The Trumpet

January 2025
Volume 20, Issue 1
Pastor's Post
Resolutions for 2025
As we approach another New Year, many start thinking of resolutions. The most common New Year’s resolutions involve weight loss, eating healthier, saving money, drinking less, managing stress, and quitting smoking.
The Internet did not suggest anything about caring for our souls. So, I propose some New Year’s resolutions to help you care for your soul in 2025.
First, I want to note that the Bible says nothing about New Year’s resolutions. However, it does tell us quite a bit about resolutions in general. These resolutions involve improving our character, sharpening our habits, and living better in the future than we did in the past. In other words, Biblical resolutions help us to become more like Jesus.
I want to suggest you consider the following four spiritual resolutions for 2025:
- Read through the Bible this year. Growing Christians are reading Christians. Find a Bible reading plan that will help you. You will never grow spiritually if you do not read God’s word regularly.
- Spend time in prayer every day. Growing Christians devote time each day to focused prayer with the Lord. I am not talking about praying before a meal or praying while commuting. I am talking about being alone with the Lord in prayer. Make a list of items to help you pray. The way to increase time spent in prayer is to increase the number of items you pray for.
- Walk in holiness. Commit to consistently applying God’s word to your life each day. Also, commit to dealing radically with sin. Quickly repent every time you know that you have broken God’s law.
- Worship with God’s people each Lord’s Day. You will not grow spiritually if you do not worship with God’s people each Lord’s Day. Don’t skip a worship service by spending time with family, vacationing, or doing something that takes you away from worshiping God. A Christian’s highest priority is worshiping God.
If you practice these four resolutions in 2025, I can assure you that you will grow spiritually. I pray that you will have a spiritually profitable New Year!
- Freddy Fritz
TBPC Telegraph
Women's Christmas Brunch
Did you ever consider that one's arrival, existence, or presence may be considered a gift? The 74 ladies who attended the TBPC 36th Annual Women's Christmas Brunch contemplated this thought after enjoying a delicious meal, catered by Raymond and Lupita Arias and Brian and Alisa Carrier, around beautifully-set tables decorated by delightful hostesses. With the theme of "God is in Our Midst," Brandi Schultz welcomed the ladies, and Toni Cacioppo served as mistress of ceremonies. Sandy Carruth led Christmas carols, accompanied by Youjung (Grace) Choi. Andrea Proctor shared a very fitting, very touching Box Talk, and all the ladies enjoyed a rousing game of Pass the Parcel.
Panelists Lia Burgueno, Holly Mickler, and Judy Weir discussed, with Toni, how meaningful one's presence can be to another, and each shared her reflection on Zephaniah 3:17. The panel discussion exhorted attending ladies to remember that as sinners, we are God's enemies, but he longs to reconcile with us! The mighty God who made the universe knows and cares about each one of us, so Jesus came willingly to earth to live as a man, identify with us, and suffer the punishment we deserved so that we can be reconciled to God. God wants our presence, too and wants us to choose time with him over the busyness in our lives. Jesus' arrival, existence, and presence are the greatest gifts given to mankind. God is in our Midst! Guests left with an ornament to remind them of our Immanuel.
The brunch remains a felicitous means of preparing the hearts and minds of our TBPC women and their guests for the joyous Christmas season. It's a timely reminder of the true reason for celebration and an exhortation to pause amidst the holiday hassle to seek and spend time with Jesus.
- Toni Cacioppo
Men's Christmas Breakfast
Meanwhile, the men enjoyed their quarterly Saturday morning breakfast featuring speakers Pastor Scott and Men's Bible Study, Leader Rod Proctor. The meal was fantastically prepared by Raymond and Lupita Arias, along with and as always, Brian and Alisa Carrier. We were pleasantly surprised when our customarily austere place settings were enhanced with Christmas decor supplied by the Women's Ministry -- thanks ladies!
We were blessed by the hard and thoughtful work of the faithful servants mentioned above. As a bonus for all, please click on the link below for the charming and entertaining details from Brian Carrier himself.
- Tom Moore
On the Fence About the Church Retreat?
As you know, the annual retreat is scheduled for March 21-23 at Lakewood Retreat in Brooksville, but maybe you aren't sure if you should attend. After all, isn't it "just for the younger folks" or "just for families with kids"? Absolutely not! If you love Jesus, you're qualified to attend. Even if you aren't sure how you feel about him, you'd be in the perfect place to learn more!
According to Marsha Otto, everyone should have the privilege of some rocking chair time together on the porch. Not only is the setting relaxing and beautiful, she and John also enjoy the fellowship with people of all ages. She suggests you take a hike! Well, she didn't say it like that, but she does encourage you to enjoy the slower pace of life and take a walk around Lakewood Retreat. You could also hop on a hayride around the grounds or share a meal (that you didn't have to cook) in the dining area with fellow members.
Still on the fence? Go talk to the Powes. Ashley shares, "I look forward to attending the family retreat every year because I enjoy spending time with our church family and getting to know everyone a little more. I love that it can help foster relationships and a sense of community. I also enjoy the time away!" And if you don't believe her, listen to her kids. Madison wants you to know she enjoys attending because there are a lot of fun activities. Justice agrees with Madison about the adventures but adds, "I like the teaching time because we're learning about God." That should be enough to convince you, but just in case, take it from Christopher, "It's fun!"
Make sure you sign up now! Scan the QR code below for more information.
- Holly Mickler
Ministry Moments
Missions Committee - God's Vision, Our Mission
The 2025 Missions Conference is February 14–16. Our central event, the All Church Dinner & Program, will take place Saturday, February 15, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Please note it in your calendar and mark it in your electronic device.
Our Keynote Speaker for the conference is the Reverend Mark Bates, Senior Director of US Operations for Mission to the World. At our All-Church event, his message will be “What is the Mission of the Church?” From Genesis 1 and 2 and Matthew 28:19-20, Reverend Bates will link the making of disciples throughout the world to God’s original intention that humanity rule over the world, which is generally called the “Cultural Mandate.”
On Sunday morning, February 16, Reverend Bates will preach on Isaiah 2:1-5, “God’s Vision for the World.” Through this vision that God gave to Isaiah, we see God’s intention for the world as a result of the gospel having gone to the ends of the earth. With these messages, our understanding of missions will broaden as we realize that salvation involves the renewing and restoring of creation in accordance with God’s original design. Our theme, God’s Vision, Our Mission, reflects Reverend Bates’ messages.
There will be a program for children, so please get them involved. Our choir will sing, and the congregation will sing as well. The dinner will be provided by church members who are on the conference team. We do ask you to make a donation to cover the cost of the evening, and if you really enjoyed the food, as we know you will, feel free to give a little extra! We promise it will be terrific and encourage you to attend!
The other events are as follows:
- Friday night—the Missions Committee meets with our missionaries.
- Saturday morning—the Elders and Deacons together with the Missions Committee meet with our missionaries.
- Sunday morning--our missionaries will speak briefly in each ABF and Sunday School class.
- Scott Simmons
ESL Classes Celebrate Christmas
The Thursday morning ESL class had a delicious Christmas cookie decorating party on the last day of classes before our Christmas break. It was also a wonderful time of sharing the true meaning of Christmas with our students. Friday morning’s intermediate class also enjoyed a Christmas party and a cake to celebrate John Hutton’s birthday.
Teaching ESL is very rewarding in many different ways. Not only do we get to teach English to people who truly want to learn, but we also develop strong bonds of friendship along the way. And of great importance, they hear the word at the end of every class through devotional readings, music, and a closing prayer. It is a wonderful experience!
- Andrea Proctor
Our school had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas during our Christmas Spirit Week. The children dressed up in their fun Christmas socks, hats, sweaters, and pajamas. Everyone had a blast! The teachers have done an amazing job creating a festive experience for the children, as well as sharing the birth of Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas. They make NTCA what it is, and I am so grateful for each of them.
Please pray for the children, the families and the staff. Also, for the registration process for the upcoming school year. If you have or know of a preschooler, please consider NTCA for next year!
- Susanne Gonzalez, NTCA Director
Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study invites you to join us as we trek through the Book of Acts together. Our sherpa for this journey will be the engaging Nancy Guthrie, and her series titled Saved: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts. Nancy’s teaching is both accessible and theologically sound. We will use her video lessons along with personal study guides to reinforce Pastor Freddy's sermon series on the Book of Acts to give us time to discuss and apply these teachings.
- Mondays, 6:30 p.m.--8:30 p.m., on Zoom, January 6 through May 19
- Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m.--noon, at church, January 7 through May 20 (childcare provided)
Registration ($3.00) and the Saved Personal Bible Study ($7.00) will be available in the Narthex following worship on December 22, December 29, and January 5. For further information, contact Debbie Jordan (813-368-7513; debbiejordan1@gmail.com) or Eileen Fritz (813-731-0457).
- Debbie Jordan
Opportunities to Serve
Do you enjoy making others feel welcome and creating community by reflecting God's love? Please consider the role of Hospitality Coordinator. Speak with Pastor Freddy for more information.
For the Family
As a Christmas project, our TBPC Global Kidz were encouraged to give from their piggy banks or money they earned from doing chores so that they could send it to Dociné Christan Academy in Haiti. The children collected $380 (with a little help from their parents) that will help to provide school lunches for the 500+ students. School lunch is the only meal a day that many of them ever have.
Learn more by clicking the button below!
- Eileen Fritz
We are certainly blessed to have a growing group of Youth at TBPC. It wasn't long ago that their little voices filled the halls, classrooms, and chancel with childlike joy (and sound)! As they continue growing into young men and women, it's a pleasure to have a front row seat for how God is working in them and using them to further His kingdom.
Boys to Men
No, this isn't the latest "Boy Band," but they have banded together to serve, particularly when it comes to the needs of the building and grounds. We are grateful to have young men stepping up to carry, stack, clean, move, drag, and sort.
- Holly Mickler
Made for More Conference
On the weekend of November 8 through 10, 2024, five women and five girls from TBPC attended the Made for More conference at Covenant Church in Naples, Florida. The conference was a key feature of the TBPC Youth Girls Retreat.
Four sessions throughout the weekend kept all active in worship, study, interaction, and dialogue with believing sisters, and a lot of just plain fun! Please enjoy Toni Cacioppo's eyewitness reporting linked below.
- Tom Moore
Children's Choir on Sunday, December 8, 2024
Christmas Eve Service on December 24, 2024
Christmas Eve Service on December 24, 2024
5th Sunday Lunch on December 29, 2024
5th Sunday Lunch on December 29, 2024
Congregational Corner
New Members
We welcome the following to the membership of TBPC (from left to right):
Laurent Calcul
Erica Dasi
Zoe Almonte
Matthew Stringer & Tiffany Stringer
Let's Get to Know...
Raymond & Lupita Arias
Raymond and Lupita started attending TBPC in the Fall of 2023. They lived in Lake Bernadette (Zephyrhills) for 11 years before moving to Wesley Chapel, where they've been for the last 8 years. When asked how they found TBPC, they shared, "We believe God brought us to TBPC to be joined to this body for His purpose which is still being unfolded."
Here are a few more things you can learn about Raymond and Lupita:
What would you like us to know about you? We were born of Latin decent, but make no mistake about it, we are first God-fearing Americans by choice. My (Raymond) birth was in the country of Cuba, and Lupita's was Honduras. We are not hyphenated Americans (example: Cuban-American). We are Americans by the grace of God!
How do you like to have fun? We enjoy traveling and meeting with family and friends for get togethers. We also enjoy being plant parents because gardening is a pleasure.
How is God working in your life, or what is a lesson he has taught you recently? We are continually being reminded that life is not about us. We do not exist for our pleasure but for our Creator's pleasure.
What is your favorite verse from Scripture? Romans 8:28 and Revelation 13:8 and 17:8
- Ertha Baptiste - January 03
- Cheryl Barber - January 06
- Ron Whitley - January 08
- Vern Yu - January 08
- Rene Palacio - January 09
- Alexander Mas-Beazel - January 10
- Andrea Schultz - January 11
- Faith Schultz - January 13
- Richard Gainer - January 18
- Toney Sauls - January 18
- Andrea Proctor - January 22
- Lilli Palacio - January 23
- Abby Mondin - January 26
- Natacha Etienne - January 28
- Christopher Powe - January 29
- Scott & Patricia Harshfield - January 12, 2002
- Anup & Seema Kagalkar - January 27, 2013
Worship Choir on Sunday, December 22, 2024
Thinking About Theology
The Second Commandment forbids false worship, especially use of idols or "graven images." In today's culture, do you have any rules of thumb you can suggest that would identify when worship crosses over into the realm of sinful idol worship?
Both the first and second commandments address the subject of worship. While the first commandment is concerned with whom we worship, the second commandment deals with how we are to worship. Fundamental to knowing how to worship God is to know how we are to think about God. For this we must rely solely on God’s self-revelation of himself in his word and not on our own imaginations, nor on images either real or in our minds. God is not to be imaged, pictured or visually represented. For this reason Protestant churches do not have statues of saints, pictures of God, nor symbolic images. Such items would distract from thinking about God solely as he has revealed himself in Scripture.
Practically, this means we must be careful to worship him as he has prescribed in his word (known as the Regulative Principle of Worship). In reality this means that in worship we sing his word, pray with his word, read his word, and preach his word - all in the name of Jesus. God is the audience of our worship. Worship should not be designed primarily to entertain, to give an emotional high, or to be people pleasing. Sadly this is the principle of worship that governs many churches today.
- Answer provided by Ken Pothoven
Reader Recommendation
"The Holy Spirit" by Arthur W. Pink (1886 - 1952) - Printed Version 382 pages
For an insightful, well-reasoned look at the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, here it is. Describing the Spirit's function, Pink states, “…according to the order of operation that ever belongs to the Holy Trinity: all proceeds from the Father, through the Son, and is by the Holy Spirit” (Pink, Ch 16).
This read was an enlightening look at the Third Person of the Godhead. Within are many answered questions regarding the eminently significant work of the Spirit in regeneration, salvation, and sanctification.
For those unfamiliar with Chapel Library please check them out. They have a wealth of reformed resources that include this and other Pink titles, as well as many other great writers of Puritan penchant. And, the price is right as you will see. I got my electronic copy at Apple Books.
- Submitted by Tom Moore
Need a 2025 Bible Reading Plan?
Ligonier offers several options to grow in the knowledge of God and His truths this year. Click on the photo to visit the link of their suggested plans for this year.
Business of the Building
Updates from the Diaconate
- The Diaconate would like to thank those who helped with the clean-up effort after Hurricane Milton. Approximately 30 people volunteered. All of the debris has been removed from the church grounds, and the siding on the church has been repaired.
- In 2023, TBPC collected approximately $14,700 for the End-of-Year Gift to improve our signage. Once a decision has been made concerning the possible expansion of the church, we will purchase new signage.
- The money collected for 2022’s End of Year Gift ($26,000) will be added to this year’s End-of-Year Gift donations to help finance the hiring of an Associate Pastor for Youth and Family Ministry.
- The Diaconate appreciates all who helped with the “hanging of the greens” November 30. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the Christmas decorations and the new sign that was purchased for our Christmas Eve Service!
- In December, approximately $2000 was given to the Benevolence Fund. Thank you for your continued support!
- Mike Rush
As the deacons continue to serve in the areas of benevolence, mercy, and the upkeep of the church’s facilities, we always welcome any assistance. If you have an area of expertise and are willing to offer your services (plumbing, electrical, landscape, etc.), we would appreciate any and all help. You can contact either of the Deacons (David Cross or Michael Rush) or any of the Deacon Assistants (David Lehmann, Jason Rucker, Derk Shultz, and Ken Smoot).
Click on the title above to be taken to the TBPC Calendar.
Baby Shower
Saturday, January 4 at 1:00 PM
Please join us at the home of Ashleigh Kemp to celebrate Joe & Emily Washburn and their baby boy! They are registered at Amazon. RSVP to Stephanie Smoot.
Brunch Bunch
Sunday, January 19 at 12:30 PM
Chicken Guy (25769 Sierra Center Blvd, Lutz, FL 33559)
Resources at the Ready
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It is the goal of The Trumpet staff to provide articles for learning and growing, news for connecting with our church family, and information on opportunities for service and participation. The views and opinions expressed in The Trumpet have not been reviewed or endorsed by the Session.