Pride of Granbury
January 27-February 7
- Congrats to the Colorguard and Ms. Meroney on a great first contest!
- Side by Side Night is MONDAY 1/27 (Details below)
- Signup to help with the Band Blitz!
Week of 1/27
Monday 1/27
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Sax and Low Reed Sectional
- SIDE BY SIDE NIGHT (Wind Ensemble & Friends) - 5:45pm call time (Black Gold Show Shirt)
Tuesday 1/28
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Trumpet and Horn Sectional
- 7am - Symphonic Band Low Brass Sectional
- 4:40pm - Symphonic Band Clarinet Sectional
Wednesday 1/29
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Flute and Oboe Sectional
- 7am - Symphonic Band Trumpet and Horn Sectional
Thursday 1/30
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Clarinet Sectional
- Mark McGahey Clinics during each band class period
- 7am - Symphonic Band Flute and Oboe Sectional
- 4:40pm - Symphonic Band Low Reed Sectional
Friday 1/31
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Low Brass Sectional
- 7am - Symphonic Band Alto Sax Sectional
Saturday 2/1
- Band Blitz Sponsorship Fundraiser (Signup below - morning/early afternoon)
Week of 2/3
Monday 2/3
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Sax and Low Reed Sectional
Tuesday 2/4
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Trumpet and Horn Sectional
- 7am - Symphonic Band Low Brass Sectional
- 4:35pm - Symphonic Band Clarinet Sectional
- 4:45pm - Wind Ensemble Clinic w/ Mr. Merrill
Wednesday 2/5
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Flute and Oboe Sectional
- 7am - Symphonic Band Trumpet and Horn Sectional
Thursday 2/6
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Clarinet Sectional
- 7am - Symphonic Band Flute and Oboe Sectional
- 4:35pm - Symphonic Band Low Reed Sectional
Friday 2/7
- 7am - Wind Ensemble Low Brass Sectional
- 7am - Symphonic Band Alto Sax Sectional
Colorguard Success!
CONGRATULATIONS to our wonderful Colorguard on placing 4th place at the NTCA South Grand Prairie Contest on Saturday! We can't wait to see you at your next contest!
Mulch Madness!
SELL SOME MULCH! We have about 3 weeks to sell as much mulch as possible. The money raised will help with lesson and tuition scholarships, clinicians and technicians, and more! Fundraising helps lesson the financial burden put on our band families, and we want to keep our band fees lower than our competitors. Please help spread the good word!
Band Blitz is on Saturday 2/1. Anyone can sign up to volunteer! Student leaders and aspiring student leaders should sign up for a time slot to help us get a head start on corporate sponsorships!
Use THIS LINK to signup for a team!
New Sponsorship Form!
Trip Payments
The final payment is due 2/15 and is $250. See a director or email our Booster Treasurer at ghspiratebandtreasurer@gmail.com if you have any questions.
We are getting close!
Soccer Concession Signup
One of our biggest fundraisers each year is operating the concession stands at games, and we need your help! Please use this link to signup for a time. Thank you!
Mark Your Calendars
1/27 - Side by Side Night (8th graders and Wind Ensemble)
2/4 - Wind Ensemble Clinic AFTER SCHOOL with Mr. Merrill
2/10 - Band Booster Meeting
2/15 - Winterguard Contest at Chisholm Trail HS
2/18 - Symphonic Band Clinic AFTER SCHOOL with Mr. Merrill
Summer Band Dates
Most of the Dates for Summer Band have been added to the calendar! Make sure you add them to your calendar and are available for rehearsal each day. Our #1 core value is being present!
Please LIKE and FOLLOW our new Facebook Page, Granbury High School Band.
Band Calendar
Please access the calendar using the link below. It is also a tab on the website.
Calendar Instructions
- If you would like to sync the calendar to your computer or smartphone, click the Google calendar button at the bottom right of the calendar. Sign in with your Google account and add the appropriate calendars. Don't have a Google account? You can get one for free!
- Syncing vs. downloading: You can always download the calendar, but this does not give you realtime updates. Once you've downloaded and imported the calendar, it is static and will not reflect any changes.