Irish Gifted Academy
Week of January 27th, 2025
Hey IGA Family!
I hope this letter finds you all warm and well after an eventful week filled with snow and winter fun! The recent winter storm brought a unique opportunity for families to spend quality time together, and I hope you were able to enjoy both the beauty of the snow and the joy of shared experiences.
During our asynchronous days, it was wonderful to see students engage in snow-filled learning activities from the comfort of their homes. We are so proud of the creativity and dedication our families and students showed in making the most of the week, balancing fun and learning seamlessly.
Friday’s return to campus was truly special. Even though it was just one day together, the joy of being reunited was undeniable. The hallways were filled with laughter and excitement as students shared stories of snowball fights, sledding adventures, and the incredible snow creations they built with their families. Hearing about all the fun activities was a reminder of the simple joys these moments bring.
We want to take another moment to celebrate our district spelling bee winners! Their dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and we are so proud of their achievements. Congratulations to our school level winners: Aria Turner, Camden Guyton, Braylen Lewis, and Jaiden Blackshear. A special congratulations to Jaiden Blackshear, our Dublin City Schools District Spelling Bee Champion for the second year in a row! Also congratulations to Camden Guyton who won 2nd place for our Dublin City Schools District Spelling Bee! These two students will represent the IGA and DCS well! We are so proud of you!
Additionally, a huge shout-out to our students and staff connected to Susie Dasher Elementary as their base school. Along with our Susie Dasher family, these students and staff have received recognition for being in the top 5% of Title I schools across the state of Georgia! This is a tremendous accomplishment that reflects the dedication of our entire district community. Please see the insert below for more details on this outstanding recognition.
As we settle back into our routine, I want to thank you for your flexibility, positivity, and continued support. It’s in times like these that our school community shines the brightest.
With Heartfelt Gratitude,
Mr. Taylor
Five Houses.....One IGA #Family
Susie Dasher Elementary School Recognized as Title I Reward School
We are proud to announce that Susie Dasher Elementary School has been recognized by the Georgia Department of Education as a Title I Reward School, a prestigious honor awarded to schools that rank among the top 5% of all Title I schools statewide. This award and recognition is also being celebrated by the Irish Gifted Academy as we, as a program, have teachers and students who are attached to Susie Dasher Elementary as their base school. These teachers' and students' hard work, resilience, and tenacity contributed to this accolade through their test scores and other data in conjunction our Susie Dasher family. Please join us in celebrating the entire Susie Dasher family!
This recognition reflects the significant progress Susie Dasher Elementary, and those attached to Susie Dasher Elementary from the Irish Gifted Academy, have made in improving the academic performance of all students. As the award celebrates Title I schools making the most progress in improving the performance of the all-students group over the most recent two years on statewide assessments.
This distinction is not only a celebration of the school’s success but also a testament to the strength of the Dublin City Schools community. Together, across each campus, we continue to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in education and a relentless focus on mastery of the curriculum.
Join us in congratulating our Susie Dasher Elementary family on both campuses for this well-deserved honor and recognition!
If you are wondering which school serves as your student's base school, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. No matter the campus, we are all one DCS family!
Launching Into Literacy
We're fortunate to have AMAZING community partners, like the Laurens County Library, who are beginning a new literacy club for families with children ages 6 months to 5 years old. Funded by a Dollar General literacy grant, Launching Into Literacy is designed to encourage reading and family engagement.
When families sign up, they'll receive:
- 2 to 3 books,
- Discussion questions and a craft activity for each book,
- Necessary craft supplies, and
- A caregiver guide with quick tips and activities to nurture literacy development!
All at NO COST!
Wondering how your family can participate? Visit the library for more information!
Coming Up...
- Monday, January 27th: Dublin City Board of Education Meeting at 6:00 PM
- Tuesday, January 28th: Irish Gifted Academy’s Parent Portal and ParentSquare Training from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM in the IGA Elementary Cafeteria
- Tuesday, January 28th: Dublin High School Basketball HOME vs Jefferson County High School {JV Boys at 4:30 PM; Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM; Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM}
- Tuesday, January 28th: Homestead Exemption Public Hearing at 6:00 PM in the Dublin High School Auditorium
- Wednesday, January 29th: Irish Gifted Academy LSGT Meeting at 4:00 PM in the Elementary Cafeteria
- Wednesday, January 29th: Dublin High School Football Banquet with Dinner at 6:00 PM and the Awards at 7:00 PM
- Friday, January 31st: Irish Gifted Academy Elementary Snow Day
- Friday, January 31st: Dublin High School Basketball AWAY @ Wheeler County High School {Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM; Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM}
- Saturday, February 1st: Dublin High School Wrestling HOME for Traditional Area
- Saturday, February 1st: Mother-Daughter Paint, Punch & Butterfly Brunch from 9:00 AM - NOON in the Dublin High School Cafeteria
- Saturday, February 1st: Dublin High School Basketball AWAY @ Toombs County High School {Varsity Girls at 4:00 PM; Varsity Boys at 5:30 PM}
- Tuesday, February 4th: Dublin High School Basketball HOME vs Washington County {JV Boys at 4:30 PM; Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM; Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM}
- Thursday, February 6th: Dublin High School Baseball AWAY at Swainsboro {Varsity Scrimmage at 5:30 PM}
- Friday, February 7th: Homestead Exemption Public Hearing at 12:00 PM NOON in the Dublin High School Auditorium
- Friday, February 7th: Dublin High School Basketball AWAY @ Dodge County {JV Girls at 4:00 PM; JV Boys at 5:00 PM; Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM; Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM}
- Saturday, February 8th: Dublin City Schools' Career Expo at the Irish Gifted Academy's Middle Grades Building from 10:00 - 11:30 AM
- Saturday, February 8th: Dublin High School Wrestling AWAY at Sectionals @ Social Circle High School
- Saturday, February 8th: Dublin High School Irishettes AWAY @ Washington County High School's Heart of GA Dance Invitational
- Saturday, February 8th: Dublin High School Basketball AWAY @ Treutlen High School {JV Boys at 4:30 PM; Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM; Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM}
Click Below to Access Our FY25 Student Handbook
Dress Code Reminder
Attendance Policy
Visit Here to Learn Ways You Can Volunteer at IGA! #BetterTogether
If you are able to assist us in any of the below capacities, please reach out to Mr. Taylor at matt.taylor@dcsirish.com. We are so grateful for the village we have!
- Assist with Check In / Check Out Process for Books in Our Reading Corner
- Assist with Interior Painting / Decor
"Five Houses....One IGA #Family" -- House Background and Information
Isibindi — House of Courage — Language (Zulu) — Country (South Africa) — Animal (Lion)
Altruismo — House of Givers — Language (Portuguese) — Country (Brazil) — Animal (Snake)
Amistad — House of Friendship — Language (Spanish) — Country (Mexico) — Animal (Peacock)
Reveur — House of Dreamers — Language (French) — Country (France) — Animal (Wolf)
Nukumori -- House of Kindness -- Language (Japanese) -- Country (Japan) -- Animal (Dragon)
Altruismo -- House of Givers
Nukumori -- House of Kindess
Isibindi -- House of Courage
Reveur -- House of Dreamers
Five Houses.....One IGA #Family
Amistad -- House of Friendship
About Us
Email: matt.taylor@dcsirish.com
Website: https://iga.dcs.irish/en-US
Location: 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, Dublin, GA, USA
Phone: 478-353-8450
Facebook: facebook.com/irishgiftedacademy