Centralia Middle School Update
June 13th - Family/Student Edition
Attention: Friday Dismissal is 11:10 am
Newsletter Sections
General News
Sports Information
Community Events
Information, Contacts, & Resources
Important Dates
- Tue, Jun 14th - CMS Strings Concert @ 7 pm at CMS
- Thu, Jun 16th - Honor Assembly at 1:30 pm
- Fri, Jun 17th - Last Day of School - Early Dismissal at 11:10 am
- Mon, Jun 27 - First day of Summer School
Friday's Dismissal
We know the last week of school brings excitement for students and are working to help them finish strong. Please check in with your student on any schoolwork that they may need to finish prior to Monday.
CMS Strings Concert
CMS Students Create a Radio Ad
Monday, June 13, 2022
9:17:30 AM
12:50:00 PM
2:20:30 PM
We want to thank the ESD113, Centralia Prevention Coalition, and the Lewis County Department of Health & Social Services for their efforts to provide this opportunity.
Honor Assembly Thursday
(Due to limited seating, parents of students who are honored for departmental awards or other honors will be invited to attend via mail. Letters were sent out on Thursday. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office, 360-330-7619.)
Chromebook Turn-In Continues
We are still accepting Chromebooks! Please bring your child's chromebook directly to the front office.
Students will be turning in the Chromebooks that were issued to them for home use next week. Please do the following this week:
- Locate Chromebook
- Locate charging cord
- Check for damages
- Wipe down with a wet cloth or alcohol wipe (no cleaners please)
Links to the Centralia School District user agreement, Fee Schedule for the 21-22 School Year, and board policies that outline our procedures are listed in the Resource Section of this newsletter. Please feel free to call if you have any questions, 360-330-7619.
Yearbook Distribution
Yearbooks are on sale now!
Prices are $25 w/ASB and $30 w/o ASB.
Sale ends May 31st or when supplies run out.
Summer School Bussing Schedule
Elementary 8:00 - 11:30 (incoming 1st – incoming 6th)
7:50 bus drop time
11:30 pick up time
Middle 8:30 - 11:55 (incoming 7th – incoming 8th)
8:20 bus drop time
11:55 pick up time
High School 8:35 – 12:00 (incoming 9th program and credit recovery)
8:25 bus drop time
12:00 pick up time
Migrant & Special Education Recovery Services @ FP 12 p.m. – 3:30
11:50 - 11:55 bus drop time
3:30 pick up time
Yellow Jacket Sports & Activities
Community Events
Centralia Virtual School Enrollment
We are taking applications for our virtual program starting Monday, April 4th for the 2022-2023 school year. Please take time to consider if this route is appropriate for your student. To request enrollment, please press the button below to begin your application.
The registration deadline for the CVA is FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022. After this date a waitlist will open.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email James Bowers at jbowers@centralia.wednet.edu.
Reporting Incidents at CMS
If you see something, say something! Here are the ways you can report any of the following: bullying, harassment of any kind, possible fight, vaping, stealing, etc.
1. Go to the cafeteria wall between Mr. Eacker and Mrs. Johnson's offices. Take an Incident Report Form from the wall file. Fill it out and return it to one of the secretaries.
2. Go to the office and ask one of our secretaries how to report ___. Our secretaries can help you with how to report it (either through an incident report form or directly to an administrator/counselor).
3. Go to the Counselor's Google Classroom and access the incident report form from there.
Each incident report will be given to either a counselor, administrator, or other staff member that can respond appropriately. Please include in your report: exactly what happened, what was heard and/or said, where, when with date-time-place, and who all was involved.
CMS Counseling Staff
Amy Hendrickson - School Guidance Counselor - PM - ahendrickson@centralia.wednet.edu
Richard Miranda - ESD113 True North/Prevention Club Advisor - All day - rmiranda@esd113.org
Sarai Cabell - ESD113 Mental Health Counselor - scabell@centralia.wednet.edu
Crisis Care Contacts
National Suicide Prevention Line
24-Hour Crisis
Text Line - text "HOME" to 741-741
800-448-3000 - text "TEEN" to 839863 English and Spanish
You Are Not Alone Network (for Native youth)
Care Crisis Response Services (mental health)
The Trevor Project (LGBTQ youth)
866-488-7386 or text "START" to 678-678
Washington Teen Link
Teen volunteers between 6-10 pm
Technology Fees, Fines, and Agreements
Skyward APP for Cell Phones - Parent/Guardian Use
If you need a quick way to access all of your Skyward information at CMS, an easy way to do this is to download the app. See below for instructions.
Set Up Skyward Mobile App
STEP 1: Ask your counselor or front office person at CMS for your Skyward login and password.
STEP 2: Download the Skyward Family Access app
- On your phone, search for the “Skyward Family Access” app. Download the app from your phone vendor.
- Locate District by District Name – “Centralia School District, Centralia, WA”
- Select Product. Tap on “School and Business Management, Family, Student, Teacher, and Employees.”
- Enter your Login.
- Enter your Password. Tap “Save.”
- Enter your Passcode, a 4 digit security PIN that you will use moving forward so you don’t have to always enter your login and password. Confirm your 4 digit passcode by entering it again.
- Select “After 10 minutes” when prompted for Passcode Settings.
- Select the “Mobile” Account (cell phone symbol).
- You are now logged in to Skyward.
Next time you login, select the Skyward app on your phone and enter your 4 digit passcode.
CMS Grading Periods
Nov 5th - Quarter 1 ends
Dec 13th - Quarter 2 Mid-Terms
Jan 28th - Quarter 2/Semester 1 ends
Mar 4th - Quarter 3 Mid-Terms
Apr 15th - Quarter 3 ends
May 16th - Quarter 4 Mid-Terms
Jun 16th - Quarter 4/Semester 2 ends
Mission Statement
“At Centralia Middle School, our mission is to educate and provide our students with a positive, safe, caring environment for which instruction can occur. We see our diverse styles as strengths in assisting our students and know that we are role models for both their learning and behavior. High levels of learning and growth for all, every child, every day.”
Email: drueda@centralia.wednet.edu
Website: https://www.centralia.k12.wa.us/cms
Location: 901 Johnson Road, Centralia, WA, USA
Phone: (360) 330-7619
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centraliamiddleschool/