Kindergarten Corner
Ms. Bradford, Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Stroyan
Welcome back to school. During the month of January we will be going to the Wild Life Zoo and celebrating the 100th day of school. We also will be learning about Martin Luther King Jr. Here is a look at January.
- Students will be learning the letters e, q, x, and z. We will learn s blends: sp, st, sl, sn. We will learn the sight words six, have, some, we, get, hot, or, and where.
We have been working on having students identify the different sounds in words (Beginning, middle, end, or all).
We have also been working on decoding and recoding (reading) nonsense words. Nonsense words are make believe words that can eventually have other letters added to them to form real words.
Students are currently working on one to one correspondence within 10. In the next weeks we will work on comparing numbers within 10 and using shapes to create more shapes.
Students are learning how to use math signs, number bonds, and different manipulatives in order to show an understanding of addition and subtraction as we review within 10.
If you have any questions or would like some extra practice sent home for your student, please contact your child’s teacher and they would be more than happy to provide some practice work.
- We will learn about different zoo animals and their characteristics. We will learn about living and non-living things.