Weekly Reminders
Wk 2 Term 3 - Week Commencing Monday 25th July
Dear Families
Welcome back, hopefully everyone had a great holiday and the opportunity to spend time together relaxing and enjoying the break. It has been a fantastic start to Term 3 with the students coming back with a spring in their step. It will be a busy term with Cross Country, Performing Arts, Life Ed Van, First Holy Communion, Book Week, Athletics, Open Night, Confirmation and many more events that make up life here at St Emilie's.
Drive Through
Please ensure that you are following the correct procedures for drive-through in the morning and the afternoon. It is important for the safety of all that families use the crosswalk and do not cut through the car park.
P & F Peg Fundraiser
Thank you so much to all the families that have returned their order forms for the peg fundraiser. The P & F have extended the return date until Tuesday 26th July. If you haven't already, please support this fundraiser by purchasing a bag of pegs. The order form is below.
It is with sadness that I announce that Mrs Daniela Walker resigned her position at the end of last term to commence a full-time Pre-Primary position at Hammond Park Catholic Primary School. Daniela returned to St Emilie's this year after 6 years of maternity leave to work one day a week in our Kindy space. Daniela began at St Emilie's in 2008 and was an extremely valuable member of staff. We wish her all the very best.
Uniforms/Hair Styles
A reminder to ensure that all children are in the correct uniform. This also includes making sure that have the correct all-black school shoes and that hairstyles are appropriate.
Notre Dame Students
We welcome Miss Chelsey Lamb and Mr Steven Athanassiou who are this term completing their final University placement at St Emilie's as part of their teaching degree. Chesley will in Year 5B with Mr Dan Naden and Steven is in PE/Health with Mr Paul Davis. We wish them all the best and please make them feel welcome.
House Cross Country
House Cross Country was held this morning for our Year 3 to 6 children. The weather was mostly kind and the efforts of all students was fantastic. A big thank you to Paul Davis for organising and the staff involved who help run the carnival.
Respecting Agreed Start and Finish Times
If your child attends either Dance Troupe, Homework Club or Chess Club, parents are reminded to please ensure that you arrive on time to collect your child. Likewise, after school pick-up, duty ends at 3.20pm. If you regularly arrive late to collect your child, you will need to arrange for OSH Club to collect them after school. This is also the case at the beginning of the school day. Supervision starts at 8.20am, so no child should be dropped off before that time. Thank you for your cooperation.
Bishops Religious Literacy Assessment (BRLA)
The BRLA for Year 3 and 5 students will be held in Weeks 2 and 3 this term. The purpose of the BRLA is to measure student learning of the content in the RE curriculum. The BRLA provides a ‘point in time’ snapshot of student performance in RE.
Students’ knowledge and understanding of the content of the RE curriculum are assessed using a combination of multiple choice, and short and extended response items. Students’ faith is not assessed. The use of the BRLA complements the school-based assessment programs in RE. Any questions please contact the classroom teacher.
First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion is the weekend of the 20th & 21st of August 2022. Information for booking a Mass was sent home last term. If you haven't booked a Mass for your child, please use the below link.
Year 3 Assembly
The Year 3 students will be performing their assembly next Friday 29th July in the Hall. They are using this occasion to celebrate the wonderful grandparents we have in our lives
Communicare Parenting Programs for Term 3
Please see the flyer below detailing the Parenting Workshops available this term. These free, local workshops are an excellent resource and opportunity for all parents. Booking information is included.
Parenting Article
This week under the Parent Reading heading, we have included an Insights article titled, 'How to help your child to be a good friend'. Some good tips and reminders for how we can set our children up for success in this important area of their development.
Stuart Munro
Paul Litherland - Cyber Safety Educator and Campaigner
Paul Litherland is coming to St Emilie's! Wednesday 3rd August 6pm to 7.30pm in the Learning Hub
We anticipate a highly informative and extremely relevant presentation from Paul Litherland for ALL parents from Kindergarten to Year 6. In the last five years of his career as a police officer in Western Australia, Paul Litherland worked in the force’s Technology Crime Unit. While there, he became acutely aware of just how vulnerable kids were on the internet. He also felt frustration at the lack of legislation available to help fight internet crime.
In response, Paul began conducting cyber safety presentations at schools. By 2014, he’d turned his passion into a business – founding Surf Online Safe to educate teachers, students and parents about internet awareness and safety.
Today he’s one of Australia’s leading experts in the field. A highly sought-after speaker, Paul has spoken at more than 550 schools and organisations across the country, sharing his cyber safety educational presentations with upwards of 250,000 people.
Paul experienced a terrible motorbike accident in 2004 where he was initially told he’d never walk or work again. Despite this, he defied the odds and has gone on to be an inspiration to many.
Paul will be presenting to our Year 4 to 6 children during the school day on Wednesday 3rd August. We invite all our parents to attend an evening presentation on Wednesday 3rd August from 6pm to 7.30pm.
Tickets are available online, and today you will receive an email with the link. This is a FREE event and any families that RSVP online will enter a raffle for a Door Prize.
House Cross Country Results
1st - MacKillop 180
2nd - Mazenod 175
3rd - Gannon 158
4th - De Vialar 142
Mr Davis will publish a website post early next week with further details and individual results.
Interschool Cross Country
All students who will be participating in the interschool carnival will have brought a note home today from Mr Davis. Please return these notes ASAP.
Performing Arts Information for Term 3
Christian Dance students will perform on Tuesday 2nd August 12.30pm, Mercy College, The Chapel of St Brigid Koondoola. Tickets for parents who wish to attend are available through 'Try Booking' on the Spirit of the Arts website http://www.spiritofthearts.com.au Tickets are available from the 4th of July.
St Emilie's School Choir will perform on Tuesday 23rd August at the Vasto Club, Balcatta from 11.15am to 12.45pm.
Tickets for parents who wish to attend are available through 'Try Booking' on the Spirit of the Arts website http://www.spiritofthearts.com.au Tickets are available from the 4th of July.
Dance Troupe will perform on Thursday 25th August at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre from 6.30pm to 9.30pm
Tickets will be available through Ticketek from Monday 18th July.
More information will be sent home to Dance Troupe members.
Term 3 Key Events
Thursday 28th July Interschool Cross Country @ Tomato Lake (Year 4-6)
Friday 29th July Year 3 Grandparents Day Assembly (Year 4 to 6) & Morning Tea
Monday 1st August Life Ed (Health)
Monday 2nd August Christian Dance @ Chapel of St Brigid, Mercy College
Wednesday 3rd August 8.45am P & F Meeting
Wednesday 3rd August Paul Litherland - CYBER SAFETY Talk for Parents
Friday 5th August P&F Pasta Day
Monday 8th August Feast of St Mary MacKillop
Monday 8th August MacKillop House Day
Wednesday 10th August 9am Feast of St Mary MacKillop Mass
Wednesday 10th August 4pm and 5.30pm Confirmation Workshops
Wednesday 10th August 6pm School Advisory Council Meeting
Thursday 11th August Year 3 Scitech Excursion
Friday 12th August 8.45am Year 2 Assembly (PP to Yr 3 to attend) & Morning Tea
Saturday 20th August 6pm Holy Communion Mass
Sunday 21st August 9.30am Holy Communion & 5pm Holy Communion Mass
Week of Mon 22nd Aug YAY Week - no homework/homework club/chess club/mtgs
Tuesday 23rd August - St Emilie’s School Choir - Vasto Club, Balcatta
Thursday 25th August - Dance Troupe - Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre -
Monday 29th August - Book Week
Wednesday 31st August - 8.45am P & F Meeting
Friday 2nd September - P&F Family Breakfast
Friday 2nd September - Year 1 Assembly
Week commencing 5th September - Year 1/2 Hand/Eye (all week)
Wednesday 7th September - 6pm School Advisory Council Meeting
Friday 9th September - 8.45am PP Assembly & morning Tea
Friday 9th September - House Field Events Day--Years 4 to 6
Monday 12th September - De Vialar House Day -
Wednesday 14th September - 4 – 6pm Open Classrooms
Friday 16th September - House Carnival (onsite) -
Saturday 17th September - 6pm Confirmation Mass
Sunday 18th September - 9.30am Confirmation Mass
Wednesday 21st September - 9am Mission Mass
Thursday 22nd September - Last day for students
Friday 23rd September - Pupil Free Day
Term 4 Key Events
Thursday 13th October - Yr 6 Graduation Photo
Tuesday 18th October - Yr 6 Basketball Carnival
Friday 21st October Colour Fun Run - (in school time)
Monday 24th October - Interschool Jumps Day
Tuesday 25th October - Interschool Athletics
Wednesday 26th October - P&F Meeting - 8.45am
Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th October - Bully Zero In-class workshops for children
Tuesday 1st November - All Saints Day
Wednesday 2nd November - All Souls Day -
Wednesday 2nd November - 6pm School Advisory Council Meeting
Monday 7th - Wednesday 9th November - Year 6 Camp
Monday 21st November - Pupil Free Day - Two Way Interview Day
Wednesday 23rd November -P & F Meeting–8.45am 2023 Planning mtg -
Wednesday 30th November - 6pm School Advisory Council Meeting
Friday 2nd December - Edu-dance Concerts
Tuesday 6th December - Graduation Mass, Supper and Item
Wednesday 7th December - Kindy & PP Celebration Day
Thursday 8th December - Year 1 to 6 Afternoon Celebration
Thursday 8th December -3.30pm Semester 2 Reports online
Friday 9th December - 9am Whole School Thanksgiving Mass and Morning Tea
Friday 9th December - 10.30am to 2.30pm Year 6 Big Day Out
Friday 9th December - Last Day for Students
What are we fundraising for?
This year we are busily saving for the new Year 3-6 playground equipment.
In addition, P&F funds this year will be used to offset some of the cost of:
- Mathletics
- Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress
- Literacy Pro
- Sport Equipment
- Digital Tech resources
- Library books
Google Calendar and Weekly Reminders
All parents are to refer to the St Emilie's Google Calendar to stay informed of upcoming events.
This live calendar is located on the FRONT PAGE of our school website and has the most up to date information for families.
The Weekly Reminders Newsletter is emailed each Friday afternoon and is also posted on the School Website. Please get into the habit of reading through the Weekly Reminders as it keeps you up to date with what is going on in our school each week.
Weeks 1-5 = LOVE
Week 2: Make sure everyone is included
Week 3: Help everyone feel important and special
Week 4: Be positive and affirm others
Week 5: Love is treating other people as you would like them to treat you - with care and respect
Week 2 Focus - Include others
When an individual receives a COVID-19 positive result, the individual is deemed by WA Health unlikely to suffer from re-infection for a period of 4 weeks. Therefore, further Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) testing when subsequently unwell is not required during this time, as a COVID-19 positive result may be returned throughout this period while the initial virus is being shed.
However, where a person is unwell within their 4-week period and are showing symptoms of COVID-19, WA Health reiterate that the impacted person should remain home until symptoms subside, particularly where symptoms are respiratory in nature (e.g. productive cough).
All unwell COVID-19 symptomatic students should remain home and refrain from coming to school.
Leaving early
2. Please ensure you are emailing the class teacher along with admin If your child is going to be taken out of school for an appointment early.
School Social Worker
Eucharist Workshop - Year 4 Families
Please note the Sacrament of 1st Eucharist Masses for 2022 will be held on the following dates:
Saturday 20th August at 6pm Mass
Sunday 21st August at 9.30am Mass
Sunday 21st August at 5pm Mass
Parish Bulletin for this Weekend's Masses
St Emilie's Parish
Office hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm, Tuesday and Thursday
Mail: PO Box 5184, Canning Vale South WA 6970
An appointment to see a priest is required.
Parish Priest: Fr. Jean-Noël Marie
Email: Jean-noel.marie@perthcatholic.org.au
Email: stemilie.office@iinet.net.au
Email: stemilie.office@iinet.net.au
Website: http://stemilie.net/
Location: 151 Amherst Road, Canning Vale WA 6155, Australia
Phone: (08) 9256 9650
Uniform Shop Contact Information
Phone: 08 9456 2324
Fax: 08 9456 2325
Email: mailto:info@imageembroidery.com.au
Address: 26 Tulloch Way, Canning Vale WA 6155
Follow this link to:
St Emilie's Uniform Procedure
Trading Hours
Monday - Thursday:8:30am – 5pm
Friday:8:30am – 4.30pm
Saturday – Sunday:CLOSED
Keyed Up Music
Keyed Up Music will be teaching guitar, keyboard, voice, violin, and drum lessons in Term 3 after school. Lessons start from $19.80 for a small group, voice and drums start from $24.75 for 20min individual. If you are interested in your son / daughter learning an any of the above instrument or learning to sing, please call Savanna on 0479 171 424 or enrol at www.keyedupmusic.com.au/enrolment-form
St Emilie's Catholic Primary School
Email: stemiliesadmin@cewa.edu.au
Website: http://web.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/
Location: 151 Amherst Road, Canning Vale WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 92569696
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stemilies
Twitter: @StEmiliesCPS