The Borromeo School Bulletin #72
September 15, 2022

February 16, 2023- Edition #90
St. Charles Borromeo School
Email: principal@borromeoschool.com
Website: www.borromeoschool.com
Location: 431 Decatur Street, Saint Charles, MO, USA
Phone: 636-946-2713
Facebook: facebook.com/SCBSchool
Notes from Dr. Mullenschlader
Update: Coming early next week, I will be sending a letter on the state of the school. The letter will include information leading up to the preparation for the Night at the Derby Auction in April. We are really excited about this event. We hope that the state of the school letter and video attached will help promote the school and share the message of our school mission.
Registration Note: If you are a current school family and have not registered yet. We need you to complete the registration process.
Fish Fry Signups Available Now!
UPDATE: We need desserts donation for the fish fry, If you need to, you can drop them off at the office.
Lent is right around the corner! Our parish and school's second largest annual fundraiser are here: the fish fry. As you may recall, when you signed all the back- to- school forms there was a part indicating that working the picnic and the fish fry were expectations for SCB parents to work. Each family is required to work (2) 2 hour shifts during the 6 weeks/Fridays of fish fries. The fish fries are an integral component which allows the parish to help subsidize our school's existence.
While you may work any shift you'd like, we do encourage the grade levels to take various weeks to cover. Please check out the grade level assigned weeks and maybe partner up with another family. Fish fries are a big and fun part of St. Charles Borromeo's fellowship!
Should you have to cancel your shift after you sign up, please find a replacement. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to the committee at scbfishfry@gmail.com or Tammy Buehler, Volunteer Coordinator 314-691-1774. Thank you for helping fill over 400 shifts to make this year's fish fries a success!
Signup genius link- 2023 SCB Fish Fry
FEBRUARY 24TH - Grades 6, 7, 8
MARCH 3RD - Grades PreK, K, 1, 2
MARCH 10TH - Grades 3, 4, 5
MARCH 17TH - Grades 6, 7, 8
MARCH 24TH - Prek, k, 1, 2
MARCH 31ST - Grades 3,4,5
Registration is open for all families!
Current families can register online now!
Registration is now open for all families! - Get your registration completed as soon as possible as spots are filling up quickly for the 2023-2024 school year. You can register online at borromeoschool.com
Scholarships Available - The 2023-2024 application process is open for the Today and Tomorrow Foundation website. Do not let finances get in the way of a solid Catholic education for your family. Scholarships are available through the Today and Tomorrow Foundation or you contact the school office for more information on funding available. https://ttef.civicore.com/familyLogin/index.php?action=userLogin
Attention Parents
Night at the Derby Auction
Borromeo Families, we need your help! The Auction Planning Committee is looking for help with the following items:
Sponsorships! We need sponsorships from businesses. If you own a business or know someone who does, please ask them to consider sponsoring the event. There are many different sponsorship levels with options for great advertising. Contact Mary Brdar at MaryJay25@gmail.com or (206) 290-9528.
Donations! We need items donated for the silent auction. Nothing is too small or too big. Ideas include trips, items, gift cards, experiences, etc. Contact Heather Floodman at HeatherFloodman@borromeoschool.com or (314) 954-1116.
Volunteer! We need help planning and executing the night. This is a great way to get to know people in the community and meet new people at SCB. Sign up here: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/4090e49a4a92aa2f49-borromeo
Don’t forget to save the date! It will be an event you will not want to miss. Tickets will go on sale in February. More event information can be found at www.BorromeoParish.com/auction.
The school office will be closed during the Ash Wednesday Mass.
If you arrive late, please enter the church by the side door.
Volunteer help is needed!
Use the link below to sign up for volunteer opportunities in the Lunch Room
Please make sure to update FACTS
Updating FACTS information - Please make sure to check your FACTS accounts for accurate information for the following information:
1. Emergency Contact Information
2. Phone Numbers
3. Current Employer and Occupation Information
4. Any address changes
5. Parish Information - Current Parish
6. Current medical information for your child
BASK invoices go out on the last of the month and are to be paid by the 20th of the month to avoid late fees
February BASK Sign up
If you sign your child up but no longer need it please delete them from the sign up or email their teach and Mrs. Freeman to let them now to send them to car pick up.
Feel free to email Mrs. Freeman with any questions or concerns. BASK@borromeoschool.com
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is stacking up. If students are missing items, we have three locations:
1. In the breezeway coming in from the upper parking lot.
2. In the breezeway coming in from the lower parking lot.
3. In the Preschool hallway.
2022-2023 Calendar Breaks
2/20 - President's Day
3/20/23 - 3/24/23 - Spring Break
4/7-4/10 - Easter Break
5/26 - Last Day of School (Early Dismissal)
Upcoming Half Days/ Early Dismissal Days/ Days Off/ Community Events
Upcoming Half Days/ Early Release Days/Days Off
2/20 - No School - President's Day
3/3 - Noon Dismissal
3/15 - Early Release (2:15 pm) - Teacher PLC Day
Upcoming Events
2/17 - All School Mass
2/22 - Ash Wednesday - Mass 8:00 am
2/24 - All School Mass
2/27 - Spirit Day
2/28 - K-4 Mass
3/1 - 4th & 5th Grade Field Trip Duchesne Musical
3/3 - All School Mass
3/6 - Adoration
3/6 - Spirit Day
3/7 - 5-8 Mass
3/9 - 5th Grade START Graduation
3/10 - All School Mass
3/13 - Spirit Day
3/14 - K-4 Mass
3/15 - Donuts with Dad
3/17 - All School Mass
Prayer Requests
Please submit any prayer requests to office@borromeoschool.com.
For the All Things New Initiative, God will bless the process and grant his wisdom to the initiative's leaders.
For military members, to continue to serve our country safely and according to the goodwill of all men.
For all of the quiet intentions held in the hearts of our St. Charles Borromeo Community members.
St. Charles Borromeo School Flyers and Attachments
Yearbook ordering information
Enter code: 76148Y
Yearbook photo request
The Yearbook committee is in need of 2022-2023 photos of sports teams and class parties.
Please email photos to yearbook@borromeoschool.com by February 17.
8th grade families
The Yearbook committee is looking for some special photos of your 8th graders.
- Baby photo
- A picture from elementary K-4
- Photo of them from this year
St. Charles Borromeo Community Information and Links
Father/Son and Mother/Daughter Programs from the Office of Natural Family Planning
The Office of Natural Family Planning and Mercy Hospital Fertility Care Services are hosting upcoming events for fathers/sons and mothers/daughters to help parents. Flyers are attached below.
Totus Tuus Save the Date!
We will be hosting Totus Tuus the week of June 12th this year at Borromeo. The day program will run from June 12-16th and is open to rising 1st-6th graders. The evening program will run from June 11-15th and is open to rising 7-13th graders. Totus Tuus is led by 3-4 college missionaries and is a great way for young people to grow in their faith through games, engaging sessions, songs, Mass, fun, and more. Registration will open at a later date. Contact Kristin Jacoby with questions: youthminister@borromeoparish.com.
TROOP 351 Trivia Night
Boy Scout Troop 351 is hosting their annual Trivia Night at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Cottleville on Saturday, March 4, 2023. Doors open at 6 pm and trivia starts at 7 pm. Please come out and support your St. Charles Borromeo Scouts! This fundraiser supports the many troop activities and events throughout the year.
The cost for a table is $160 (8 seats), so get your team together while we still have space! It is sure to be a night of fun and laughter going for a good cause. Please bring your own snacks, and the K of C Hall will have complimentary beer, soda, and water.
Please contact Katie Willenberg (kwillenberg303@gmail.com) if you have any questions and to RSVP.
Archdiocese Prevent and Protect Information
Any parent wishing to volunteer or attend parties at St. Charles Borromeo must complete the Archdiocesan Prevent and Protect training (formerly known as Protecting God's Children).
The link is below.
St. Charles Borromeo Office, Administration and Staff Contacts
Dr. Dan Mullenschlader - Principal
Mrs. Michelle Winkler - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kelly Koschmeder - Office Manager
Fr. William Dotson - Pastor
Fr. Eddie Godefroid- Associate Pastor
Mrs. Megan Ambrose - Counselor
Mrs. Monica Barnes - Accountant
Mr. Luan Nguyen - Technology Coordinator