Goodrich Middle School
September 2018
Welcome Back!
Student Announcements
Parents, did you know you can see the daily announcements that our students hear each day online at www.goodrichschools.org/GMS? Important updates, news and information will be listed under "Student Announcements." Here are a few of our most recent updates:
- Payments of $5.00 cash for GMS Press subscriptions are due back by September 6th. If you need an order form, there are copies on the table outside of the office.
- The office has a limited number of undated school planners available for $5.00. Stop by the office if you’d like to purchase one.
- 2018-2019 yearbooks are available for purchase online only again this year. They can be purchased for a discounted rate of just $35.00 until Sept. 14th. After that, the price will increase to $45.00, so have your parents order yours today! A link to order can be found on our website.
- 7th and 8th grade students, if you didn’t get a yearbook last year, our office has a few extra copies of last year’s yearbook available for just $20.00.
- Goodrich Homecoming Spirit wear order forms are now available. There are copies on the table outside of the office as well as on on the middle school website. All orders must be turned in by Sept. 17th.
- If you are interested in joining GMS Press Club, there is a sign-up sheet on the window of the office. The first meeting will be after school on Wednesday, Sept. 19th from 2:45-3:30.
- If you’re considering joining Student Council, please print your name and grade on the sign-up sheet outside of the office. The first meeting will take place Tuesday, Sept. 18th after school.
- If you’d like to take part in the design of our school yearbook this year, join Yearbook Club! The first meeting will be on Thursday, Sept. 20 after school until 3:30.
- GMS Dance Team Tryouts will take place Sept. 4th, 5th and 7th from 3pm-5pm in the Café. There are fliers outside of the office.
Welcome New Staff!
Please join us in welcoming our newest GMS Staff Members:
Mrs. Doyle - Science
Mr. Kreft – Science
Mrs. Jarman - Media Center Specialist/Parapro
Mrs. Reickel - Attendance Secretary/Clerk
Mrs. Relken - Speech
Mr. Wozniak - Assistant Principal
Student Drop-Off
Students are permitted to enter the building starting at 7:00am. Please do not leave your child unattended outside of the building before that time.
Upon entering the building, students should report directly to the cafeteria until 7:20am. Parents should use the circle drive at the front of school to drop children off. The south end parking lot (by the gym) is for bus drop off only. DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR CHILDREN BY THE BUS DROP OFF/GYM ENTRANCE!
After School Pick-Up and Transportation
Please note the following important safety rules for after-school pick-up and sports practices:
- After-School pick-up is at the north end parking lot ONLY.
- When picking up your student(s), please pull ALL the way forward. Your child(ren) will meet you along the sidewalk. They will be exiting from doors at the north end of the building.
- For safety reasons, students not picked up by 2:45pm will be sent back into the building to wait near the main entrance.
The circle drive near the flag pole/main entrance is for emergency vehicles ONLY.
- The circle drive AT OAKTREE is NOT an authorized pick-up area for middle school students.
- The parking lot AT OAKTREE is NOT an authorized pick up pick-up area for middle school students.
Unless your child(ren) rides the bus, is signed out for early release in the office by an authorized individual, they should be picked up in the parent pick-up/caravan line at the designated location at the north end of the middle school. Please share this information with anyone who may be picking up your child/children as well.
Student athletes should ride Shuttle Bus #5, which will transport athletes to the High School for practices.
Student Count Day - Wednesday, October 3rd!
Please make EVERY effort to ensure that your child is at school on time
and remains at school ALL DAY on Student Count Day!
Every student counts!
Middle School BOX TOP CHALLENGE --- September 24-28th!
2018-2019 GMS Yearbooks - ORDER YOURS TODAY!
2018-2019 yearbooks are available for purchase online only again this year. They can be purchased for a discounted rate of just $35.00 until Sept. 14. After that, the price will increase to $45.00, so order yours today!
Please note that yearbooks can ONLY be ordered online,
cash and checks will not be accepted in the office.
School Picture Day - September 26th!
GMS Spirit Week October 1st-5th
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Twin Day
Wednesday: Camo or Red/White/Blue Day
Thursday: Crazy Hair or Hat Day
Friday: Blue/Gold - Martian Gear Day
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Events!
Dates and times are subject to change.
Please check our school calendar at http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/Events/
for the most up-to-date information!
9/12: PTO Meeting - Oaktree Elementary - 9:00am
9/14: Discounted GMS 2018-2019 Yearbook orders due!
9/17: Spirit wear orders due!
9/18: 1st Student Council Meeting - all students welcome - 2:45-3:30pm
9/19: 1st GMS Press Club Meeting - all students welcome - 2:45-3:30pm
9/19: 8th Grade DC Trip Parent Information Meeting - 6:30pm - GMS Cafe'
9/20: 1st Yearbook Club Meeting - all students welcome - 2:45-3:30pm
9/21: No School
9/24-9/28: GMS Box Top Challenge
9/27: Parent Teacher Conferences - 3:30-7:00pm
10/1-10/5: Homecoming Spirit Week
10/2: Parent Teacher Conferences - 3:30-7:00pm
10/5: Goodrich Homecoming Football Game - 7:00pm - vs. Bendle
10/10: PTO Meeting - Oaktree Elementary - 9:00am
10/11-10/15: Fall Break (no school 10/11, 10/12, 10/15)
10/22-10/26: GMS Scholastic Book Fair - 7:30am-1:30pm
10/26: PTO Sponsored Haunted Trail - GMS Cafe and Gym - 6pm-8pm
10/31: Halloween Dance - GMS Cafe' - 2:32-4:00pm
PTO Updates and News
The Martian PTO is always looking for people that would like to get involved and volunteer their time. The next meeting is Wednesday, September 12th at 9:00am. All meetings take place at Oaktree.
Spirit wear can be purchased at any time through the K & C’s Special T’s website - https://kcspecialts.com/
Please email the Martian PTO at Martianptoinc@gmail.com or visit the Martian PTO Facebook page for more information.
GMS Attendance Policy
Please familiarize yourself with Goodrich Middle School's complete Attendance & Tardy policies, which can be found in our handbook on the GMS website at www.goodrichschools.org/GMS .
Please refer to the link below to access Goodrich Area Schools Child Find Annual Notice.
If you would like to make a referral and/or have any questions, please contact Michelle Flessa, Director of Student Services at 810-591-5222.
Fall Mum Sale!
Goodrich Middle School
Exceptional Education, Extraordinary People – We Are Goodrich!
Proud to be a Systems Accredited District.
The mission of Goodrich Area Schools is:
“Achievement for Every Learner”
Email: mdurant@goodrichschools.org
Website: http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/
Location: 7480 Gale Road, Goodrich, MI 48438, United States
Phone: 810-591-4210
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Goodrich-Area-Schools-750600228283708/?fref=ts