College & Career Center Newsletter
February 2025
It's Scholarship Season...Are You Ready?
- Activities Chart/Resume
- Letters of Recommendation (from teachers, pastor, employer, coach, etc.)
- FAFSA Submission Summary
- Photos, Certificates, Proof of Involvement
- Gather these items now and you'll be prepared later!
Free Scholarship Writing Workshop - Feb 8th
Upcoming Opportunities at Barlow
ASVAB Testing
The ASVAB is a standardized test on science, math, and language that helps identify which careers may be a good fit for you.
February 18th @ 11:30 in the library
Sign Up
Upcoming College Visits
All grades are welcome to attend the visits in the library and will be excused from class to do so.
Stop by the College & Career Center to get a pass to attend or students will be excused following the event.
2/14 - Corban University @ 1:30pm
3/10 - California Baptist University @ 1:40pm
CORE Manufacturing Pre-Apprenticeship Info Session
Seniors: Manufacturing Pre-Apprenticeship participants will gain relevant industry specific technical knowledge and employability skills. Successful graduates will have an opportunity for a paid internship or direct employment with a local manufacturing company.
February 12th @ 10:10 in the library. You will be excused from class to attend but please check in with your teacher for any missed work.
MHCC Placement Test at Barlow March 5th
Seniors, We will be offering the MHCC placement test here at Barlow on March 5th at 2:30pm. The test is used to determine Reading, Writing and Mathematics course placement and prerequisite levels. The test is a computer-based, multiple-choice test. Students that believe they may place higher than their transcript grades should take this test. Please register here by Feb 19th.
Please contact the College and Career Center for more information.
Scholarships, Scholarships...
Scholarships to Consider
Grieg Lodge Scholarship (seniors) due Feb 1
Renaissance Scholarship (seniors) due Feb 1, & May 1
PCC Foundation Scholarship (seniors) due Feb. 1
Al Forthan Scholarship (seniors) due Feb. 3
McDonalds Hacer Scholarship (Hispanic heritage/senior) due Mar 6
Bruin Pride Scholarship (seniors) due Feb. 7
ACPE Technology Careers Scholarship (seniors) due Feb. 9
Daniel Paul Memorial Scholarship (senior athletes)-due Feb. 19
Atsuhiko Tateuchi Memorial Scholarship-(seniors, Asian/Pacific Islanders) due March 1
Ford Family Foundation Scholarship (seniors)-due March 3
PCC Future Connect-(seniors) due March 1
OSAC Scholarship (seniors)-due March 3 (Feb 18-Early bird deadline)
EMAR Scholarship (seniors) due March 10
PNACAC Scholarships (seniors)-due March 15
MHCC Foundation Scholarship (seniors) due March 31
Dale Krueger Scholarship (seniors) due April 1
Coast Guard Foundation Scholarship (senior-dependent child of a coast guard member) due April 1
Gresham Rotary MHCC Scholarship-(seniors) due April 10
Diversity in Leadership in Oregon Scholarship (seniors) due March 3
Horatio Alger Scholarship (juniors) due March 1
Other Horatio Alger Scholarships (trades, target major or state scholarships) due June 15
OSEA Guy Davis Scholarship (seniors) due March 1 Must have a parent in OSEA union
Comprehensive Scholarship List
https://jlvcollegecounseling.com/scholarships/ this list breaks scholarships out by date/major/age etc.
Scholarship Reporting
Seniors, please don't forget to report ANY scholarships offered to you to the College & Career Center. You can forward an email, tell us in person, make a copy of an award letter...whichever method you prefer. Please tell us about ALL scholarships offered to you, not just the ones you accept.
Tia Molony
Seniors, Dale Krueger Scholarship is Open! Due April 1
Seniors: Learn more about the scholarship.
Remember, the Krueger Scholarship has TWO parts. One is the online application that goes to US Bank and the second part is an optional 10 page exhibit document emailed to: molony5@gresham.k12.or.us. Do NOT just share the exhibit pages from your drive. They must be emailed. See the instructions manual.
SBHSAA Scholarship is Open! Due March 31
To provide a personal growth scholarship to one or more deserving graduating seniors interested in or pursuing post-high school course of study at either college/university or other post-secondary educational institution, programs offered in trades, professional fields and academic areas. The definition of personal growth is the ongoing process of understanding and developing oneself in order to achieve one’s fullest potential.
Upcoming Field Trips
PCC Rock Creek Campus-Diesel Mechanic & Auto Repair Visit
February 27th @ 7:35 am - 11:15 am
Spots are limited, priority to Fast Track Juniors and Seniors.
Sign up here: PCC Visit 2/27
MHCC Preview Day - March 4
Attention, seniors! Dive into life at Mt. Hood Community College with this exciting event. Hear firsthand experiences from current MHCC students and get your questions answered during an engaging Q&A session. Wrap up the day with a personalized campus tour, where you’ll explore classrooms, facilities, and everything that makes MHCC the perfect place to start your college journey. Transportation is provided. Space is limited, sign up asap.
When: Tuesday, March 4th
Time: 9:00AM to 12:00PM
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/G9aaE826UMYDW5dj6
Parent Permission Slip: English, Spanish
***Permission slip must be returned to the College and Career Center by Feb 18th.
Great Opportunity for Youth Ages 14-17
Soul River Outdoor Education Program - Due March 1
Soul River Inc. specializes in outdoor experiential education, bringing together youth and Veterans as mentors, taking them into environmentally threatened wild spaces to help raise awareness of conservation issues and help youth grow into young environmentally conscious leaders and advocates.
To find out more, visit the website at https://soulriverinc.org/deployments/ or see flyer for more info.
Volunteer at the Habitat for Humanity Restore! Feb 11
This opportunity is for juniors and seniors to get some volunteer hours, have fun and do something great for your community. You will leave school at 2:30pm on February 11th with Mrs Collins and return to Barlow at 5:30pm. Transportation is provided or you may drive there yourself.
More info about the Gresham ReStore: https://volunteer.habitatportlandregion.org/agency/detail/?agency_id=112884