St Bernadette's Primary School
NEWSLETTER | TERM 2 | WEEK 8 I 7 June 2024
Dear Families,
Nice short week here at school with plenty going on. Our Year 4 students spent the day at Kolbe on Wednesday, and I was so proud to hear how well they represented St Bernadette’s. There were lots of very excited students on Wednesday afternoon! A reminder that like us here at St Bernadette’s, Kolbe are very full and while we are a feeder school, it is still important that you have your application in by Year 4. Neil and I have regular conversations in this space and they do their best to accommodate all the local Catholic Schools, however, if you have not applied there is not much they can do.
Work on the new senior playground area commenced yesterday. This project has involved much consultation, planning, and approvals and we are all very excited about the new opportunities for play, exercise and friendship that this area will soon offer our senior students. Thanks again to the Advisory Council, P&F, staff and students for your various contributions to making this project a reality.
Over the past few weeks, I have tried to spend every playtime out with the students. I have been playing footy with the Year 6’s, had a few rounds of handball and played soccer with the Year 2’s on the Jnr Oval. I have sat with a number of small groups to talk out friendship fires and I have been in the undercover area to chat to all the students about kindness, respect and fair-play in the playground. I have also had a lot of fun! With such a long, 11-Week term and many of our families experiencing illness in the cooler months, our students begin to get tired and can react to conflict in ways they might not normally. Can I please encourage all our parents to chat with their kids at home, remind them that lunchtime games are about fun, not win-at-all-costs and that including and encouraging their peers in games will make them feel good too!
I hope you have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!
Merit Award Assembly - Friday 14 June
The following students will be receiving an Award at next week's assembly. Family and friends are welcome to attend.
What can we say in the newsletter about our Year 4 trip to Kolbe?
When we arrived there was a speaking competition about the factions in Kolbe. It was very interesting because some of the presentations were funny and showed off all of their trophies that they won in sport.
During Art we made spiral colour wheels on a rope. When we flicked them up and around they made patterns on a rope which spun around.
We were amazed by the dance studio and the Year 12s who gave up their personal time to help us learn to dance.
We enjoyed sport because there were 10 stations which gave us energy and it was competitive and fun. One of our favourite stations was the three-legged race because you had to find the right rhythm with your partner, so it was good for teamwork.
We liked Italian because it was very interesting learning how people in foreign countries, like Italy, speak.
We learned that they have 3 ovals at Kolbe, and they have lots of big classrooms for each year group. They even have spaces like a dance studio and a theatre with a stage. There were lots of lockers and a huge basketball court. The teachers and students there were very friendly. We had student leaders called AJ and May who were former Bernies students and we made friends with. The Year 9s were kind and friendly.
Year 4 Red
Ibu Kristy and the Mission captains are looking to compile a cultural video filled with as many cultural photos or stories to be shared during our Cultural week assembly in week 11. If you would like to share a photo or something interesting about your culture (a story or fun fact) then please email the office by the end of week 9.
Terima kasih banyak (Thank you very much)
We have been notified that Hip Pocket now have all uniform items back in stock, apart from the size 14 track pants. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct and up to date uniform, particularly the new school jackets. The old style jumpers should now not be worn to school please.
We are also on discussions with Hip Pocket to supply size 2 uniforms for the Early Learning Years and these should be available shortly.
Running Club - Monday 10 June 3:10 - 4:00pm
Fume Free Friday - 14 June
Year 2B Assembly - Friday 14 June
Breathe life into your imagination. Family Lego sessions are for all ages and ability levels.
Family Lego sessions will run every Sunday from 1pm - 3pm.
Bookings are not required for these sessions.
For more information please contact Mary Davies Library and Community Centre on 9591 0800
School Canteen: Kingston's Kitchen
Our school canteen is only open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Orders can be placed online via the Spriggy App.
before 9.00am or in person at the canteen.
Term Dates 2024
Term 2: Tuesday 16 April - Friday 28 June 2024
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September 2024
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December 2024
Please note that as this is a live calendar, dates and times may change occasionally.
Coming soon!
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Location: 252 Grand Ocean Boulevard, Port Kennedy WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9593 4066