VOLUME 6 - OCTOBER 30, 2024
Dear Owl Families,
Our 2nd quarter is off to a strong start. Thank you to everyone who was able to come in for a parent/teacher conference. It was nice to see so many of you! If you were unable to make it, we encourage you to reach out to your child(ren)'s educators to schedule a time that works for you. We will gladly meet with you in person, on the phone, or via Zoom. Our goal is to have at least one conference with every child's family. It is worth noting that we are in the process of preparing report cards. We will post a Dojo message when they are being sent home.
We would also like to officially announce our October "Owl Supporter." This family was nominated for going above and beyond to support our entire Riverside community. Congrats to the Davis family. The nominator wrote, "the Davis family is very active here at Riverside. Over the past few years they have volunteered for mystery reading, class parties, Math Mania, adjective parades, Glow Days, etc. Jenny sends in SEL materials to use in the classroom. The family sends in snacks for classes as well as supports class wish lists. There is nothing they wouldn't do for their children and our school. They are true partners in their children's education."
As a reminder, we try to take all of the scholars outside each day for recess (and sometimes for PE and Yoga). As the temperatures drop, please make sure your child(ren) are dressed for the weather.
We cannot wait to see everyone's costumes tomorrow! It's going to be an OWLSOME day!
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if we can assist you in any fashion and/or if you have any questions.
With much love,
Ms. Kama-Starr and Mr. Cohen
P.S. - We had some pretty amazing pumpkins submitted for the contest. We'll announce the winners on Monday, November 4th.
10/31 - Candy Parade
11/5 - No School for Scholars [Educator PD - Election Day]
11/11 - No School for Scholars and Educators
11/18 - PTC Meeting at 6PM
11/20 - Family First Night & Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser
11/25 - Picture Day Make Ups
11/27-11/29 - No School
12/6 - No School for Kindergarten Scholars [Educator PD]
12/11 - Family First Night & Panda Express (Fairview location)
12/13 - No School for PreK Scholars [Educator PD]
12/21-1/5 - No School [Winter Break]
Cleveland Metropolitan School District is interested in learning what parents and guardians think of their children's school calendars, including the lengths of school days and years. The survey is anonymous and voluntary, and it takes around ten minutes to complete. A summary of the results will be shared with the Board of Education and used by the Board as it makes decisions related to calendars in the district.
We are opening a Riverside Swag Shop. We will keep it open all year and new items will be added throughout the year. If you have suggestions, please reach out to Ms. Kama-Starr, Mr. Cohen, or Ms. Davis. Please note this is not a fundraiser. We are simply offering this because families have asked about purchasing Riverside items. As items are ordered they will be printed and mailed directly to your home.
Riverside School Store: Linked here
Nov. 1: Cleveland Clinic Cole’s Eye Van for Pre-K, K and 1st
Nov. 4: Cleveland Clinic Cole’s Eye Van for Pre-K, K and 1st
We are in the process of ensuring all scholars have an integrated health form turned in. The classroom that turns in the most forms first wins a pizza party. If you need another copy of the form please reach out to Nurse Upperman.
November is National Diabetes Month, so I will be posting some great resources for those that have Type 1, Type 2, and those with Prediabetes. BTW- I rocked the Walk to raise money for research at the Breakthrough T1D walk on 10/20/24 at the Cleveland Zoo! Thanks for all your support!
Please check out our latest Say Yes! Family Support newsletter!
What's Inside
Canopy Internet
Free Medwork Clinic
Eye glass resource
Free produce markets
As holiday giveaways become available, I will share them. Please contact Ms. India via Dojo or cell at 216-645-7309 for any resource mentioned in the newsletter or if you need additional assistance.
- Please call the office (216-838-6700) if your child will not be at school.
- Scholars are tardy after 9:35AM.
- Scholars will not be released early from school without the office receiving communication and consent from a family member in advance. We also ask that scholars are not picked up between 3:00PM - 4:05PM. This is to support our preparations for dismissal.
In partnership with our families and communities, Riverside will develop responsible scholars, who think critically and creatively while becoming lifelong learners who make positive contributions to our diverse society. Riverside is committed to providing student-centered, inclusion-based educational practices that seamlessly incorporate technology, the arts, health, and fitness.
Riverside, we overcome, we evolve, we grow - today, tomorrow, and always!
Principal: Heather Kama-Starr
- Phone: 216-562-8082
- Email: heather.kama-starr@clevelandmetroschools.org
Assistant Principal: Kyle Cohen
- Phone: 216-327-8262
- Email: kyle.cohen@clevelandmetroschools.org
School Secretary: Katie Davis
- Phone: 216-838-6700
- Email: katie.davis@clevelandmetroschools.org
Family Support Specialist: India Moore
- Phone: 216-645-7309
- Email: imoore@sayyescleveland.org
School Nurse: Therese Upperman
- Phone: 216-838-6714
- Email: therese.upperman@clevelandmetroschools.org