A Word From the Bird
November 24-25
Principal: Angie Doss
Assisant Principal: Kevin Collier
Counselor: Rachel Fullerton
Social Worker: Keely Hansen
Office Staff: Kasi Katzfey and Kathleen Duffy
Nurse: Julie Brockman
EL Doors Open for Students: 8:50 AM
Student Dismissal Transportation Changes: Please avoid making last-minute transportation changes, when possible, for your child/children. If last-minute changes are unavoidable, please call the office by 3:30 p.m. This gives us time to update the classroom teacher about these changes.
Handicap Accessible Doors: You may have noticed the addition of Handicap Accessible Doors at the main entrance. We are glad to have them to provide a needed accommodation for some in our community. They do close slowly and leave the building less secure and cause quite the wind tunnel. Please refrain from using these unless you need them.
November Calendar of Events:
November 3rd:
- Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 5th:
- Election Day
November 8th:
Veterans Day Celebration at EL, 9:10-10:05 am
See your child's classroom newsletter for details to sign up for this annual event for Veterans at EL.
November 11th:
- Veterans Day
November 12th:
Battle of the Books, 4:00-5:15 pm
November 13th:
- National Kindness Day
November 14th:
Wear Blue in honor of World Diabetes Day/National Diabetes Month
4th-grade musical at 7:00 pm
November 18th:
End of Grade Period
PTA meeting at Riverside Community Center, 6:30 pm
November 19th:
Wear Purple in honor of National Epilepsy Awareness Month
Beyond the Bell Math Night at EL in the Cafeteria from 5:30-7:30 pm
November 21st:
EL Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee in the EL Library, 6:00-7:30 PMNovember 22nd:
Progress Reports distributed to families
November 25th and 26th:
No school for students. Teacher Professional Learning Days.
November 27th-29th:
Thanksgiving Break, No School for staff or students.
Celebrating Last Month's October High Fliers! Way to Go Eagles!
EL Color Run One Pager
Update on our Rock Wall!
EL Families,
We are working still toward our goal of purchasing a Rock Wall for the gym! Our profit from the Color Run will go toward this goal. To be transparent with our fundraising efforts, and update you on cost changes, I wanted to include this information in this newsletter.
Cost of our rock wall is greater than shared prior. Our total cost from Gopher is: $12,661.90.
We profited $3,163.58 from the Color Run to go toward this expense.
Mr. McGinley has also applied for an Education Foundation Fund a Need Fundrasier to cover more of the expense. I am including the link for you to have this information!
Finally, we are exploring a spring fundraiser to off set what is left to raise for the rock wall, as seen needed. We will keep you updated on our progress!! Our hope is to have the rock wall purchased by the end of the year or sooner IF possible!
EL's Staff Pumpkin Contest Winners!
Our 5th grade Eagles were the judges on the 31st for the favorite staff pumpkin! The students voted for their favorite and the winner is...
Gary the Snail from Sponge Bob Square Pants! Congratulations to our Adventure Club Team as the winners!
Take a look at our festive pumpkins from this week! Our kiddos enjoyed seeing the staff's creativity!
Planning Ahead...
Lunch Visitor Sign Ups for November
Updates regarding lunch visitor sign ups
AVID In Action
You may have noticed our acronym on bulletin boards around the building. WICOR- stands for Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading. Our Eagles practice AVID strategies that fall under the acronym each day!
Our Focus this Month for families is O- Organization.
Each night your Eagle brings home their AVID Planner to practice organization skills with their sharing of work and learning for the day, as well as goal setting. Adults can help us with this focus by going over the AVID planner each night with your student and signing it.
Pictured below is an example of a 3rd grade AVID planner.
S.O.A.R. ing with PBIS
PBIS Solution Plan
News From Our Teams
Specials Team
English Landing Music Room Facebook Page
From our Music Teacher, Mrs. Carney
Upcoming Grade Level Musical Performances: Save The Dates!
5th Grade Thursday, October 17th 7pm “Jukebox Time Machine”
4th Grade Thursday, November 14th 7pm “Gotta Be Jazz”
3rd Grade Thursday, December 12th 7pm “Broadway Beat”
2nd Grade Thursday, February 13th 7pm “Go Fish”
1st Grade Thursday, March 6th 7pm “The Principal and the Pea”
Kindergarten Thursday, April 10th 7pm “The Three Piggy Opera”
Continuing our English Landing tradition, each grade level will present a musical this year. Please mark your calendars for these performances! Doors will open at 6:30pm, and performances begin at 7:00pm.
Your STAR Supports from Mrs. Fullerton & Mrs. Hansen
Social Work Scoop from Mrs. Hansen
Click below to access Mrs. Hansen's family newsletter
Shop with a Cop Info from Mrs. Hansen
The City of Riverside is now taking applications for the 2024 Shop with a Cop holiday program. The program will take place December 14, 2024. The program is open to children, ages 5-18, whose family qualifies under the program’s income guidelines, as well as children who have entered foster care or guardianship during the holidays. Please apply online at www.riversidemo.gov/swac
Communication & Media
We also have up to date information from EL and the district on our website page:
Be Our Guest at The Nest!
EL PTA Information
PTA Executive Board for English Landing
President - Kelly Smith
Co- Present - Julie Hutchison
VP Membership- Katy Lovill
VP Fundraising - Ashley Rogers
Treasurer - Jacqueline Reed
Secretary - Emily Deiter
VP Volunteers- Cassie Forsyth
PTA Newsletter
District Resources
Park Hill Perspective
We are committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) work in Park Hill. Please use the link below to let us know when you have a comment about DEIB in Park Hill.
Park Hill Spotlight Nomination
Our employees are the reason we are so successful here in the Park Hill School District, and we would like to recognize them for all they do for our students.
That is why we present the Park Hill Star award once a month to a pre-K or elementary teacher, a secondary teacher and a support employee.
Nominations start in September