News From CLA!
February 7th, 2025
Principal's Notes
Welcome to February ABLE and REACH Families,
February may be a shortened month, but it’s filled with exciting opportunities and meaningful moments for our students. After settling back into their routines following Winter Break, it has been wonderful to see classrooms buzzing with energy and engagement once again. The days are gradually getting longer (and hopefully warmer!), reminding us that spring is just around the corner. However, if Punxsutawney Phil is to be believed, we may still have six more weeks of winter ahead of us!
As we look ahead, Spring assessment season is approaching and will begin in March. This is an important time for our students to showcase their growth, and we appreciate your continued support in encouraging them to put forth their best effort.
Beyond academics, students are thriving in creative and hands-on experiences throughout the building. The Maker Space is in full swing, and students have been exploring new ideas and engaging with innovative resources. The Broadcasting Club is hard at work behind the scenes, preparing their first video series, and we are eager to see their creativity in action. Meanwhile, ABLE students are gearing up for their community trip to Barnaby’s, where they will apply life skills in a real-world setting. Our teachers and staff continue to bring fresh ideas into the classroom, creating engaging lessons and activities that spark curiosity and joy.
February is also a time to celebrate kindness, love, and appreciation for one another as we approach Valentine’s Day. Whether through small gestures of encouragement, kind words, or simply taking a moment to lift each other up, let’s continue to foster a culture of compassion and connection in our school community.
There is so much to look forward to in the coming weeks, and we are grateful for your continued support. Thank you for being a part of our CLA family—we can’t wait to see what the rest of the month has in store!
Matt Stary
Principal, Conyers Learning Academy
Dates to Remember
February 11th
- Registration for 2025-2026 Begins
February 17th
- NO SCHOOL - President's Day
February 18th
- PTA Dine & Share at Photos 10:30am - 9:30 pm
February 19th
- Board of Education Meeting 7:00-10:00 pm @ WRS Middle School
March 3rd - 7th
- Read-o-Rama Week at CLA
March 7th
- K-5 End of Trimester 2
March 11th
- 1/2 Day Institute Day - Students attend 9:20 am - 12:20 pm
5Essentials Survey
Each year, students, teachers, and families across Illinois participate in the 5Essentials Survey, which provides valuable insights into our schools’ strengths and opportunities for growth. The survey focuses on key components for school success: Effective Leaders, Collaborative Teachers, Involved Families, Supportive Environment, and Ambitious Instruction. All individual survey data is confidential. The survey will take about 20 minutes or less to complete.
Be on the look out for more information regarding the 5Essentials Survey being sent from District Office on February 18th
Registration for 2025-2026 School Year
Every student—new and returning—must register each year. Please plan to register early and take time to ensure your contact information and your child’s emergency contact information are correct and up to date.
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Tuesday, February 11. We encourage families to start preparing their documents as soon as possible. Learn more about the registration process on our website.
District 15 will be transitioning from Infinite Campus to PowerSchool in 2025-26. Be on the lookout for upcoming emails to create your new PowerSchool Parent Portal account which will be necessary in order to register. Thank you for your timely action as we launch this new system. We are committed to making this transition as seamless as possible.
Recess and Winter Weather
Elementary students generally go outside for recess every day. Therefore, they should dress appropriately for the weather. In extreme cold conditions, a winter coat, hat, gloves, boots, and dressing in layers is advised. Exceptions are made only when a child brings a doctor’s note excusing them from outdoor recess.
During extreme cold watches and warnings:
If the temperature outside, together with the wind chill, is below 0°F, all students will remain inside for the entire lunch hour.
If the temperature outside, together with the wind chill, is between 0°–10°F, students will be outside for no more than 20 minutes. At the principal’s discretion, the students may be kept inside for the entire lunch hour.
If the temperature outside, together with the wind chill, is above 10°F, students will have regular outdoor recess.
School Calendar
Please click on this link for the D15 School Calendar.
Virtual Lost & Found
Did you child lose something at school? Please check out our virtual Lost and Found to search for and claim your child's missing items. CLA Virtual Lost & Found
Infinite Campus' Campus Parent is designed to provide real-time access to student information. The easy-to-use design displays what is currently happening in the classroom so you can understand, monitor, and participate in the educational process.
Grades & mid-term progress reports
Registration information
Transportation information
Pay fees
You can log into Campus Parent using the Campus Parent Web Portal or Mobile App.
Make sure you have your account set up for the new school year! To learn how to set up your account, watch tutorials, or access a help center, please visit the district website.
Transportation Information
All of your transportation information can be found in the My Ride K-12 App, district 15's new GPS Bus Locator. For more details and directions on how to download, follow the link to our district page.
SPARK 2025
SPARK (Special Education Parents Accessing Resources and Knowledge) is sub-committee of Northwest Suburban Council of PTA/PTSA, which serves all PTAs/PTSAs in District 15, providing leadership development, PTA resources, and programs for students and families. SPARK is proud to serve families of children with disabilities in Community Consolidated School District 15 and beyond.
Please see the attached fliers for dates and times of the upcoming SPARK events.
Notes from the CLA PTA!
Hello ABLE and REACH Families,
Here are the notes from our February Meeting. Our Next Meeting will be held on March 5th, 2025 @ 6:30 pm in the CLA Lounge. See you there!
Dine & Share at Photo's Hotdogs - Tuesday, February 18th from 10:30 am - 9:30 pm. 301 N Northwest Hwy, Palatine, IL 60067. A portion of your bill will support the CLA PTA and help fund activities for our students and staff. Mention the CLA PTA at the register or show them one of our fliers.
Not a member yet? It’s never too late to join our small but mighty CLA PTA!
By joining, you’re helping support our school with activities, events, and so much more. Membership doesn’t require you to volunteer or attend meetings (though we’d love to see you there!). Sign up today to make a difference!
Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to see you at an upcoming event!
Sign up here: https://cla.givebacks.com/store
Follow us on Facebook at CLA PTA FACEBOOK PAGE
Any questions? Email us at conyerspta@gmail.com
February: Higher Achievement Starts with Attendance!
Did you know? Regular attendance is linked to higher achievement in math and reading.
Tip: Set an example by showing commitment to your own responsibilities. Strive for 9 or fewer absences this year!
D15 News
From the District
Please click on this link for the latest D15 newsletter!
Guidance from ISBE
In an effort to ensure families are informed, we are sharing information in accordance with ISBE guidance released last week. In summary, D15 maintains the following practices:
Student Privacy Protections: Federal and state privacy laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Illinois School Student Records Act (ISSRA), protect student information. D15 will not share student records or information with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) without properly executed and signed legal documentation and/ or parental consent.
The Right to Education: Every child is entitled to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), regardless of their background or status. As outlined by the U.S. Supreme Court in Plyler v. Doe, D15 does not inquire about or collect information regarding a student’s or family’s immigration status.
To prepare for any potential scenarios, our office and administrative staff have been trained on how to respond to ICE inquiries at our schools. We will communicate with legal counsel to ensure that we understand and uphold the rights of our students and families. ICE agents will not be granted access to school buildings unless they provide credentials, a judicial warrant signed by a judge, and a clear rationale for their visit. Our legal team will review all documentation before any further steps are taken.
If you have any questions or if your child requires additional support at school, please contact the school office. D15 is committed to ensuring every child feels safe so they are able to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.
Progress Monitoring
District 15 is committed to supporting the academic growth of every child. To monitor progress, we use the FastBridge Learning assessments for all students grades K-2 and grade 3 students in Bilingual Classrooms. All K-5 students receiving intervention services also participate in Fastbridge assessments. Results from winter assessments are now available to parents via Infinite Campus. Please see more details here.
D15 Job Fair!
Interested in joining the District 15 team? Mark your calendar for an upcoming CCSD15 Job Fair!
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 10 am to 1 p.m.
Location: Educational Service Center, 580 N. 1st Bank Drive, Palatine
For more information: Contact Andy Elbert, Director of Human Resources, elberta@ccsd15.net, 847-963-3020 or Jamie Randell, Human Resource Specialist, randellj@ccsd15.net, 847-963-3014
Staff Spotlight
Jessica Busse - Intermediate ABLE
This month, we are celebrating our fantastic Intermediate ABLE teacher, Jessica Busse!
Ms. Busse has been a dedicated District 15 educator for 13 years, with the last 10 spent here at CLA. Her kindness and passion for her students shine through in everything she does. She is a tireless advocate who sets high expectations for achievement and success, always ensuring that her students have the support they need to thrive.
One of Ms. Busse’s favorite things about CLA is the incredible staff and community that work tirelessly to create meaningful experiences for students, from special events to school-wide celebrations. She values the collaborative spirit at CLA and the dedication of her colleagues in making every day engaging and impactful for students.
Outside of school, Ms. Busse enjoys unwinding with a good book, exploring new restaurants, and diving into true-crime documentaries. She’s always up for sushi, a psychological thriller, or relaxing with an episode of The Golden Girls after a long day.
We are so grateful to have Ms. Busse as part of our CLA family, and we appreciate all she does to support, inspire, and advocate for her students!
New CLA Website!
New Website!
Come check out our new and improved website!
Follow us on Social Media
CLA Office Team
Our wonderful administration and office team are here to support our students and families however we can. We are looking forward to connecting with you at CLA at the events we have planned for the upcoming year. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office or email us directly.
Matt Stary - Principal (starym@ccsd15.net)
Christy Loh - Assistant Principal (lohc@ccsd15.net)
Jamin Blancarte - Secretary (blancarv@ccsd15.net)
(Se habla español)
Lynn Erdmann - Clerical (erdmannl@ccsd15.net)
Debbie Vojak - School Nurse (vojackd@ccsd15.net)
Matt Stary
Principal - Conyers Learning Academy - Therapeutic Day
Email: starym@ccsd15.net
Website: https://cla.ccsd15.net/
Address: 2800 Central Road, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Phone: 847-963-3480