Cheetah Newsletter
Cooperative - Accountable - Respectful - Enthusiastic - Safe
May 3, 2024
A Message from the Principal
Dear Families,
Believe it or not it’s the time of year we start to think about next school year! As we begin to intentionally plan class placement for 2024-25, we want to partner with you for input. Below are two important forms to help our planning for next school year. Keep reading below for more full information or simply click these links:
→ Parent/Guardian Input Form for Classroom Environment 2024-2025 at Chain Lake Elementary
→ Chain Lake Elementary New or Non-Returning Student Confirmation Form 2024-25
Next week I am so excited, with the help of our PTA, to celebrate all the adults in our building during Staff Appreciation Week, May 6th-10th. From teachers & specialists to paraeducators, from office staff to bus drivers, from cafeteria staff to custodians, EVERY adult plays an essential role in supporting our Cheetahs throughout their elementary journey. They inspire, motivate, and empower students to reach their full potential. We could not do what we do without each of the incredible adults who work with students each day.
If you would like to show our staff your appreciation for what they do each day for our students, we know that they would love to receive a note with words of encouragement, appreciation, and gratefulness. Your personal words mean the world!
“Behind every child who believes in themselves is a teacher who believed in them first.”
Is Your Student Missing their Glasses?
Staff Favorites
If you would like to recognize staff members during Staff Appreciation please check out the staff favorites links below.
Chain Lake Elementary Night with the Mariners
Sponsored by the CLE PTA
The Seattle Mariners are extending a discount ticket offer to the students, parents, faculty and staff at our school! Enjoy a special outing with your friends and family members!
Game Date:
Athletics vs Mariners
Friday, May 10th - 7:10pm
$25 Main Level Seats
$15 View Level Seats
This special offer is for all students and their families. If you would like to sit with another family, please place one order for the entire group. Orders are filled on a first come first serve basis and are based on availability. Order Now!
To order tickets, please visit the site below:
Deadline to order is 5/9/2024! - Questions? Contact Carlene Freil at chainlakepta@gmail.com.
Cheetahs of the Week
Upcoming Events
May 6-10 - Staff Appreciation Week
May 6th - Snapology: Kinderbots Robotics Engineering, Grades K-2 Starts
May 8th - Aron Steinke Author Visit @ CLE
May 10th - Dress Like Your Teacher Spirit Day
May 10th - CLE Night With The Mariners
May 14-23 - SBAC Testing Window
May 17th - Hat Spirit Day
May 21st - PTA Meeting
May 28-June 6 - SBAC Testing Make-ups
May 31 - Bearcat Spirit Day
May 31 - PTA Bingo Night
June 4th - Art Walk
June 7th - Dress Like a Celebrity Spirit Day
June 12th - Field Day
June 14th - Animal Spirit Day
June 18th - School BBQ
June 21st - Hawaiian Spirit Day
June 21st - Last Day of School, 12pm release
Spirit Day
Dress Like Your Teacher
May 10th
Hat Day
May 17th
Bearcat Day
May 31st
Input Forms for 2024-2025
In thinking towards next year, in a few weeks teachers will begin the process of creating class groupings for the 2024-25 school year. I can assure you that Chain Lake teachers devote much time, effort and care in developing classroom rosters. Every child is given equal consideration in the placement process to support our goal of a positive and strong educational experience for each child. Our student placement process is guided by the following beliefs and principles:
Every child’s placement is important and deserves careful consideration.
Every Chain Lake teacher is dedicated to high academic standards and meeting the learning and social needs of each child.
Students benefit from new experiences.
Balanced classrooms should reflect our diverse society.
We also recognize that you may have additional insights that help us ensure a productive year. For those who would like to provide input regarding the classroom environment for next year, you will find a link to the optional parent/guardian input form. Please know that we cannot accommodate requests for specific teachers. Completion of this form is optional and parents/guardians wishing to share input should complete the form online by Wednesday, May 15th.
Thank you for your support in helping us place your child in the learning environment that supports him or her the most. Chain Lake Elementary remains dedicated to providing your child with a quality and enriching learning experience.
New or Non-Returning Student Confirmation Form
To help with a more accurate enrollment projection for the coming year, we would like to know if you have a new kindergartner entering school or a child/ren not returning to Chain Lake Elementary this coming fall.
Complete the questions below and return this form to Chain Lake Elementary School by
May 8th. One form per family is all we need to have returned.
SBA Testing Schedule 2024
Important Notes:
These are the scheduled dates that ALL 3rd - 5th graders will be testing. We appreciate you making note of the schedule and planning any doctor appointments /family trips around these dates as much as possible.
Being at school on time everyday is vital as testing will begin first thing each morning. Being on time every day will help prevent your student from feeling rushed and from missing out on class directions.
All electronic devices will be turned off and placed out of student reach. We would appreciate you talking to your student about this prior to testing so they are prepared. If you need to connect with your student, please call our school office at 360-804-3100.
Eating healthy and getting a great night's sleep is important to helping your student be ready to give their best effort during this time.
Yearbooks are Still Available......
Still need a yearbook? Yearbooks are $30 and are still available through the main office on a first come first serve basis. Please send a either cash or check made out to CLE PTA.
Chain Lake Elementary Art Walk
We hope you can join us for our all school student art exhibition!
Date: Tuesday, June 4th
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Location: Gym and Galleria
24-25 Kindergarten Registration
Incoming Kindergarteners Register NOW for Fall 2024
All Monroe elementary schools offer all day, every day kindergarten at no cost to families. Students attend from 8:55 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. State law requires incoming kindergarten students to have received current immunizations by the first day of class and be age 5 by August 31, 2024 to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year.
Families may register online by clicking on the button below or by picking up a paper packet from our school office.
Library Corner
This week in the library we are reading the book: Sophie Peterman tells the Truth, written by Sarah Weeks and illustrated by Robert Neubecker. It's a very silly book about a girl who has to adapt to having a younger sibling and how she thinks it's awful at first, but then learned to be flexible and adapt to the changes and actually started to enjoy being a big sister in the end. The students laughed and giggled the whole way through the story and it caused some amazing conversations about learning to be flexible and adapting to change.
This week in makerspace the kids have been definitely focusing their attention to the loom bands (HUGE thank you to the parent who along with myself supplied some more refill kits for the loom bands) and also crocheting has been a very popular attraction in makerspace once again, along with Legos and the builder section. We are always open to donated craft items for makerspace, items can always be dropped off in the front office and we also try to keep an up to date amazon wish list as well of items that have been needed and asked for. The wish list can be located here: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2Z4W4RIQXGNI?ref_=wl_share
Happy Reading & Creating,
Mrs. Swalwell
Daily Gym Sock
The theme for the week will be teamwork. We will be playing pirate ball, capture the chicken and space invaders. Please remember to wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes.
Mr. Christy & Miss O’Brien
Art Wall
We will continue with our rural animals unit and add some second semester art work to our posters.
Mrs. Frank
Tech Talk and Music Jam
In digital learning, third through fifth graders are advancing their Sam Lab skills using a block based coding platform called Sam Blockly to program a remote controlled car. After building a schematic and entering in the proper numeric values, students connect bluetooth motors to their Chromebooks and drive the cars around. In K-2, students are using Book Creator to write a story about their favorite animal or comic book hero. This program uses text, images, and even speech and thought bubbles to quickly build slick comic books.
In music, third through fifth graders continue to build their skills collaborating, writing, and practicing original songs with a ukulele. Younger students are building skills in rhythm and song through cup games, rhythm racers, and interactive songs.
Weekend Food Bag Program
In cooperation with Sky Valley Food Bank and Maltby Food Bank we provide a weekly food bag (under 5 lbs) to students that opt in to this program. The food bags have snacks, canned meat etc. The food bags will be delivered to your student's classroom and will come home with them weekly on Thursday or Friday.
Please fill out this form to request food bags.
Watch D.O.G.S
If you are interested in volunteering or there is any possibility of volunteering during the year, please fill out the volunteer form now. It is best to go through the process now so you will be approved before the day you want to volunteer. The safety of our students is our top priority, so we cannot have any volunteers on our campus that have not been cleared. We encourage everyone to volunteer - parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and anyone who wants to support our students or staff.
We love our volunteers!
From the Health Room:
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. The phone number in the health room is 360-804-3132 and the best email address is corriem@monroe.wednet.edu.
Where to go at CLE
Assoc. Principal - AJ Adamski
Counselor - Heather Mitchell
Office Manager - Kathy Bruning
Office Support - Rose Chapman
Health Room - 360.804.3132
24-hour Attendance Hotline - 360.804.3101
Fax - 360.804.3199
Bus Delay Information - 360.804.2951
Transportation Office - 360.804.2650
School Hours are 8:55 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 8:55 a.m. to 2:25 p.m. on Fridays
Website: www.monroe.wednet.edu
Location: Chain Lake Elementary School, Chain Lake Road, Snohomish, WA, USA
Phone: 360.804.3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChainLakeElementary
The Monroe School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX Coordinator, Compliance Coordinator for 28A.640 and 28A.642 RCW
Dan Johnston
14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 804.2530
Title IX Training Materials
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
David Paratore
14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 804.2609
For information regarding translation services or transitional bilingual education programs, contact:
Chris Cronas
14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 804.2558