Lilja Lions
Your BiWeekly Update from Lilja Elementary School

March 7, 2025
Things To Know
All students will be dismissed at 12:10pm.
Please see this letter for information on class placement at Lilja for the upcoming school year. As a reminder, we create balanced cohorts of students, and teachers ensure that every child is placed with students with whom they are friendly. We do not accept teacher requests. Kindergarten families, please read carefully as it provides information on placement procedures for our multiage looping classroom; Families who wish to “opt-out” of the 1-2 multiage class placement must send a letter to Jovanne Buckmire at jbuckmire@natickps.org by April 1st. Thank you!
4th Grade: March 25 & 26th
3rd Grade: April 1 & 3
4th Grade: May 13 & 15
3rd Grade: May 6 & 7
As MCAS approaches, we want to reassure you that we are dedicated to supporting and preparing your children for success. We understand the expectations of this assessment and are committed to providing a positive and encouraging environment for your child. Together, we will work to ensure that each student feels confident and prepared. Please structure your routines so that your student gets plenty of rest and a good breakfast. Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in your child's education.
This is just a reminder that when you dismiss your child as a "parent walker" this is for true walkers who are walking to the school. Families should not be parking along the fence on Bacon St. for parent walkers. If you are driving to come pick up your child, please use the car pick up line. We need all families to follow the dismissal protocol for the safety of all students and Lilja neighbors. Thank you!
The Natick School Committee is looking for residents to join the Memorial School Building Committee (SBC) and play a key role in planning, designing, and overseeing the construction of the new Memorial Elementary School. For more information, visit this webpage. Submit your application by March 12, 2025. Thanks for your interest!
Override Information
Visit the FY26 Potential Budget Override dedicated webpage to keep up to date to stay informed today and throughout the weeks ahead.
Sign-up for alerts and receive updates on meeting notices, financial documents & more.
- Go to: https://www.natickma.gov/list.aspx?ListID=550 to receive regular updates. (Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage.)
Submit "Q&A Tool" questions & receive official responses from Town & NPS staff. (Responses will be published weekly, see the FY26 Potential Budget Override dedicated webpage for details.)
The next School-Town FY26 Potential Budget Override: Public Forums will be held on 2/11 and 3/12.
Kindergarten Registration!
Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by August 31st?
Contact us for information about the Kindergarten enrollment process which starts in February!
Action Required:
Please confirm your child's enrollment by completing our Google form ASAP:
Scanning the QR code with your mobile device, or
Typing the URL provided below
If you have any questions, please email us at lilja25-26@natickps.org.
To access the google form, scan the QR code below:
Or type this into your browser: https://forms.gle/fo8ER3fjG52AgLCj6
Important Dates:
February 2025: Registration and orientation information will be mailed to you upon confirmation and registration process begins
March 2025: The orientation process begins for fully registered students
Want to learn more about the PTO? Have a question or suggestion?
Visit us online at liljapto.org
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Bullying Incident Report
Use this form to report a bullying incident.