The Eagle Express
October 6, 2023
Important Dates
Sat., Oct. 7 - Pet Blessing (10am)
Sun., Oct. 8 - Youth Group
Tues., Oct. 10 - 2pm release and Spirit Tee Tuesday!
Wed., Oct. 11 - Vision Screening
Thur., Oct. 12 - School Mass (8:15am)
***Oct. 13-16 - Fall Break - NO SCHOOL***
Tues., Oct. 17 - Professional Day - NO SCHOOL
Wed, Oct. 18 - Happy birthday, Mrs. McCoy!
Thur., Oct. 19 - Happy Birthday, Fr. Jim Goins!
Thur., Oct. 19 - School Mass (8:15am)
Tues., Oct. 24 - School Picture Day
Fri., Oct. 27 - CSSE Trunk or Treat (evening)
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
A Note from Mrs. Goldsworthy
Our safety enhancements are proving to be useful! We utilized our RAVE emergency notification to our staff when the fire alarm went off a couple of weeks ago. That issued notification to all staff and emergency responders along with our normal response with the fire alarm system. Everything went well and the kids were great!
We continue to seek safety improvements on campus. I recently applied for a security grant to help fund security window film. We are initiating a fundraiser for safety that kids will love: $5 Free Dress Fridays. Please see dates and details below. I hope this is a successful way to raise funds while giving back to our children in the form of free dress (within guidelines).
We look forward to your continued support and continued safety enhancements!
Mrs. Goldsworthy
Reminder - Turn in Federal Funding Form
Order Uniform Sweatshirts for Cooler Weather!
Cooler weather is FINALLY making its way into Oklahoma, which means long sleeves are in order! As a reminder, students may only wear uniform items in the school building, which means no hoodies, Nike sweatshirts, etc. We are taking orders for Flynn O'Hara UNIFORM sweatshirts. These are the navy sweatshirts with the screen printed school logo in the corner. They may be worn at any time EXCEPT during school mass (only plain or embroidered fleeces/sweaters may be worn at mass - see dress code).
Report Cards & Outstanding Balances
Safe & Sacred Next Week
Safe and Sacred Curriculum will be taught sometime between October 9-18th. Please see the link with more information and parent materials for each grade level. You will be hearing from your child's teacher soon with dates and parent information. Please be sure that you participate in the parent/child homework activity that comes with the program and fill out and return the survey to school. If you want your child to opt out of the program, please go to the school office to fill out a form and let your child's teacher know. Please do not hesitate to contact Susan Ison at with any questions or if you would like to view the curriculum.
$5 Free Dress Fridays!
$5 Free Dress Fridays start later this month to help fund Safety Improvements at our school. Students in grades K-8 may opt to participate in a $5 Free Dress Day at school on certain days by paying $5 per student per Free Dress Day. Send cash or checks to school in a marked envelope to your child's homeroom teacher by the designated day for each day your student participates (or pay for all days in advance). Please send money with each sibling to make it easier on teachers as they collect and mark down who has paid. Free Dress guidelines still apply. Those who do not wish to participate should wear their normal uniform. We are also happy to accept additional donations for our Safety fund!
$5 Free Dress Day Dates
Free Vision Screening
All students will receive a free vision screening at school this Wednesday, Oct. 11th. If you want your child to receive the free screening, no action is required.
Basketball Signups Are Open!
Basketball Time & Talent Ops
Art Club - Monthly Saturday Sign Ups
Eagle Excellence!
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
PTO News
Upcoming Eat & Earns - always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a percentage back to our school!
Johnnies’ Charcoal Broiler (May or Britton locations) - Wed., Oct. 25th all day
Ted’s Cafe Escondido (Lleyton Place) - Wed., Nov. 1st from 5-9pm
* * * If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site or Facebook group for more info. * * *
Youth Group
Come and learn how to make your own paracord rosary from a few of our fellow parishioners Sunday, Oct. 8th! Invite a friend and enjoy food, games, and activities! Learn more about St. Eugene Youth Group at
RSVP and VOLUNTEER for this Sunday's Event:
Holy Fire Middle School Youth Conference - At Holy Fire, middle school Catholics are invited and challenged to embrace their baptismal call and the powerful, relevant gospel of Jesus. Through talks by dynamic speakers, witness by peers, inspirational praise and worship, and rich experiences of the Sacraments, Holy Fire helps young people feel seen, welcomed, and invited into a life changing commitment to Christ.
Hosted by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, and brought to you by the producers of NCYC, the nation’s largest Catholic youth event: the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, in partnership with Equipping the Saints, a division of Declan Weir Productions, Inc.
Sat., Oct. 28, 2023 - 9:30 AM-5:30 PM
Mass held at 4:00 PM
Rose State College
Hudiberg Chevrolet Center
6000 S Prosper Blvd
Midwest City, OK 73110
$45 per person for general admission
Register Student (join group “steugene”) or Volunteer as a Driver/Chaperone
Parish News
Bring Sock Donations to Mass Oct. 7 & 8. It is that time of the year again! The Secular Franciscans and the St. Eugene Homeless Ministry need socks for the homeless. Please bring at least one pair of NEW socks to Mass on the weekend of October 7th - 8th and deposit them in the Homeless box. If every family of the parish can do this, it will fulfill the needs for 3-5 months!
Sunday Breakfast Ministry Attendance is growing, and so is the need for breakfast items and hosts! This ministry is 100 percent powered by volunteers, and we need more parishioners to commit to help support this weekly gathering. Food items can be homemade, baked or store bought! Biscuits, breads, crackers, cookies — you name it. Please sign up to host a regular Sunday or bring an item to share. It is a wonderful opportunity for a family to volunteer together.
Subscribe to the church newsletter, the St. Eugene E-Pistle. Read notes from our priests, find out what events are going on in the church and diocese, and more!
Pet Blessing!
Around the Arch
Please Pray For...
Please pray for John Borgert, husband of Mrs. Borgert, who is recovering in the hospital following a medical event. | Please pray for Phuong Truong, Mrs. Hattaway's aunt, that she will be healed of cancer.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
News on Repeat
Safe Environment - ALL ARCHDIOCESAN/PARISH/SCHOOL EMPLOYEES & ADULT VOLUNTEERS who have contact with minors or vulnerable adults must complete the online Safe & Sacred Training including a background check. Until all steps have been completed in the online training portal, employees and volunteers may not serve at the parish/school or organization. Safe Environment must be renewed EVERY YEAR. If you have used the online training portal in the past, you should be able to login and verify your status. Please contact CSSE’s Safe Environment Facilitator, Jennifer Goodrich -, to access the Safe & Sacred Training Portal.
Quick Links
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067