Cherrydale Primary School
Cheetah Newsletter May 10, 2024
From the Office
We want to thank our Cherrydale PTA, families and students for such a wonderful week of kindness and appreciation! The delicious meal on Thursday and the various gifts and sweet treats throughout the week brought smiles to our faces. You all are what makes Cherrydale a great place to be!
We have 22 more school days left! These last few weeks are important, especially as 3rd grade testing begins next week. See Looking Ahead below for details.
~Principal Douglas
Each spring we ask parents to complete an Intent to Return Survey to let us know your family’s intentions for the next school year. By completing this survey, you are helping us plan for future staffing, supplies, class rosters, and curriculum. We have a 75% response rate so far but we need 100% participation! Please take a moment and let us know if your Cherrydale student is planning on staying in the Steilacoom Historical School District, whether at Cherrydale or moving up to Saltar's Point. Thank you for your cooperation!
3rd Grade SBAC testing is coming up! Your student's attendance on the following dates is crucial: May 14, 16, 17, 21, 22. Thank you so much for your cooperation! For more details, please contact your child's teacher.
May & June 2024
05/15 - ACE Day - 2:35 release
05/21 - Purple Up!
05/21 - Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
05/22 - ACE Day - 2:35 release
05/23 - Day of Champions
05/24 - No School - Unused Snow Makeup Day
05/27 - No School - Memorial Day
05/28 - 3rd Grade Zoo Field Trip
05/29 - ACE Day - 2:35 release
05/29 - Kindergarten Here I Come
05/31 - Field Day (back up day 6/7 if weather necessitates)
06/05 - ACE Day - 2:35 release
06/05 - Beach Day for K/1
06/06 - Beach Day for 2/3
06/10 - PTA General Meeting
06/11 - Kindergarten Graduation
06/12 - ACE Day - 2:35 release
06/13 - Last Day of School - Half Day 12:35 release
Ordering Extended!
Scan QR Code or click photo to order your 2023-2024 Cherrydale Cheetah yearbook now! Delivery date and cover contest winner will be communicated when available.
Check out the Cherrydale Families Facebook page!
For more information about the PTA, click Cherrydale PTA
To contact the PTA, email them at CherrydalePTA@gmail.com
To get clearance so you can help with upcoming PTA events (or ANY Cherrydale events), click Volunteer at Cherrydale. Once you are cleared you can let the PTA know of your interest and availability. You MUST be a CLEARED volunteer to help with any events or to participate in anything on the Cherrydale Campus.
Watch D.O.G.S.
Our Watch Dads Of Great Students are the BEST!
Students are so excited when their Family Member(s) come to volunteer!
Contact cherrydalewatchdogs@yahoo.com for schedule of opportunities!
Counselor's Corner
Love & Logic Articles From Our Counselor
Would picking up a weekly bag of non-perishable groceries help your family? To participate on Cherrydale's Weekend Grocery Program, send a ParentSquare message to Lanae Olson (Cherrydale's School Counselor) or leave her a voicemail at 253-983-2504. Click here to see original post.
Looking for a way to help others? Click Steilacoom Food Pantry and Caring for Kids
A big thank you to all of the PeaceBuilders "Helping Others" in our community!
May's Menu
Click to view menu on website (scroll down to find the current month) or you can print the attachment below.
Please discuss each day's menu choices with your student to prepare them to make their choice. Keep in mind that breakfast is $2.50 and lunch is $3.75, unless you have been approved for Free or Reduced Breakfast & Lunch benefits.
Sentinels Youth Football & Cheer
Kindergarten Here I Come 5/29
Summer Camps 2024
Kiwanis Run/Walk 5/19
Discovery Walk 5/19
Oakbrook Swim & Tennis
Helpful Links
Cherrydale Primary School
Phone: (253) 983-2500
Email: cherrydaleoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Website: https://www.steilacoom.k12.wa.us/
Location: 1201 Galloway Street, Steilacoom, WA, USA
Steilacoom Historical School District No. 1 provides equal access to all programs or activities without discrimination based on race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Allegations or concerns can be reported to the following staff:
Issues related to Section 504
Gudrun Sullivan, Executive Director of Student Services
511 Chambers Street
Steilacoom, WA 98388
Issues related to Title IX, Title VII, ADA, Civil Rights
Susanne Beauchaine, Executive Director for Human Resources
511 Chambers Street
Steilacoom, WA 98388
The complaint procedure for any allegations of discrimination can be found in District Board Policy 3210P (students) and 5010P (employees).
Secretary at Cherrydale Primary School in Steilacoom, Washington