College of Education Newsletter
November 2020
Message from the Dean:
This semester, I've had the privilege of teaching a class of 14 amazing undergraduate elementary and special education majors in ELSE 3308. Although I've worked extensively with the College Ambassadors, I haven't taught a class for a while. Although this is definitely an added responsibility, I must admit that teaching this class is sometimes the one thing I look forward to each week. The students are engaged, funny, passionate, and bright. I've pushed them to think about educational equity and inclusion and they have responded with incredible insight and openness. Every class discussion reminds me of the love I had (still have) for K-12 teaching and the hope I have for the future of education. If these young people (along with the other COE students) hold the future in their hands, we are in a good place. Here's to our students, undergraduate and graduate. Your work is preparing them to lead the way.
Vicki -
Comment from the Provost:
The most recent issue of the COE newsletter is outstanding, and I know it doesn't begin to capture all of the things going on in, and out of, the classroom. My sincere congratulations to the impressive, engaged, and connected faculty, staff, students and alumni of the COE! Thank you for making sure I'm on the distribution list. The newsletter brightened this rainy October day.
Patricia S. Poulter, EdD
Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs
MSERA 2020:
The Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA) had its first-ever virtual conference on October 28-29 and the leadership team diligently worked to ensure that it was high-quality, engaging, and enjoyable. This year’s theme was 20/20 Vision for Educational Research. There was a huge COE faculty presence throughout the conference, and they were involved in the following areas: leadership team, keynote speaker, mentors, professional development, and presenters. The following COE faculty were part of the leadership team: Rachelle Miller (President), Michael Mills (Program Chair), Nykela Jackson (Arkansas Director), and Stefanie Sorbet (Membership Committee Chair). Candice Barnes provided a dynamic keynote session titled, “Research Through the Lens of Equity,” that generated much engaging conversation. Rachelle Miller and Nykela Jackson mentored graduate students and new professional members during the MSERA Mentor Session. COE faculty were also involved in another ‘first’ for MSERA by offering MSERA’s first-ever post conference workshop. The workshop was titled, “Education Equity,” and it was a huge success. The following faculty conducted this workshop: Charlotte Green, Candice Barnes, Vicki Groves-Scott, Melissa Smith, and Donna Wake. In addition, our COE faculty presented numerous presentations throughout the conference. Their presentations are listed below:
Stefanie Sorbet and Candice Barnes - Using Positive Behavior Role Plays to Prepare Teacher Candidates for the Classroom: An Exercise for Classroom Management
Shannon D. Williams, Nancy P. Gallavan, Rhonda McClellan, Amy Baldwin, Taine Duncan, and Angela Webster - Relationships and Influences of Racial Identity Development and Leadership Identity Development on Black Men's Undergraduate College Persistence
Louis Nadelson, Shelly Albritton, Thomas Bruick, Valerie Couture, Charlotte Green, Stacey Loyless, Michael Mills, and Odunola Oyeniyi - The Education Equity Mindset of Post-Secondary Faculty Members
Stefanie Sorbet and Charles E. Notar - Establishing a Positive Classroom Design to Meet All Learners
Susan Perry and Stephanie Copes - The Debate between Decodable and Leveled Text and Meeting the Needs of All Students
Donna Wake, Julie Workman, and Karen Norton - Supporting Novice Teacher Induction for Increased Teacher Retention
Haihong (Helen) Hu and Uma Garimella - Algebra Connecting Concepts: An Evaluation of a Professional Development Program
Debbie Dailey, Jason Trumble, Michelle Buchanan, and Alicia Cotabish - Developing Engineering Design Skills in a Children's Summer Camp
Odunola Oyeniyi and Valerie Couture - A Comparison of First-Year Undergraduate and Graduate International Students’ Adjustment to College
Jessica Herring-Watson - Predicting Pre-Service Teachers’ Intention to Use Technology-Enabled Learning
Helen Hu, Donna Wake, and Erin Shaw - The Voices of AMI: From District Library Media and Instructional Technology Specialists
TeYhaunna Jackson and Nykela Jackson - Teachers’ Perceptions of Competency Based Curriculum
MSERA Achievements
COE faculty and graduates received several accolades throughout this conference. Michael Mills was elected as President Elect and Stefanie Sorbet was elected as Arkansas Director. Michael will complete his presidency in 2022, and the MSERA annual conference will be held in Little Rock that year.
Shannon Williams, a graduate from the Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Leadership Program was the recipient of the Herbert M. Handley Outstanding Dissertation Award. Jessica Watson-Herring, a faculty member in the Teaching and Learning Department, was the recipient of the Research In-Progress Award.
Living History Pandemic Project:
"We are living history and the documentation of our experiences is vital to future research." Tracie Rushing, Lecturer I in the department of Elementary Literacy and Special Education,
started the Living History Pandemic Project in the spring, after classes moved to online instruction, to give students a voice by collecting their experiences for the University Archives. Tracy said, "This summer, I asked the UCA Archives to digitize sections of their 9/11 collection. Students from my fall Instructional Strategies for K-6 Social Studies courses worked with these primary sources as an introduction to teaching history through primary source documents. This included the accounts of UCA students during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. From reading these, my students saw the value of preserving first-hand accounts and were eager to contribute artifacts to a collection on the pandemic."
Tracy was asked to share a five-minute video from this project at the CAHSS Webinar on the causes and consequences of pandemics. The following video is compiled from submissions received during a one-week period. No submissions or main thoughts were omitted.
Tracy said, "This is a powerful and honest statement of where our students are today. The video includes the reflections of UCA Education majors, along with two of our international students from Japan." She added, "I invite all who are interested in submitting their own written or recorded contributions and those who are interested in activities partnering with our international students to contact me at I hope this will offer insight into how the pandemic is affecting our student body."
COE Director of Development:
Greg Weber:
Greg Weber has been named the COE Director of Development. He brings thirty years experience as a business executive specializing in arts leadership, managing operations, building educational programming and producing international events at two of the largest cultural organizations in the United States. He has worked in 44 countries and produced shows with 120+ companies world-wide, producing more world premiere operas than any other active producer. As a fundraiser, he has been involved with generating over $20.8 million in annual campaign funding and he has been a leader in two capital campaigns totaling $12 million.
Greg has taught at Ohio Northern University and University of Missouri – Kansas City. He holds degrees from Ball State University and the University of Missouri – Kansas City, and studied and worked with the Moscow Art Theatre in Russia. He is passionate about collaboration, teamwork, leadership and organizational dexterity, which are the cornerstones for his success. His commitment to community and passion for innovation make him an excellent choice for the position of COE Director of Development.
Where Are They Now:
Amber Duvall:
Holly Moster:
Sydney Welch:
Faculty News:
Dr. Thomas Bruick:
Dr. Alicia Cotabish and Dr. Debbie Dailey:
Dr. Debbie Dailey:
Dr. Victoria Groves-Scott:
Dr. Odunola Oyeniyi:
Dr. Odunola Oyeniyi, Assistant Professor in the department of Leadership Studies, recently published an article in the Spring edition newsletter of the Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling.
Title: Substance Abuse in Adolescence: The Role of School Counselors.
Volume 7 issue 1, page 5-6
The article can be assessed from the link below:
Dr. Deanna Kay Rice:
Dr. Deanna Kay Rice, Assistant Professor in the department of Elementary, Literacy, and Special Education (ELSE), recently had her paper submission, "Alternative Methods of Instruction: A Phenomenological Study Exploring Early Childhood Educators' Experiences with Distant Learning," accepted for the 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting. Her paper was chosen as one of the selections out of more than 10,000 submissions.
The 2021 AERA Virtual Meeting will take place Friday, April 9-Monday, April 12, 2021.