Weekly Newsletter

Hello Morris Families & Guardians,
Thank you to all the families who braved the chilly temperatures Wednesday morning for Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day! It was wonderful to see so many of you participating.
I’d also like to address a few important safety reminders:
- The speed limit when entering both parking lots is 5 miles per hour. Last week, there were some close calls with faculty members nearly being hit, so please keep your speed low.
- When waiting in the car line, please avoid driving around any parked cars. This ensures the safety of everyone involved in drop-off and pick-up.
- We've had a few incidents where parents cut off the car line to get to the playground. Additionally, we've noticed children playing on the playground during dismissal. This can distract students as they’re getting into cars, so please help us keep this area clear until the end of pick-up.
I'm looking forward to our Friendsgiving Feast on Thursday, November 21, where our fifth-grade students will serve lunch to the school community. Lunch choices for the day will include a turkey sandwich or a sunbutter sandwich. Due to the feast, there will be no grilled cheese or salad bar options.
Massachusetts has updated its Health and Physical Education curriculum framework, which each town's School Committee then reviews and decides whether to adopt. We will have a presentation about the framework at this coming Monday night's School Committee meeting, and you can also learn more about the framework on the commonwealth's website.
As Thanksgiving approaches, Holly and I want to express our gratitude for the support of our school community. It's a privilege to work with your children each day, and we are thankful for each moment we share.
Warm regards,
Holly & Brenda
Lost and Found
The Morris Elementary lost and found is overflowing with a variety of items! If any of these belongings look familiar, please stop by the school to reclaim them. All unclaimed items will be donated to Goodwill during the Thanksgiving break. Help us return these items to their rightful owners before they find a new home. Thank you for your cooperation!
Friendsgiving Feast Donations:
Please remember we are looking for food or drink donations for Morris's Annual Friendsgiving Feast. Thank you in advance—your contributions help make this event truly special! This year, we're asking for the following items from each grade:
Kindergarten 1 bag pre-washed and cut baby carrots
First Grade 1 box Honey Maid Teddy Grahams (honey flavor only please)
Second Grade 1 bag Rold Gold Tiny Twist Pretzels
Third Grade 1 bag washed grapes
Fourth Grade ½ gallon apple cider
Donation should NOT arrive to school prior to November 18th
PTO Information
Hello Morris families,
Below is a link to OPT IN to have your information shared with the classroom liaison for your student's class AND to be included in the school directory.
Please note: This form MUST be filled out for your information to be included.
If you choose to fill out the form, you are able to decide what information is shared (email & phone, but not address; phone only, etc). You can opt to share with the liaison(s) only, or to be included in the directory as well!
We kindly ask that if you opt to fill out the form, you do so by 11/12/24.
Morris PTO Directory & Class Contact OPT INdocs.google.com
We have implemented a Morris PTO email address! Please cascade any ideas/questions around fundraising, events and volunteering to morrisschoolpto@gmail.com.
Lenox Library Food Drive
GivingTuesday, which takes place this year on December 3, was created as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. It is an opportunity for people around the world to come together to thank, help, give, show kindness, and share what they have with those in need.
It is with this spirit of generosity in mind that Lenox Library once again will collect donations of non-perishable food items, as well as paper products and personal health care items, between November 1 and December 3, 2024. All donations will be given to the Lenox Food Pantry.
In addition, for every donated item, BIRCH Properties and Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation will donate $1 to the Lenox Library Association, which supports library programs and collections.
That’s right, your donation can do double the good this GivingTuesday!
We hope you’ll join us in nourishing our community’s bellies and brains. Every act of generosity, no matter how small, makes a difference.
Many thanks,
Katherine O’Neil, MLIS
Director (she/her)
Lenox Library
18 Main Street
Lenox, MA 01240
413-637-0197 Library
413-551-2776 Office
Calendar items
- 11/21 Friendsgiving Feast
- 11/ 22 Report Cards Go Home
- 11/25 No School for Students - Professional Development for Staff
- 11/26 No School for Students - Professional Development for Staff
- 11/27 through 29 No School for Students - Thanksgiving Break.
- 12/ 25 - 1/1 No School for students holiday break
- 1/9 Winter Concert
- 1/14 PTO Meeting 6:30 p.m.