EDHS Cell Phone Policy
Students are not to use their cell phones during class time

Cell Phone Policy
Students are not to use their cell phones during class time. Cell phones must remain off or on silent and completely out of view in the classroom. Students are not to use their smartwatches for texting and/or to access social media during class time.
- Step 1 - If a student is found in violation, they will be asked by the teacher to put the cell phone in a manila envelope. If the student does so, then they will be able to take the phone out of the envelope at the end of the class period.
- Step 2 - If the student refuses to put the phone in the manila envelope in class, then they will be sent to the Student Supervision office. The teacher will call for a Campus Supervision to escort the student to the Student Supervision office. The administrator will talk with the student and place the cell phone in a locker. The student will be able to pick up the cell phone at the end of the school day.
- Step 3 - If the student refuses to surrender the cell phone to the administrator then their parent will be contacted. The student will be told that if they refuse to follow the cell phone policy, then they will be subject to further discipline up to and including the loss of extracurricular activities, on campus intervention, loss of PICK Points, and suspension.
- Step 4 - If a student continues to violate the cell phone policy in multiple class periods or for consecutive days in one class, then they will be referred to their grade-level administrator. The parent will be contacted and asked to keep the cell phone at home or the student will have to put their cell phone in a cell phone locker in the office at the beginning of the school day.
Impact of Cell Phones in School
While cell phones can inform, entertain, and communicate, they can negatively impact our students. Cell phones can make students lazy, inactive, and unproductive. Below is a list of some harmful effects on students:
- Poor academic performance
- Lack of focus
- Anxiety
- Sleep loss
- Cyberbullying
At EDHS, we want our classrooms to be safe, supportive, and innovative. Students are not to use their cell phones during class time. We want our students to learn everyday so that they have futures full of promise.
No Cell Phone Use in Classroom Sign
Signs will be posted in each classroom and on campus. This will serve as a reminder to students.
Cell Phone Holder
If a student violates the policy, an envelope will be given to the student. The student will put the cell phone in the envelope until the end of the class period.
Cell Phone Lockers
Cell phone lockers are in the Student Services offices. A student who refuses to put the cell phone in the envelope will have the phone put in the locker for the duration of the school day.Students are not to charge their phones or devices in the class, but may use the chargers in the office or library.