Homer Highlights
January 2025 Highlights
Hello Trojan Families!
Happy New Year!
2025 has arrived and we are ready for a great 2nd half of the school year! Our staff will have a fabulous day of learning on January 6th and then we will be ready to greet our students again on January 7th.
Mark your calendars for a few dates coming up
where there is a change from the normal schedule.
- January 6th NO SCHOOL for students - Staff PD Day
- January 29th EARLY RELEASE 1:00 PM for students - Staff PD 1:00-3:00
- Friday February 14th and Monday February 17th MID-WINTER BREAK days, with no school for students on either day and professional learning for teachers on the 14th.
- March 4th and March 6th - EARLY RELEASE 1:00 PM for students. Parent-Teacher conferences 3:00-7:00 pm (all in person)
- March 31-April 4th SPRING BREAK
We have many other things to share with you so see below for more Homer Highlights!
Be sure to also follow Homer Schools on Facebook (@hcstrojans) or check out the website (www.homerschools.net).
TItle I and 31a Student Parent Meeting Recording
Each year our school holds a meeting with families to let you know about our Title I Program. At this meeting parents also have the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions on our program and our parental involvement plans. If you missed this meeting virtually this year we have provided a recorded video and some directions below so that you can still participate at a time convenient for you.
Step 1:
Watch the short video using this link and sign in here (required for us to show participation)
Step 2:
Review the following documents
Step 3:
After watching the video/attending the virtual training and reviewing the documents above, please complete this brief survey to provide any feedback on the documents. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions about our Title I program.
Thank you for your participation in our Virtual Title I Meeting. This feedback is important to our school, and we appreciate your time.
Mrs. Cahill, LFE Principal
Mr. Mulnix, HMS Principal
Mr. Sangster, HHS Principal
Mrs. Shepherd, Director of Instructional Services
Attendance URL: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_gnQcff4cb6ZUXWxruFyezMzCZGFQbzATPNxhOdxuAl76TQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
PowerSchool Parent Portal Information
Student Login:
Students will login with their school username and password that was assigned to them.
Parent Login:
Parent access id/password are both the student's student ID number. This is your child's 2050 number. Your student should know this, or you can contact your student's building office.
Would you like to host a high school exchange student?
Click the link to get started!
Homer Community Schools
Email: homer@homerschools.net
Website: www.homerschools.net
Location: 403 South Hillsdale Street, Homer, MI, USA
Phone: 517-568-4463
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hcstrojans