News from the Nest
Del City High School #WatchDCSoar
This Week at DC: April 11-16
Easter Egg Hunt
Want to run for Class Office?
What to run for next years sophomore class, junior class or senior class officers. Applications are outside Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Shatswell, Mr. Riley and Mr. Litle's Rooms.
Applications are due Thursday, April 14 3pm
Senior Class Officers Class of 2022
Junior Class Officers Class of 2023
Sophomore Class Officers Class of 2024
Want to start a New Club for 2022-2023. Applications are due May 1.
Volleyball Try-Outs
Yearbook has made the decision to include prom and graduation in the yearbook. This means that yearbooks will ship July 30; we will set up an evening to get pick them up in early August. We will have signature/autograph pages in May. This also means you may still get your name personalized on the yearbook or order your own senior page. See Mrs. Terry in room D200 for details. Be sure to order your yearbook now to ensure you have one.
If you are interested in serving on the yearbook staff for 22-23, come by Mrs. Terry's room (D200) to pick up an application and find out details.
Purple Up for Military Kids
Who's Ready for Student Activities?
Mid-Del Calendar 2021-2022
Kristy Cooper
Email: kcooper@mid-del.net
Website: https://www.mid-del.net/o/dchs
Location: 1900 South Sunnylane Road, Del City, OK, USA
Phone: 405-677-57777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/delcityhighschool
Twitter: @delcityeagles