The M.L. Day Pride Report
January 31, 2025

Principal's Message
Good Afternoon M.L. Day Families,
It's been a busy week at MLD this week. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Community this morning! If you missed it, our Kindergartens were overflowing with cuteness as they sang a song about our Community Garden, and we got to watch the "Kinder Garden" in action! We awarded 80 PRIDE awards in January and we're working towards our goal of 150. That will earn students and staff a Movie Day and they are so excited!
I need to take a moment to talk with you all about a growing problem here at MLD. As most of you already know, we do not allow students to use cell phones during the school day. Students with phones must power them off and keep them in their backpacks until school is over. Since winter break, we have noticed many students as young as 1st grade wearing smart watches to school. There is virtually no difference between the functionality of the watch and the cell phone. There are also concerns about students losing such valuable pieces of technology during the day. The policy for smart watches is the same as cell phones. If students bring them to school (which I'm recommending against), the expectation will be to power them down and keep them in their backpacks. I'm grateful for your partnership in keeping our students safe and focused on their learning.
Have a great weekend!
Best regards,
Principal Keith
Important Dates
Week of Feb 3rd-7th
Winter Spirit Week (see below for further information)
Wednesday, February 5th
Early Dismissal @ 11:45 AM
Friday, February 14th
Community Meeting~Gym @8:30
Keith's Cookies @ 9:00
Week of Feb. 17th-21st
Winter Break-No School
Mr. Woodcock is Back
Heart of the Community Drive Update 💞
The 3rd week of our collection of nonperishable for COS has come to an end. Here are the current totals collected by the 5th graders today: Mrs. Aportria: 87, Ms. Frisbie: 71, Miss Palkovic: 102, Mrs. Jensen: 163, Miss Burton: 72, Miss Rumney: 57, Mrs. Ducas: 111, Mrs. Soule: 65, Miss Cloutier: 147, Mrs. Francis: 33, Mr. McDonald: 80, Ms. Pizzo: 46 and Office: 56
Thank you Everyone that has contributed!
Summer Rec Program
The registration period for our Summer Rec program for children entering grades K-8 in the fall is now open! A deposit of $100 per child is due at the time of registration, and payment plans are available now through May 15. Please visit our website today to create your account and get our notices by email http://arundelrec.com
Kindergarten Chinese New Year Celebration
⛄ Winter Fun⛄
Kindergartners & 1st Graders enjoyed the freshly fallen snow! The teachers had a little fun as well.
4th Grade Energy 🔬
Fourth graders are continuing their exploration of energy, focusing on electrical energy. Students collaborated to power various devices, successfully getting light bulbs to illuminate, fans to spin, and alarms to sound. It was a great way to observe how energy transfers and transforms in different systems.
Absence Reporting Form
Helpful Links
Community Resources
Maine Crisis Hotline
Call or Text 988 or 1-888-568-1112
General Assistance Support
Tabetha Barden
Wendy Lank
207-985-4201 ext. 113
Alison Kenneway
Laura Dolce
Right to an Interpreter
You have the right to an interpreter at no cost to you. If you would like to request an interpreter's assistance to communicate with our schools and teachers, all you need to do is ask. We will make sure interpretation services are arranged in advance of your meeting.
သင့်အတွက် အခကြေးငွေ မယူဘဲ စကားပြန်လုပ်ပိုင်ခွင့်ရှိသည်။ ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ကျောင်းများ၊ ဆရာများနှင့် ဆက်သွယ်ရန်အတွက် စကားပြန်တစ်ဦး၏အကူအညီကို သင်တောင်းဆိုလိုပါက၊ သင်လုပ်ဆောင်ရန်သာ လိုအပ်ပါသည်။ သင့်အစည်းအဝေးမတိုင်မီ ဘာသာပြန်ခြင်းဝန်ဆောင်မှုများကို သေချာစီစဉ်ပေးပါမည်။
તમને કોઈ પણ ખર્ચ વિના દુભાષિયાનો અધિકાર છે. જો તમે અમારી શાળાઓ અને શિક્ષકો સાથે વાતચીત કરવા માટે દુભાષિયાની સહાયની વિનંતી કરવા માંગતા હો, તો તમારે ફક્ત પૂછવાનું છે. અમે ખાતરી કરીશું કે તમારી મીટિંગ પહેલા અર્થઘટન સેવાઓ ગોઠવવામાં આવી છે.
Você tem direito a um intérprete sem nenhum custo para você. Se desejar solicitar a assistência de um intérprete para se comunicar com nossas escolas e professores, basta solicitar. Garantiremos que os serviços de interpretação sejam organizados antes da sua reunião.
Вы имеете право на бесплатного переводчика. Если вы хотите попросить помощи переводчика для общения с нашими школами и учителями, все, что вам нужно сделать, это попросить. Мы позаботимся о том, чтобы услуги устного перевода были организованы перед вашей встречей.
Tiene derecho a un intérprete sin costo alguno para usted. Si desea solicitar la asistencia de un intérprete para comunicarse con nuestras escuelas y maestros, todo lo que necesita hacer es preguntar. Nos aseguraremos de que los servicios de interpretación se organicen antes de su reunión.
Ви маєте право на безкоштовний перекладач. Якщо ви хочете попросити допомоги перекладача для спілкування з нашими школами та вчителями, все, що вам потрібно зробити, це попросити. Ми подбаємо про те, щоб послуги усного перекладу були організовані заздалегідь до вашої зустрічі.
Bạn có quyền có một thông dịch viên miễn phí. Nếu bạn muốn yêu cầu sự trợ giúp của thông dịch viên để giao tiếp với trường học và giáo viên của chúng tôi, tất cả những gì bạn cần làm là yêu cầu. Chúng tôi sẽ đảm bảo sắp xếp dịch vụ phiên dịch trước cuộc gặp của bạn.
600 Limerick Road
Arundel, ME 04046