September 26, 2024
Campus Admin - Kari Kusek
Hello West Families and Community!
I can't believe it is nearly October already! We have already accomplished so many amazing things and have just over three quarters of the year to go. We really appreciate all your support in getting this year kicked off well!
In this week's administrator message, I wanted to highlight our four Core Values of Community, Achievement, Respect, and Equity to highlight the amazing work we've done have yet to complete.
So far this year we've welcomed our newest Wildcats (Class of 2031!) at our annual orientation with our WEB leaders. Next week, we'll hold our first grade level assemblies - this time is built into Advisory class to celebrate as an entire grade, looking back at what we've accomplished and looking ahead at what's to come AND including some fun activities as well! Look for pictures coming soon! Thank you to PTCO for an amazing fundraising campaign this year! We built some great memories at the Wildcat Challenge Day earlier this month and appreciate your hard work in funding amazing learning opportunities for our students this year.
We are VERY proud to share with you our School Performance Framework from this latest year.
In addition, we can't WAIT to share your child's achievements with you at our upcoming conferences! These will be held on:
Thursday, September 26th from 4pm - 8pm
Wednesday, October 30th from 4pm - 8pm
Friday, November 1st from 8am - 12pm in person and 12:30pm - 4pm virtually
You'll find all in person sign up links below:
Sign up and come with your student to learn more about what they've been learning about this quarter!
Shout out to our over 220 track athletes who just participated in the District Track meet! I won't steal Coach Nahorniak's thunder (which you can read below) but we have mad respect for our student athletes AND coaches who made it through a tough weather season with a great showing at districts!
Last, but never least, we celebrate the work we do towards making West a place where all students feel like they belong. We offer a plethora of after-school activities and athletics to allow students to engage in topics that they are passionate about. You can find these schedules on our website or below:
Activities and Athletics
Finally, our next Quarterly Play Day will be on Friday, October 11th. We'll work in vertical groups of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders with staff members from around the building to solve problems and engage in exciting tasks. We highly recommend this opportunity to be a part of the larger West community and get to know some different people!
Thank you again West Wildcats! Let's make it a great year!
- Join us for the next PTCO Executive Board meeting - 10/9 @ 9:15 - The Executive Board will review the fall teachers grant requests for 24-25 school year - this is when you can see how your donations are distributed.
- 11/13 @ 6:00 pm Joint PTCO General Membership & Accountability Meeting.
- Want to volunteer ? West Middle School PTCO - Volunteer Form
Check your Voter Registration!
Are you registered to vote this November? Check your registration today at https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter—it only takes 1 minute!
Reminder: Ballot measures that impact your town and your school district will be at the bottom of the ballot after national, statewide, and county measures. Don’t forget to fill out your ballot completely. Measures at the bottom of the ballot have the greatest local impact.
What is Star?
Star Assessments are short tests that provide teachers with personalized learning data for each student. Star tests are computer-adaptive, which means they adjust in difficulty to each answer students provide. Students took a Star test for math and reading at the beginning of September, and the results were sent home with students on Thursday, 9/25. Click here to learn how to read the report. Our next assessments will occur in the winter and spring. Let's get excited to see some growth!
Teachers analyze the data they receive from Star Assessments to learn what students already know and what they are ready to learn next, to monitor student growth, and to determine which students may need additional help. Star Assessments are research-based and scientifically proven to help teachers guide each student on their unique path to proficiency. Star Reading assesses reading abilities, including word recognition, vocabulary knowledge, comprehension, and fluency. Star math measures math skills in a variety of areas, including number and operation, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability.
Please reach out to your child's math and/or language arts teachers if you have questions about the assessment or kkusek@cherrycreekschools.org if you need an additional copy of the report.
Here at West, our diversity makes our community stronger. The Cultural Festival is a great opportunity for you to showcase your culture!
We are looking for individuals to perform a dance, song, poem, work of art, or something else that celebrates your culture and is important to you.
Come audition to secure a spot! See the flyer above for more details.
Does your student want to be a part of yearbook club?
Calling all writers, photographers, and graphics designers…Yearbook Club needs your skills! We’ll teach you the skills you need to produce the West Middle School yearbook. Members will receive training and assignments to cover various school activities, take photos, conduct interviews, write stories, and digitally design pages. Your skills will carry you into yearbook at West next year or into yearbook club at your high school. Let’s go!
If you have any issues, please email cwheeler@cherrycreekschools.org
Are you looking for extra help with homework, studying, and/or class projects? West Middle School offers Homework Help/Study Hall!
Before School: 8:00am to 8:40am, Mondays - Fridays
Enter the building through Door 1 and enter the Commons.
After School: 3:50pm-4:40pm, Mondays - Thursdays; no after school activities on Fridays
Enter the Commons after the final bell.
Expectations for Homework Help/Study Hall
Use the restroom and fill your water before entering.
Stay in the Commons.
Bring a charged device.
Sign in. Find a seat. 1 person per table.
Keep your phones put away and off.
Work on school work quietly until dismissal.
At the end of Homework Help/Study Hall… Push in your chair and take all your belongings.
Monday 9/30:
Math League after school in room B104.
Soccer Club after school with Mr. Clark & Mr. Temple - meet on the track.
Yearbook Club after school in room A212.
Drama Club after school in room D127.
Tuesday 10/1:
Spelling Bee Club after school in room A101.
Student Council after school in room C108.
Jazz Band after school in room D126.
Minecraft Club after school in room D111.
Wildcat Orchestra Club after school in room D125.
Fall Orchestra Concert @ WMS from 6:30pm-8:00pm.
Wednesday 10/2:
Hearing Rechecks during school.
Robotics Club after school in D111.
Drama Club after school in room D127.
Auditions for the Cultural Festival after school in the Design Hub.
Thursday 10/3:
STEMblazers Club after school in room D110.
Brain Bowl after school in room B205.
7th Boys Basketball Games @ WMS from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
8th Boys Basketball Games @ Prairie from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
Friday 10/4:
No after school activities or late buses.
Monday 10/7:
Math League after school in room B104.
Soccer Club after school with Mr. Clark & Mr. Temple - meet on the track.
Yearbook Club after school in room A212.
Drama Club after school in room D127.
7th Boys Basketball Games @ WMS from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
8th Boys Basketball Games @ Campus from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
Tuesday 10/8:
Just Do It - Young Business Leaders after school in room B102.
Spelling Bee Club after school in room A101.
Student Council after school in room C108.
Minecraft Club after school in room D111.
Wildcat Orchestra Club after school in room D125.
Fall Band Concert @ WMS from 6:30pm-8:00pm.
Wednesday 10/9:
SAGA Club after school in room A214.
Robotics Club after school in D111.
Drama Club after school in room D127.
Fall Choir Concert @ WMS from 6:30pm-8:00pm.
Thursday 10/10:
STEMblazers Club after school in room D110.
Brain Bowl after school in room B205.
Friday 10/11:
Play Day #1 during school.
No after school activities or late buses.
Please see our athletics schedule below!
Track Season Recap
This year, nearly 220 student athletes joined our Wildcat Track Team, kicking off the season with a strong performance and two consecutive victories against Campus and Prairie.
Unfortunately, our third scheduled meet against Falcon Creek was canceled due to weather. Unable to reschedule it in person, both schools agreed to hold virtual home meets the following week, allowing our athletes to compete against one another and gain valuable experience. Parents appreciated the quick start and finish of these meets.
At our September 9th track meet, despite the very close competition, Sky Vista narrowly edged us out by just one point.
Unfortunately, our meet against Laredo was also canceled due to weather as well.
However, the District meet provided a fantastic opportunity for our athletes to shine against schools from the Cherry Creek School District. By the end of the meet, West had garnered numerous accolades, with individual athletes and relay teams securing a remarkable total of 4 first-place, 8 second-place, 10 third-place, 7 fourth-place, 4 fifth-place, and 8 sixth-place finishes.
Thank you to all the athletes, families, and coaches who contributed to the success of the 2024-25 track season! We can’t wait for next year!
Coach Nahorniak
Attention Track Parents
Track season is officially over! If your student was a member of this year's track team, please make sure you've paid the participation fee of $60 in West Middle School Revtrak, or your student can bring cash to the Bookkeeper's window. Thank you!
Attention Boys Basketball Parents
The boys' basketball season is here, and we’re thrilled to have your 7th and 8th graders on our team representing West! Here are a couple of important reminders:
1. Please ensure that your athletics form is filled out. You can pick one up at the Dean's office or find it online under the athletics tab. Once completed, please email it to cwheeler@cherrycreekschools.org.
2. Don’t forget to log into West Middle School Revtrak to pay the basketball fee for your grade.
Thank you, and let's have an amazing season!
West Middle School offers a variety of opportunities for students to engage in athletics, after school activities and clubs. We encourage all students to pursue their interests and passions through extracurricular activities. The more involved a student is within their school, the better they will achieve and feel connected.
Please be sure to talk with your student about staying after school and communicating with you about which club/activity and days your student plans on staying after to participate. After school activities run from 3:45 to 4:40 Monday – Thursday. Late buses are available for students who are already assigned to a bus, and depart at 4:45 PM. Those who do not take a bus and participate in an after school activity are expected to be picked up no later than 5:00 PM.
Students are encouraged to participate in clubs and activities that interest them. Research has shown that students who complement their academics with extracurricular experiences often enjoy school more and connect with their peers and teachers through more positive interactions. In addition, clubs and activities provide opportunities for students to express their creativity in a variety of ways. Students should listen to the announcements and check the building rotators for sign-up information, start dates, and times.
Calling All Interested Drama Students
Colorado Jr. Thescon is coming to the Convention Center Downtown on December 12.
A one-day event filled with engaging theatre activities and opportunities to showcase talents.
Registration due to Mrs. Brickley October 31.
Open to any interested student, even if you are not in drama or the play this semester.
More info at bit.ly/wmsdrama or see Mrs. Brickley
Wildcat Community Play Days
We are excited to be continuing Community Play Days after a successful first year. At the end of quarters 1-3, our entire West Community comes together to be active, to play, and to make connections. Students engage in mixed grade-level groups and have the opportunity to get to know other students and staff.
Our Fall Play Day will feature team building activities, a whole school art project, and a scavenger hunt. We could absolutely use some parent volunteers to help facilitate the art project (no art experience needed) and help with the scavenger hunt. If interested in helping out from 2:00-3:45 on Friday, October 11, fill out this form.
We all know that many of our best memories of school come from the friendships and connections we made and the experiences outside of academics. Creating an event that all 1,000 of our students can participate in at the same time is a massive undertaking, but we know it is worth it. Research shows that students who have a strong Sense of Belonging at school achieve better academically and have a more positive social emotional experience.
We ask you to support our efforts by making sure your student is here at school to be part of the fun! We appreciate your dedication to our Wildcat Community.
From the Counselors
Dear Parents and Families,
We hope your first few days of the fall season have been off to a great start! We wanted to share an update on the efforts in our counseling department aimed at supporting our students' emotional well-being. Recent data has highlighted an increase in anxiety and depression among adolescents. As counselors, we believe in taking a proactive approach to address these challenges.
To support students in recognizing and managing emotional difficulties, the Cherry Creek School District implements the Signs of Suicide (SOS) Prevention Program at the middle school level. This program provides students with important tools to understand that these feelings are treatable and to recognize potential risks associated with untreated mental health issues, including suicide. It empowers students to identify emotions, recognize warning signs, and understand negative thought patterns, establishing a supportive environment where they can seek help from trusted adults or guide peers to do the same.
As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, a trusted adult is someone students feel comfortable confiding in, who can offer support, listen without judgment, and guide them toward appropriate resources when they are experiencing emotional stress. Another important concept related to trusted adults is ACT which stands for acknowledge, care, and tell. ACT encourages proactive responses to signs of distress or bullying, creating a supportive environment for students. By acknowledging concerns, showing care, and telling a trusted adult, students are empowered to seek help. This process helps create a safer and more connected school community.
Research by Schelling et al. (2016) underscores the effectiveness of SOS programs, showing a significant reduction in suicide attempts by 40-64% following implementation. We are hopeful that by providing this training, our students will gain a deeper understanding of suicide prevention strategies and how to navigate mental health challenges.
Last Wednesday, September 18th, we successfully conducted the SOS training with our 8th grade students. Our next sessions are scheduled for this Thursday, September 26th with the 7th grade, followed by the 6th grade on Thursday, October 10th. As students progress to high school, they will also receive additional training through a program called "Sources of Strength," which builds on the foundation created by SOS. If you have any questions or would like more information about the SOS training or any related topics, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are always here to support.
Thank you!
The WMS Counseling and Mental Health Team
From the Deans
As we strive to create a safe and positive atmosphere for our students, the Deans want to emphasize the importance of behaving appropriately and safely on the school buses, in our classrooms, and during recess. Please encourage your children to keep their hands to themselves and avoid horseplay, as what may seem like harmless fun can sometimes lead to injuries. Additionally, students must show respect to all on the bus to enable the bus driver to focus on safety. Bullying will not be tolerated in any form, and we all play a role in creating an environment where everyone feels safe and valued.
Fostering kindness and respect among students is central to our West Middle School community. We are committed to instilling the values of community, achievement, respect, and equity in every student. Together, we can help students recognize the impact of their actions and contribute positively to our school environment. By promoting genuine kindness and consideration for others, we can create a welcoming atmosphere in classrooms and during lunch, reinforcing our shared sense of belonging. Thank you for supporting nurturing these core values at home and partnering with us to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all.
Transportation is required by CDE Regulations to account for all students on the bus and unauthorized passengers are not permitted. However, the Transportation Department recognizes that circumstances may arise, e.g. a family emergency, parents out of town, etc., when a student needs to ride home with another student on a one-time only basis. The student must get off at the assigned stop of the student they are riding with (no exceptions).
Make sure to fill out and turn in the linked Permission Slip to the Dean's office no later than 9:00 AM on the requested ride date. Forms can be printed and handed to the Dean's Assistant. Hard copies of the form can be picked up from the Dean's office if they are needed but must be picked up prior to the day they need to ride a different bus. No emails will be accepted. If there is an emergency, please call the main office at 720-554-5180.
Meet Nurse Hilary & Congratulations to Nurse Brenna
We have a new member of the Wildcat family because Nurse Brenna had her baby! Until she returns, Nurse Hilary Mengel will be covering the clinic. Hilary has filled in as a substitute nurse here in the past and took a long-term assignment last school year at Cherry Creek High School, so you may have met her before! She loves being here at West and is excited to partner with our staff to support our students.
Hispanic Heritage Month:
The library is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15.
Visit the West library and check out a book that recognizes the cultures, history, struggles and contributions of Hispanic Americans to the United States.
The celebration begins mid-month because September 15 is the independence anniversary of five countries: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Mexico's Independence Day is celebrated September 16.
New! Request a Book for Sora is now active! Students and staff can now request an eBook or audiobook directly within Sora. Simply search “request”, and open this “book”. It contains a link to a form that can be used to request a title to be added. District Library staff will add requested books to ongoing orders.
Who do I call regarding attendance?
If your student is going to be absent, you must call the WMS Attendance line to report the absence at 720-554-5110 (last name A-L) or 720-554-5111 (last name M-Z). For any student who is marked Tardy or Unexcused Absent during the school day, automated phone calls will go out at 10am and 4pm daily.
- If you feel an error was made in your child’s attendance, please contact the WMS attendance clerk at 720-554-5109.
How do I add a person to my student's contacts?
Parent/ Guardians are now able to update Additional Contact info in their https://my.cherrycreekschools.org/ accounts by clicking on the Guardian Tile.
Some things to keep in mind:
- If a Household 1 Parent/Guardian has not completed Parent Forms, they will not have access to the Guardian Update tile.
- Household 2 will only be able to access this tile if they have a 2nd household setup in PowerSchool. If they need to create a 2nd household, please see the Admissions section on the District Website. On the left menu, they will need to click on the link titled “Change/Update/Verify Address or Household Info."
- Changes made through the update tile will be visible in PowerSchool within minutes.
- Occasionally, parents will not see their students listed when logging into the Guardian Update tile. Refreshing the screen will correct this issue.
Where can I pay my student's fees?
You can pay your student's fees by visiting the West Middle School Revtrak page or you may send your student with cash to the bookkeeper. Regrettably, we are unable to accept checks.
Update to CCSD Volunteer/Partner Process
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please see the below message regarding the new CCSD Volunteer/Partner Process. If you are currently volunteering or plan to volunteer in the future, please complete the online volunteer form. It should only take a few minutes to complete. We want to thank you in advance and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
New Colorado legislation has prompted greater need to screen and document volunteers in our schools. Therefore, beginning January 2022, we must ensure that every volunteer completes a brief application to support activities in CCSD schools. This information will be automatically linked to the Raptor System. The good news is they only need to complete this form once per school year, and it will meet the requirement to volunteer in all CCSD buildings.
To access the form, please click on the following link: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NzU0OmVuLVVT
- Volunteers are guests who are supporting students, completing tasks, and under the immediate supervision and direction of District licensed personnel.
- Visitors are guests who are solely entering the building to conduct business such as participate in a meeting, eat lunch with their student, or attend a school sponsored activity.
The safety and security of our students and staff remains our top priority. Every person entering our buildings must have a District ID or a badge printed from the Raptor System.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Get your West Spirit Gear!
Store link: WMS Sideline Store
Remember, a portion of all proceeds return back to West Middle School to support our students -- so thank you Wildcat families!
Information and Expectations
Dear Families,
This email is to serve as an important reminder for students to carry their bus card when riding the bus. Students without a bus card will experience longer wait times on the bus and/or could be denied a ride home from school if they cannot be identified. Please see below for more specific details and information on how to replace your student’s bus card if necessary.
All students will be provided a ride to school in the morning regardless of whether they have their bus card or student ID. If a student does not have their bus card, the student will be directed to the back of the line and the following process will take place:
- Student will be asked to provide their student ID.
- Bus driver will check student ID and manually load student in system.
- If the student cannot be found in the system or the information contradicts the student ID or what the student is saying, the bus driver will call Dispatch.
*Students must ride the bus home to which they are assigned.
In the afternoon, if a student does not have their bus card, the student will be directed to the back of the line and the following process will take place:
- Student will be asked to provide their student ID.
- Bus driver will check student ID and manually load student in system.
- If the student cannot be found in the system or the information contradicts the student ID or what the student is saying, the bus driver will take the following action appropriate for primary and secondary level students.
- Bus driver will call security/administrator at the school to identify the student.
- If a school staff member is unable to identify student or respond in a timely manner, the student’s ride will be denied, and the student must contact a parent for a ride home.
Students with a lost or damaged bus card should take action to replace it. Please ask your bus driver for information on how to replace a lost or damaged bus card for free. Bus riders who are repeatedly unable to provide identification will be referred to the appropriate dean or administrator at their school.
ALL FOOTBALL GAMES at LEGACY STADIUM AND STUTLER BOWL are $6.00 each and AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY or with Credit or Debit at the Gate. NO CASH is accepted at the Gate. Middle School students should be accompanied by an adult, when attending CCHS football games. Please use the link below to purchase tickets ahead of time.
September 28th, 2024
9:00am - 12:00pm OR 1:00pm-4:00pm
Cherry Creek Innovation Campus
8000 S. Chambers Road
Centennial, CO 80112
PIN Meeting
October 1st, 2024
9:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Fremont Building
14603 E Fremont Ave.
Centennial, CO 80112
Dealing with Challenging Behavior: Who is Challenged - Me or My Child?
Dr. Rosemarie Allen, Professor MSU Denver, CEO of Institute for Racial Equity & Excellence
Parent's Council Meeting
October 2nd, 2024
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Fremont Building
14603 E Fremont Ave.
Centennial, CO 80112
- Meet and greet: 9:00AM - 9:30AM
- Formal meeting: 9:30AM - 11:00AM
Cherry Creek Innovation Open House
October 3rd, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Click here to learn more about CCIC.
Cherry Creek Innoviation Campus
8000 S. Chambers Road
Centennial, CO 80112
Board of Education Meeting
October 7th, 2024
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Sky Vista Middle School
4500 S. Himalaya Street
Aurora, CO 80015
PIN Meeting
October 8th, 2024
6:45 PM - 8:00 PM
Dealing with Challenging Behavior: Who is Challenged - Me or My Child?
Dr. Rosemarie Allen, Professor MSU Denver, CEO of Institute for Racial Equity & Excellence
Click here for the PIN Website
Fremont Building
14603 E Fremont Ave.
Centennial, CO 80112
District Accountability Committee ~ Community Forum
October 9th, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Click here for more information about the District Accountability Committee.
Instructional Support Facility
5416 S. Riviera Way
Centennial, CO 80015
Special Education Advisory Committee
October 10th, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Topic: Special Olympics
Click here for the Special Education Advisory Committee Website
Student Achievement Resource Center
14188 E Briarwood Ave
Centennial, CO 80112