Ms. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
Our Week in Review
Important Information
Check it out!
The Austin Elementary PTO has organized our one and only fundraiser for the 2022-2023 school year. We are raising money to support many of our school wide activities and events, including Field Day, House Celebrations, teacher grants, etc.
Please consider registering your student and/or making a donation to our school by clicking the link: https://www.getmovinfundhub.com/classroom-teacher-webpage/63246ff72462b
Many thanks to all who have already registered and donated money. Our class is currently in 9th place.
We will have a school wide Color Fun Run on Thursday, November 3 to celebrate! Be on look out for more information from our wonderful PTO.
Family Friday Lunch
Beginning, Friday, October 14, you are invited to eat lunch at school with your child. We eat lunch in the cafeteria from 11:00-11:30 a.m.
Please click the link to RSVP. The office will have you pre-checked in and have your name tag ready! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Austin_Family_Fridays
Children who don't have parents attending, will be able to celebrate by having "Free Seating Day" with a friend!
Field Trip
We will need at least four parent volunteers. I hope that you will check your calendar and consider being a chaperone on this trip. Remember - you must have an approved Criminal Background Check on file.
Be on the lookout for a letter in your child's Red Folder that will provide more details on this fun and exciting day.
Week of October 11-14
We are reading...
*The House That Jane Built
*On Account of the Gum
*How To Build A Bird Feeder
*Moonlight, The Halloween Cat
Language Arts
*Phonics Workshop - I can read and spell long vowel words. Mystery of the Silent E - words that end with an "e" make the vowel in the middle say its name.
*Readers Workshop - I can notice and correct mistakes.
*Writers Workshop - I can plan and draft "How To" books using the steps of the writing process.
*Grammar Talk - I can make a space between words when I write a sentence.
*Handwriting - lower case u
*continue to learn about place value with numbers to 100
*compose and decompose numbers
*skip count forwards and backward by 10's
*represent numbers 0 to 100
*write numbers in standard and expanded form
*solve story problems
Social Studies
*what is a community
*identify leaders of community, state and nation
*describe what character traits are needed to a be a leader
*understand the concept of voting
Counselor's Corner
Hello Austin Families,
Our October Counselor's Corner Newsletter is published! You may access it by following the link below. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.
Joanna McFarling
Upcoming Events
Wear tennis shoes to P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Library books are due on Tuesdays.
iPads need to be charged each day.
Please provide headphones for your learner.
Upcoming Dates:
*October 10 - School Holiday
*October 25 - Field Trip to Coppell BioDiversity Center and Life Safety Park
*October 26 - Picture Day
*October 31 - Storybook Character Parade
*0ctober 31/November 4 - Red Ribbon Week
*November 3 - Color Fun Run
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C