questionnaire
Game, Craft Night and Card Trading Event:
When: Friday January 24th, 6-8 PM.
What: Get out of the house and let the kids loose for a fun game night in the HH gym. We will have an
open space for all types of games and activities - including a table for trading sports cards! BYO or
come share with friends.
PTO Coffee With Principal Foundas - Conversation About Technology Safety
When: Friday February 7th, 8:15-9:00 a.m. in the art room : PTO Coffee 2/7 Zoom Link
Happy Hollow STEAM Fair and Discovery Night
When: Friday evening, February 28 6-7:30 PM.
What: Kids can choose a topic that inspires them, and conduct an experiment, create an invention, or
share a research report. They will share their projects with a 'visiting STEAM expert' and their peers in the Happy Hollow gym, as well as have an opportunity to explore other science fair projects and hands-on activities! For more information: STEAM FAIR Info Link
Register here by 1/31: STEAM FAIR Project and Volunteer Registration Link
PTO Coffee With Principal Foundas - Conversation with Sarah Sontag, Elementary Curriculum Specialist, About Literacy
When: Friday March 7th 8:15-9:00 in the art room Zoom Link: HH PTO Coffee With Principal Foundas
Happy Hollow Talent Show
Friday, March 21st at 6:30 p.m.
Calling all singers, actors, dancers, musicians, comedians, magicians and more...In case anyone wants
to start planning their acts during the vacation!
Register Here (Deadline 2/7): Talent Show Sign Up
Additional Save the Dates:
February 7th : PTO Coffee with Principal Foundas
March 18 - 21 - Book Fair
March 26 - Art Show
March: Tape Art
Anyone who walks the halls of our building must be CORIed or escorted. This means that everyone who visits their child's classroom, volunteers in the building, visits the book fair/field day or attends field trips must be CORIed.
- CORIs completed with other town departments are NOT transferable to the schools.
- We cannot allow you into our building without a valid Wayland Public Schools CORI on file
To complete a CORI application please present in person at any Wayland Public School Office (or central office) with valid government issued photo identification
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For information about our School Committee, after school enrichment opportunities, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below.
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