Google Docs
A Pages/Word alternative that's better in every way
What's it for and why would I want to use it?
For those familiar with Microsoft Office and iWork, Google Docs will be very familiar. The tools borrows from the interface of Microsoft Office, but offers a much more robust set of sharing options. With the click of a button you can share, copy, or embed a document. Everyone can work collaboratively on a document without the need to print it off. The best part is that there are tons of add-ons that can take your document to the next level.
- Word Processing
- Sharing Documents
- Meeting Minutes
- Collaboratively working
- Creating pretty much anything
Use with students
- Write, edit, and collaborate on papers
- Use Add-ons to make citations easy
- Add charts, images, and formatting options with one click
- Ability to work on any laptop that has an internet connection
- Use the built-in research tool to find information for a project
- Allows students to work on one document simultaneously while the teacher monitors from the front of the room
- Use revision history to see which student completed which part of the task
- Download and use one of the thousands of templates created by other people
Getting Started
Go to and login to your account.
Click New in the top left hand corner, select Google Doc and just start typing. It saves automatically. I recommend naming your document.
It looks just like MS Word, but in the top right hand corner you have a share button to collaborate instantly on a document, all you need is an email address.