A Message From Mr. Salfia
December 17, 2024
Dear Spring Mills High School Community:
I am writing to inform you about an incident that occurred this morning involving a report of a weapon in the parking lot of SMHS campus. Upon receiving this information, the Sheriff's Department was immediately contacted and worked closely with school administration and our School Resource Officer to investigate the matter.
During the investigation, it was determined that a student had brought a pistol and a crossbow to school, leaving them in their vehicle. Both weapons were located and secured. Additionally, in an unrelated situation, a pellet gun was discovered in another vehicle in the parking lot. Both matters were addressed with great urgency and at no point was there a threat to the safety of our students or staff.
The safety and well-being of our school community remain my highest priority. Thank you to those who reported the concern, allowing us to respond quickly and effectively.
Although these situations were resolved without harm, the students involved will face serious consequences. I ask that you remind your students to make responsible and positive behavioral choices.
Thank you for your continued trust and partnership in maintaining a safe school environment. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Mark Salfia
Principal, Spring Mills High School
This message was shared on December 17, 2024.
Email: msalfia@k12.wv.us
Location: 499 Campus Drive, Martinsburg, WV 25404
Phone: (304) 274-5141