LHS Bolts Bulletin
September 2024 Edition
Welcome Back!
Learning is back in full swing here at LHS! We have been busy settling into new routines, acclimating to new classrooms, and learning our schedules. We are excited to see what this school year has in store!
Welcoming our new principal!
Dr. Becker will be joining us at the end of September! We are thrilled for him to join the team at LHS!
Upcoming Events
β‘οΈ9/2: Labor Day (No School)
β‘οΈ9/11-9/13: Senior Yearbook Photos
β‘οΈ9/20: District Pep Rally (during school) & Homecoming Parade (evening)
β‘οΈ9/21: Homecoming Dance
β‘οΈ9/23: Mid Marking Period
β‘οΈ9/27: LHS Picture Day
Important Information
Work Permits
In Pennsylvania, minors are required to obtain a work permit before starting their first job. Our process is simple. As a current student you need to complete the Work Permit Application and return it to Mrs. Ortman. Click the link to be directed to a printable work permit application
Student Schedules
With a week in, students are still getting to know their schedules. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your current schedule, or would like to make a schedule change, please reach out to the counseling department.
Schedule changes are due by Wednesday, September 4th!
Senior Class of 2025π
Graduation communications will be beginning starting in October! (including links for Cap & Gown Ordering Information)
Please be checking parent/student emails for more information.
PSAT Signups
Does every student have to take the PSAT?
- Students are not required to take the PSAT
- PSAT testing is for those students who want to prepare for the SAT test
- Cost is $18. Make payment online via school website (Click HS PSAT) or send check made out to LHS to main office (Include student ID number and PSAT in notes)
- Make the online payment or send in your $18 check.
- The Counseling Department will register your student once payment is received.
10/9/24: PSAT test
To Pay Online: https://lasdk12.revtrak.net/ click "High School Counseling" and then "HS PSAT"
Financial Aid Night
Our LHS Counseling Department is hosting a financial aid night on Monday, September 23rd at 6:00PM in room 112 at the high school. Come out and prepare for your future education after high school!
ASVAB Testing
All Juniors will automatically be signed up. Opt out information will go out in early September from the Counseling Department. Sophomores and Seniors can take the test. Look for information on how to opt in coming in early September.
ASVAB Testing Date is Wednesday, October 30th
Attendance Information
Do you need to send in an absence form or early dismissal for your student? Utilize the new feature in Sapphire Portal to upload absences and early dismissals!
Once in your students portal:
1. Click on the left hand side under Student Data Forms tab
2. Click LHS Absentee Excuse Note Submission or LHS Early Dismissal Note Submission
3. Enter information and click submit when done. You can upload doctors notes etc. using the upload tab. (For early dismissals enter time and reason)
Google Forms for Absences will not be available this year. For your students absence or early dismissal use the Sapphire Portal, send in a note with your student, or email
Mrs. Kraus krausl@lasd.k12.pa.us (For Grades 10 & 12)
Mrs. Ortman ortmank@lasd.k12.pa.us (For Grades 9 & 11)
LHS Homecoming Events
Celebrate your Thunderbolt Pride!β‘
District Pep Rally
Friday, September 20th during the afternoon of the school day at Thunderbolt Stadium
Homecoming Parade
Homecoming Parade at 6:00PM on Friday, September 20th. Followed by Bolts vs York County Tech at 7:00PM at Thunderbolt Stadium
Homecoming Dance
Saturday, September 21st 6-9PM LHS Cafeteria
Tickets are $20 each and will be sold during lunch periods closer to the time
Guest forms are available outside the Main Office
September Upcoming College/Military Visits
College visits happen during lunch periods. No registration needed.
Penn State Mont Alto
Thursday, September 5th
McDaniel College
Tuesday, September 17th
University of Pittsburgh Bradford
Wednesday, September 18th
LHS Picture Day
Order your LHS Yearbook
Use www.yearbookordercenter.com to order and enter code 25303. The deadline to order is October 27th.
Construction Update
Please be advised of the new ONE WAY traffic pattern behind Littlestown High School. All traffic must proceed one way UP the hill next to the track (previously all traffic was one way down the hill). The traffic pattern is in effect until further notice due to current construction. This applies to all hours of the day not just school hours. Evening participants should be abiding to the new traffic pattern also. Thank you for your continued patience!
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Update
The Littlestown High School FBLA chapter attended this year's National Leadership Conference in Orlando Florida this summer. The chapter was proudly represented by nine attendees. Members attended Kennedy Space Center, opening session where Littlestown's own Nathan Lehigh took the stage as part of the National Parliamentarian's Council showcasing Littlestown's presence on a national level, competitions showcasing their skills in performances including sales presentation and job interview, attended workshops, an exclusive night at Universal Studios, and even a scavenger hunt. The closing ceremony was a highlight as Littlestown's very own advisor Mr. Scott Staub was honored on stage as part of the Who's Who recognition for being Pennsylvania's Advisor of the Year. Congratulations to Mr. Staub and the whole FBLA Team! We are so proud to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) team! π Your achievements are a testament to your commitment to excellence and leadership. Keep up the fantastic work, and hereβs to many more successes in the future!ππ
Nurses Corner
Welcome Back to School everyone.
Please be sure to completely fill out the Annual Health Survey/Emergency Contact form and return it to the main office ASAP.
Reminder students can not carry any medications with them in school. This includes cough drops and over the counter medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, vitamins, or supplements. If your student needs to have medication or needs a cough drop, Tylenol or Ibuprofen, they can visit the health room for these medications.
The health room does not have any allergy/cold medicine. If your child needs allergy/cold medicine please be sure that they are taking it prior to coming to school and that it will last for 8 hours to get the student through the day.
If you have a student that is in 11th grade, please turn in their physical forms to the health office along with an updated immunization form if you have not already done so.
Please be sure that your student(s) are eating breakfast in the morning so that they can have the fuel they need to get through the morning and be ready to learn. All students may get one breakfast for free each day this year in the cafeteria. Please remind students to stop by and grab something to eat.
Please remind your students to be safe when coming to school whether they are driving, walking, or riding the bus. Thank you.
Stay up to date with Littlestown Athletics:
School Counselor Appointment Request
Pre-Approved Planned Family Trip Request
LHS Student Handbook 2024-2025