
..man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. 1Sam16:7
Student Column: Why Classical Education?
By: Abygail Robertson, CCS Junior
When you hear Classical education, what is your first thought? Do you think of a
preparatory school that only the elite attend? That is what most think. However, it was not
always this way. Classical education used to be readily available for all no matter your social
To fully understand the importance of classical education you have to understand what it
is first. According to Classicalacedemicpress.com, classical education is defined as “ a
traditional style of education that focuses on the liberal arts, the study of great books, and the
history of civilization.” In other words, it concentrates on philosophical ideals, classic literature,
and developing critical thinking skills. In a classical school, liberal arts are shown by an
emphasis on language — mostly exhibited by Latin. The curriculum provides a structured
environment that is critical for productive learning as well as significantly diverse cultural
concepts that do not need to be forgotten.
Classical education used to be the educational standard until roughly 100 years ago when
the United States government opened schools that were funded off of federal money. Prior to
this, everyone who has had access to an education (the wealthy and upper middle class) had what
is our modern day classical education. This means all of the world leaders of the past were taught
in the classical way. Learning classically means that the student is encouraged to strive for
academic excellence, moral development, and to pursue ideas in a way that a modern education
does not. It teaches one to seek knowledge of the nature of how things are, especially the nature
of man and the universe. Learning classically promotes creativity and independent thinking skills
conducive to fostering an environment that encourages growth in all areas of life.
With a classical education, a person can learn to ask the “why’s” behind the “what's” about who
is in charge of their government and world. Students learn to formulate their own thoughts and
ideas through logic, historic, and Biblical insights in order to separate themselves from the
masses. Classical education is still an important form of education that is slowly starting to
resurface and for good reason. After being given all of these skills, classically trained students
have all the knowledge and critical thinking skills to be a successful, independent adult in this
modern world.
October Hot Lunches
Our hot lunch menu for October is now ready!
The last day to order is September 26th.
Go to https://cullmanchristian.gradelinklunch.com/ to order.
Make sure you select the dot beside the menu item and then press "add lunch."
After all lunches are added, BEFORE YOU PRESS SUBMIT, please check and make sure that it is showing the day and the price of $6.00 for EACH DAY. If there is a day that does not show the date and the price, then it will not process correctly.
Looking Back on Last Week
One for the Kingdom
There is rarely a dull moment at school, but Wednesday was special at the upper school. Between history class and morning devotion, Colton Olinger gave his heart to the Lord! Dr. Boyd and Mrs. Adams had the joy of announcing to the students and everyone cheered with joy! With hardly a dry eye in the crowd it was easy to feel God's goodness and mercy as we all rejoiced.
there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. -Luke 15:10
Let's Dance
Students are challenged each day by Coach Cydney and Coach Nikki to get their muscles moving and their hearts pumping.
Volcano Experiments
Mrs. Sterlings 6th grade science students had a blast building and erupting their homemade volcanos! This hands-on learning makes for great memories and deeper understanding.
Great job, 6th grade!
Staying on Track
It is so very important to make sure that students are growing academically and that they are on track. With this in mind, students in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade will be participating in MAP Growth assessments to monitor and track progress. These formative assessments are brief, interactive digital tests that are aligned with Alabama state standards. Results will help CCS teachers adjust instruction and set goals for their students. They will be given three times during the school year; fall, winter, and spring. At the conclusion of each session, reports will also be sent home to parents.
Mrs. Rice's 1st grade class was the first group to participate (and get to use our new Chromebooks). They did an awesome job!
Student Worship Band
We are so excited to announce that some of our students are working to begin taking the lead in worship! This week a group of students and Mrs. Warden led worship before chapel. The did so great! We can't wait to hear more! They are already planning for Spiritual Emphasis Week and have been practicing with Mrs. Warden.
Thank you Evelyn Griffin, Andrew Jones, and Andrew Coffey for stepping out to take the lead!
Players of the Week
Congratulations to Gracie Stidham and Lila Sellers on being selected as WKUL 92.1 FM/Cullman Caring for Kids Athletes of the Week!
The girls were presented with certificates and t-shirts on Thursday after chapel.
Talent Show
Acts from this show will potentially be a part of the Christmas production that will take place in December. Thank you, Mrs. Griffin and Mrs. Warden for encouraging our students and making this possible!
Familiar Face
Students in 4th-6th grade got to see Mrs. Barnett this week as she filled in as a substitute for one of the teachers. We love Mrs. Barnett and it was great to see her!
XC Team Results
The Cross Country Team is having a great season so far!
This past week runners participated in two different events; one on Thursday afternoon and one on Saturday morning.
At Saturday morning's meet at Harmony, Elisabeth DeCicco placed 7th and Hollings Ash placed 16th. The run included two divisions with nine participating schools. All of our CCS runners did a fantastic job!
Youth Volleyball
On Saturday our youth volleyball teams played at the Cullman Basketball Complex.
The players have improved so much! They have been working hard to learn the rules of the game and they are making some amazing plays serving, passing, and hitting the ball.
Great job, Lions!
See More Photos from September 16-21, 2024
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- September 23 - Youth Volleyball County Tournament Begins
- September 23 - Volleyball Tri-Match at CBC (JH,JV,V)
- September 24 - Volleyball at Cold Springs (V)
- September 26 - PK-K Johnny Appleseed Day
- September 26 - Photography Class Field Trip
- September 26 - 4H Robotics After School
- September 27 -$1 Dress Down Day
- September 27 - Gullion Farm Field Trip (1st & 2nd Grade)
- September 28 - Fair Parade
- October 1 - Volleyball at Home vs Meek (JV,V)
- October 2 - Fall Portraits
Looking Ahead
PTF Bake Sale
The PTF will be hosting a Bake Sale on Tuesday, September 24th to support our PE classes.
Parents can sign up to participate using THIS LINK . Ideas for items needed: cookies, doughnuts, cupcakes, brownies, etc. Parents are welcome to help set up the bake sale and shop with the kids!
Fair Parade
On Saturday, September 28th CCS will be participating in the annual parade. This is a great time of fun, fellowship, and visibility in the community. Watch your email for details this week on how you can be a part of the fun!
Fall Portraits
Students should wear their BEST UNIFORM for pictures. These portraits will be used in the school yearbook.
Seniors: Seniors will also be taking their drape and tux pictures on this day.
A few more items...
Mr. Yearwood Teaches 3rd Grade ------ Substitutes Needed!
We are always looking for available substitute teachers. If you would be interested in subbing, stop by the office for an application and instructions on how to get approved.
This week we were short handed for just a little while, so Mr. Yearwood stepped in to teach 3rd grade for a few minutes!
CCS Teachers are the Best!
CCS teachers do more than 8-3 Monday-Friday.... They love seeing and cheering on their students in other places too. On Saturday we caught these two 3rd grade teachers, Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Tucker, spending the morning at youth volleyball games cheering for their kids.
Food Truck at Depot
FYI Upper School Parents: If your student asked for more lunch money last week, this might be why! The Street Kitchen food truck has partnered with DC to set up in the coffee shop parking lot a few days each week. They are serving breakfast and lunch.
New Chromebooks
Recently the school board approved the purchase of a set of Chromebooks. These devices will be available for teachers to check out for special class assignments and for testing (MAP Growth and PSAT/NMSQT). We are thankful for this much needed, approved purchase!
Preparing for College
Juniors and Seniors heard this week from Mrs. DeCicco about an opportunity with Athens State University to participate in an online learning program aimed at preparing for college. Topics include lessons on completing the FAFSA, how to find help on the college campus, and more. Students who complete the learning modules are eligible to win a $100 gift card.
Celebrating the Soon Arrival of Baby King
The King family will be welcoming Baby Everly Joy very soon! On Thursday the faculty and staff helped shower them in pink to celebrate.
Visitors & Volunteers
We love having visitors and volunteers on campus!
If you are visiting, please be sure to check in at the main desk.
If you would like to volunteer, applications are available.
Tell Your Friends
We’ve had lots of phone calls and questions about future year waitlists at Cullman Christian School. If you know someone who would like to receive notification of when lists open, they can sign up to receive information. This will help us plan space for the growth we are experiencing.
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu