2024-2025 YEARBOOK!
February 26, 2025
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لترجمة هذه الرسالة من المدرسة ، اضغط عليها ثم استخدم الرابط الموجود على اليمين.
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Bu bülteni çevirmek için üzerine tıklayın ve ardından sağdaki bağlantıyı kullanın.
Hello WHS Families and Students,
I'm very excited to be this year's Yearbook Coordinator! Included in this newsletter is information about this year's yearbook and how to purchase yours. Most importantly, I want to highlight that we have decided to include ALL WHS students, grades 9 to 12, in our yearbook! Please keep reading for more exciting information.
- Ms. Emily Ollero
- We are working with Legacy Studios!
- The yearbook will feature ALL WHS students, grades 9 to 12! But Seniors, don't worry, you are still in the spotlight!
- Students who are interested in earning community service hours by taking photos at school events can reach out to me at whs_yearbook@watertown.k12.ma.us.
How to:
- Follow the link above and create a new folder by clicking on the "New Folder" button on the left side menu.
- Title your folder with either your name, the event the photos are from, or anything else that will add context to your photos.
- Click on the cloud icon that says "Upload" on the top bar and then select "add files"
- Once you finished adding your photos, you'll be prompted to add a name to each image along with a caption/description of the photo. Click on the "X" in the top right corner once you've finished.
- After reviewing the photos you uploaded, make sure to press "DONE"!
After clicking done, your photos are officially submitted and no further action is needed!
Don't miss your chance to buy the 2024 - 2025 yearbook! Click here to purchase.
I am more than happy to answer any questions that may come up! Additionally, I'd love to hear any ideas you have. Please use our yearbook email to reach out (whs_yearbook@watertown.k12.ma.us).
Thank you!
Ms. Ollero