Husky Happenings
August 30th, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard
What a great first week!
We were so happy to see all of our students and their families this past week after a nice summer break. I would like to officially welcome all of our new students and their families to Graham. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns that you might have. We are happy to have you join our school community!!
Our Open House will be held on September 4th from 5:00-6:00 pm. We look forward to our families getting to meet their students' teachers and see the building and the updates. We hope you can join us!! We will have several groups there that support our school including the Family Resource Center, The Graham PTA, Champions, and EMU Bright Futures!!! Please considers stopping by these tables to see the great things they have to offer.
Please feel free to email me with questions and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mrs. Sheppard
New Secure Entryway Information
Our school entrance has been updated! We now have a vestibule where you will enter after showing your ID to Mrs. Harper on the camera. If you are picking up a child early from school, you will remain in the vestibule and your child will be brought to you. If you are dropping off a lunch or picking up homework, that will also be done in the vestibule. There will be sign out sheets and containers for lunches and homework out in that area.
The only reason that adults will enter into the office will be if you are here for a meeting, medication drop off, volunteering in a classroom, or registration. This system might feel a little bit different but this is all for the safety of our staff and students at Graham.
September 4th from 5-6 pm
We hope you can join us on September 4th from 5:00-6:00 for our Back to School Open House. Come in and see the building, your child's classroom and meet the staff.
August 30th and September 2nd: NO SCHOOL
Just a reminder that due to the Labor Day holiday, there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, August 30th and Monday, September 2nd.
The PTA will have a table set up at Open House for families to stop by and see all of the things that they do to support Graham. Please consider joining this organization so that you can:
- Connect with other parents
- Make your voice heard
- Volunteer at your child's school
- Build better programs for students
- Stay informed
Our PTA meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm. Meetings last for one hour. We love to see new faces and get new ideas!! I hope we can get a bunch of new families to join this year so that we can do some great things for our students and staff at Graham.
Mums Fundraiser! Forms come home next week.
Please consider selling Mums to family and friends to help support our school! Every sale helps!!
9/2 NO SCHOOL- Labor Day Weekend
9/4 Open House 5:00-6:00 pm
Lunch Menu
There are some days when the menu could possibly change due to food items not being available. We will let the students know if there are changes as soon as we find out.
Our 5th graders will be selling snacks during all three lunches to raise money to go to Camp! All snacks are $1.00. Cash Only PLEASE!!!
📆 Upcoming Events
8/30-9/2 NO SCHOOL
9/4 Open House 5-6 pm
9/19 MUM Sale Ends
9/19 PTA meeting at 6:30 pm
10/1 Picture Day
PD. Graham Elementary School
Attendance Line: 734-419-2626
Secretary: Mrs. Harper
Principal: Mrs. Sheppard
Location: 1255 South John Hix Road, Westland, MI, USA
Phone: 734-419-2620