PA Transition Tidbits
Updates and Events - May 2024
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
This year, NAMI is celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month with the Take the Moment campaign. We encourage you to join us in fostering open dialogues, cultivating empathy and understanding. We also urge you to share our resources to support individuals and families on their journey towards mental wellness. Through "Take the Moment," we shine a spotlight on NAMI's array of signature programs including: NAMI Basics, NAMI Family-to-Family, NAMI Family & Friends, NAMI Homefront, NAMI In Our Own Voice, NAMI Peer-to-Peer, NAMI Support Groups and our invaluable NAMI HelpLine, which is a free, nationwide peer-support service providing information, resource referrals and support to people living with a mental health condition, their family members and caregivers, mental health providers and the public.
This campaign also champions the importance of destigmatizing mental health by normalizing the practice of taking moments to prioritize mental health care without guilt or shame.
Looking for resources to support students with mental health needs?
PA 211
If you need to connect with resources in your community, but don’t know where to look, PA 211 is a great place to start. From help with a utilities bill, to housing assistance, after-school programs for kids, and more, you can dial 211 or text your zip code to 898-211 to talk with a resource specialist for free. Our specialists will listen to your needs, and give you information on programs in your community that might be able to help.
Specific to mental health, PA 211 has information about:
- Crisis Hotlines
- Accessing Mental Health Services
- Programs and Facilties
YOUth Can Do It!
Youth Engagement in PA
According to the CDC, in 2021, more than 4 in 10 (42%) students felt persistently sad or hopeless, and nearly one-third (29%) experienced poor mental health (CDC, 2023).
However, there are still significant challenges, especially regarding. Stigma often arises from a lack of understanding. By educating ourselves and others, we can break down these barriers and create a more supportive environment. It's important to realize that mental illness can affect anyone and is not a reflection of character. (NAMI, 2024)
Supporting someone with mental health issues involves listening without judgment, offering practical help, and encouraging professional treatment. Patience, regular check-ins, and emotional support are essential. Advocate for their needs and take care of yourself, as a caregiver, too.
The YES team highlights inclusivity and social acceptance of young people. This sense of belonging is crucial for mental health. YES have been engaged in supporting opportunities for youth to be a part of their secondary transition process leading to better competitive integrated employment outcomes which in turn leads to improved mental well-being. (University of Kansas, 2023)
Youth MOVE PA is a statewide youth & young adult advocacy organization dedicated to eliminating stigma surrounding mental health while promoting wellness and recovery for those seeking aid along their journey.
Youth MOVE PA also provides an array of training and educational opportunities for youth, young adults, and the professionals who work for them across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Youth MOVE PA staff are trained as Certified Peer Specialists (CPS) and/or Certified Recovery Specialist (CRS), giving us the ability to share our lived experience. Take a look at training offerings available.
Click ont he links to access the Youth MOVE PA resource hub and calendar.
Do you have a student that can benefit from practicing self-advocacy skills?
Would you like to increase student voice in the IEP (Individualized Education Program) process and meetings?
Are you looking for next steps on how to build partnership within your school and administration around student and family engagement?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, the Student- Led IEP (SLIEP) Process Resource Hub has ideas for you!
The Student-led IEP (SLIEP) hub has pages of ideas for teachers and school staff to use as they begin introducing and working with students with an IEP to learn to self-advocate and take ownership of their learning, build collaborations within and without the school building, and focus on transition and self-advocacy skills.
It also has an IEP information page that contains a digital copy of the IEP, annotated versions, teacher desk reference supports, timelines, acronym explanations, information about IEP writing course, and more!
There is also an infographic that highlights the benefits, for families, by being part of the SLIEP Process.
Check out the SLIEP hub at www:bit.ly/sliep
Please share the flyer and QR code with school staff, families and youth!
Announcing: PA Secondary Transition – Public Square
Looking for a place where you can Connect, Collect, & Contribute
to all things secondary transition?
Connect with people from across our state to collect
resources, share events and contribute stories about positive post-school outcomes!
Click here to create an account and login to join our PA Secondary Transition- Public Square.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C)
Are you looking to learn more information about transition?
Check out their Training Resource Library.
If you're new to transition, be sure to check out Transition 101!
Transition Events
ODP Employment Regional Symposium Closing the Gap: Achieving a Workforce with Different Abilities
Registration Now OPEN!
In this second annual ODP Employment Regional Symposium, participants will hear from employers about how, what, and why they hired individuals with developmental disabilities. Individuals who are employed and their teams will describe how having a job made a difference in their lives and the lives of their families. Representatives from the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), and the Bureau of Special Education will discuss collaboration across systems and offices with a focus on things that you thought might not be possible.
Who should attend?
Anyone interested in advancing the employment of individuals with developmental disabilities including but not limited to: current and future employers, local education authorities, intermediate units, ODP employment/community participation support/residential providers, supports coordinators, administrative entities transition counselors, regional employment coalitions, and OVR business liaisons.
All Sessions will run from 10 AM to 3 PM. Lunch will be provided. Morning beverages and snacks are on your own.
Session Dates and Location:
June 5, 2024
Tannersville, PA, Northampton Community College
June 12, 2024
Butler, PA, Monarch Institute
June 18, 2024
Malvern, PA, PaTTAN East
June 26, 2024
Bellefonte, PA, Central Penn Institute of Science and Technology
You will be prompted to select the location you wish to attend on the registration page.
For Questions, contact: PATraining@columbusorg.com
Save the Date: 2024 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference
Charting Your Course
July 31-August 1, 2024
Virtual and In-Person Opportunities Will Be Available
Penn Stater Conference Center - 215 Innovation Boulevard State College, PA 16803
More information available on the conference website!
Call for Vendors and Resources
The Pennsylvania Community of Practice Transition Conference Planning Team invites all interested profit and non-profit transition related agency/organizations who provide information to students with disabilities and/or their parents to reserve a table at the Accommodations, Supports & Resources Expo at the 2024 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference – Charting YOUR Course on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at the Penn Stater Conference Center, 215 Innovation Boulevard, State College, PA 16803. The Expo will be in-person beginning at 10:00 am and closing at 5:30 pm. This includes a Reception and Raffle scheduled from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
If you wish to reserve a table this year, please complete the following link at: https://forms.office.com/r/zM9ehNVYqh by July 5, 2024, to be included in the Expo program book.
Are you looking for transition events across PA?
This newsletter is brought to you by The Pennsylvania Community on Transition
The Pennsylvania Community on Transition is a group of various stakeholders from across Pennsylvania who work collaboratively to ensure appropriate transition outcomes for Pennsylvania youth and young adults.
The Pennsylvania Community on Transition is a state leadership team consisting of representative from: the State Departments of Education, Health, Labor and Industry, and Human Services; Various Serving Agencies, Young Adults, Parent Organizations, Advocates, Higher Education, and Employers.
The shared vision and common goals of the Pennsylvania Community on Transition is achieved when all PA youth and young adults with disabilities:
- Successfully transition to the role of productive and participating adult citizens
- Are empowered to recognize their talents, strengths, and voice
- Have equal access to resources that will promote their full participation in the communities of their choice.
Email: pasecondarytransition@gmail.com
Website: https://www.pasecondarytransition.com/
Phone: 4128266878
Twitter: @hmangiskuntz