Bridgeview School Bulletin
November 2024
Dates to Remember
November 3 Daylight Savings Time Ends - Fall Back 1 Hour!
November 5 No School - Election Day
November 11 Veteran's Day
November 14 Fall Music Showcase - 3rd & 4th Grade @ 6:00PM
November 21 Erin's Law Presentations
November 18 - 22 Scholastic Book Fair - During the school day
November 25 Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-8:00PM - No Student Attendance
November 25 Scholastic Book Fair - Parent Shopping
November 26 Parent Teacher Conferences 10:00-4:00PM - No Student Attendance
November 26 Scholastic Book Fair - Parent Shopping
November 27 - 29 Thanksgiving Break - No School
From the Desk of Mrs. Del Prete
Hello Bridgeview Families,
I can't believe that we are in the thick of fall! The weather has changed, the trees are losing their leaves, and winter is knocking at our door. With the start of November, we have closed out Q1 and have moved on to Q2. Staff is working diligently to provide support to your learners as they gain more skills and begin to master concepts that may have been brand new to them at the start of this year.
Along with the close of Q1, it is important for you to be sure that you have access to your child(ren)'s grades through our PowerSchool Parent Portal. Everyone has already created a log in to the portal. It is what you used for registering your child for school this year. If you have not done so already, please be sure to log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal to review the latest report card, which will be released today (October 30th).
Also, as you are aware, we have shifted our alerts to the Parent Square platform. You should be receiving alerts via email whether you have the Parent Square app or not. However, if you have not downloaded the app and created a profile, I highly suggest that you do. With app access, you will be able to change your communication preferences (including receiving text message alerts) and also communicate in your language of choice. Click here to download the app and create your profile today!
Later this month we will hold our Parent/Teacher Conferences. These will be scheduled through Parent Square, so here is yet another reason to download the app and create a profile. This is a great time to come in and sit down for a brief period of time to discuss your child(ren)'s progress so far this school year. Conference sign up will open up will begin on Monday, November 11th at 3:00PM.
Thank you always for your support, love, and care for our staff and students.
Until next month,
Bobcat Business with Mrs. Borst!
On Friday, October 11, Bobcat Leaders sponsored 3rd and 4th Grade Bingo! Students were able to sign up and play Bingo with their friends! It was so much fun!
National White Cane Safety Day!
White Cane Day is an annual day of awareness for communities, groups, organizations, and individuals to gain a better understanding of people with visual disabilities. Staff members at Bridgeview Elementary School could be seen wearing their White Cane Safety Day T-shirts in support of one of our very own students!
Kindergarten Field Trip
The first field trip of the year was to the Brookfield Zoo. Kindergarteners attended this trip on a beautiful fall day!
Hello Bobcat Families!
Following procedures from last year, we have an online form for attendance reporting. While guardians will still be able to call in, we are also offering an attendance form for families to submit attendance digitally. If your student will be absent, please use this Attendance Reporting Form or call us at 708-496-8713 to report the absence.
Thank you!
Bridgeview Office Staff
Does Your Child Have a Cell Phone at School?
Is Your Child Celebrating a Birthay?
If your child has a birthday during the school year and you would like to recognize the special day, please think about sending non-edible items such as pencils, stickers, erasers, etc.
For Our Bus Riders
All lunch menus will be shared weekly by the district on Parent Square.
Don't Be Late!
8:10AM 1st Bell
8:15AM Tardy Bell
2:30PM School Dismissed
All students arriving late to school (after 8:15AM) must report to the office for a tardy slip. Every 5th tardy a note will be sent home. Continuous tardiness may constitute other disciplinary consequences. Our goal is for all students to arrive at school on time each day. When students are late, they miss instructional opportunities. Please keep in mind that students arriving after 9:15AM are no longer considered tardy, but will instead receive a half day absence.
Being late is detrimental to all students' learning, especially if it occurs on a consistent basis. Be sure to do all you can to prevent tardiness. Your child will thank you for it!
Lawn Care Application Notice
Calling All Substitutes!
Indian Springs SD #109 is looking to add to its list of available substitute teachers and paraprofessionals. If you are interested in being a substitute in our school district, please contact Marilyn Leja, School District Receptionist, at (708) 796-8700. The eligibility requirement to be a substitute teacher is to possess a teaching license or substitute teacher license (the substitute teacher license requires a Bachelor's Degree). The eligibility requirement to be a substitute paraprofessional is to possess a paraprofessional license. Feel free to contact Marilyn Leja for further details.
Bridgeview Elementary School
Email: cdelprete@isd109.org
Website: www.isd109.org
Location: 7800 S Thomas Ave Bridgeview, IL 60455
Phone: 708-496-8713
Instagram & Twitter: @BVGoBobcats