Emory Eagle News
Aug. 5th - Aug 9th
Dates to Remember
Aug. 6th
National Night Out
Aug. 7th
Minimum Day
PTA General Meting 4:00 - 4:30pm
Title 1 Parent Meeting 5:15 - 5:30pm
Back to School Night (Kinder to 6th grade) 5:30 - 6:30pm
Aug. 9th
SSC interest forms due
Last day for Emory spirit wear orders
Aug. 15th
Coffee with the Principal 8:15 - 9:15 with special guests: Myrna Canizalez (School Social Worker) and Paulina Cota (Family Liaison)
SBUSD Family Workshop
One of the many important ways parents help us do our best for students is by becoming a member of our School Site Council.
A School Site Council (SSC) is group of teachers, parents, administrators, and interested community members who work together to develop and monitor a school's improvement plan. It is a legally required decision-making body for any school receiving federal funds. A limited number of parents serve on the council itself, but all parents are welcome and encouraged to attend SSC meetings.
The California Legislature believes that the individuals who are most affected by the operation of the school should have a major role in the decisions regarding how a school functions. Education should be a joint effort of parents, teachers, administrators, and other school staff. The actions of the School Site Council are the first step in a formal process for developing improvement strategies and for allocating resources to support these efforts. School site council members don't just represent their own interests. They have an obligation to make decisions that will best serve the whole school community.
Examples of questions explored by School Site Councils:
- What are the goals and priorities of our school?
- What data do we have that shows how well we are achieving those goals?
- Are there particular groups of students who are not doing as well as others?
- What supports could we put in place to help struggling students?
- How will we fund those supports?
- Do we have programs that are ineffective or unrelated to our goals?
- How will we know if our new programs are effective?
If you are interested in school policy or budgets, you might enjoy serving on your school's site council, please complete the interest form that was sent home by Aug. 9, 2024.
Una de las muchas formas importantes en que los padres nos ayudan a hacer lo mejor para los estudiantes es convirtiéndose en miembros de nuestro Consejo Escolar.
Un Consejo Escolar (SSC) es un grupo de maestros, padres, administradores y miembros de la comunidad interesados que trabajan juntos para desarrollar y monitorear el plan de mejora de una escuela. Es un organismo de toma de decisiones requerido legalmente para cualquier escuela que reciba fondos federales. Un número limitado de padres forman parte del consejo mismo, pero todos los padres son bienvenidos y alentados a asistir a las reuniones del SSC.
La Legislatura de California cree que las personas más afectadas por el funcionamiento de la escuela deberían tener un papel importante en las decisiones sobre cómo funciona una escuela. La educación debe ser un esfuerzo conjunto de padres, maestros, administradores y demás personal escolar. Las acciones del Consejo Escolar son el primer paso en un proceso formal para desarrollar estrategias de mejora y asignar recursos para apoyar estos esfuerzos. Los miembros del consejo escolar no sólo representan sus propios intereses. Tienen la obligación de tomar decisiones que sirvan mejor a toda la comunidad escolar.
Ejemplos de preguntas exploradas por los consejos escolares:
• ¿Cuáles son las metas y prioridades de nuestra escuela?
• ¿Qué datos tenemos que muestren qué tan bien estamos logrando esas metas?
• ¿Hay grupos particulares de estudiantes a quienes no les está yendo tan bien como a otros?
• ¿Qué apoyos podríamos implementar para ayudar a los estudiantes con dificultades?
• ¿Cómo financiaremos esos apoyos?
• ¿Tenemos programas que son ineficaces o no están relacionados con nuestros objetivos?
• ¿Cómo sabremos si nuestros nuevos programas son efectivos?
Si está interesado en la política o los presupuestos escolares y es posible que le guste formar parte del consejo escolar de su escuela, complete el formulario de interés que se envió a casa antes del 9 de agosto de 2024.
Emory Spirit Wear - On Sale Now
Our Emory spirit wear is on sale now through August 9th. Please use the link below to order your merch.
Nuestra ropa espiritual Emory está a la venta desde ahora hasta el 9 de agosto. Utilice el siguiente enlace para solicitar su producto.
August Attendance Challenge
Join the PTA
Emory Academy is home to an active Parent Teachers Association (PTA). The school's PTA helps support the students, teachers, and staff, as well as organize and fund many activities throughout the year. One of the easiest ways to support the PTA is to become a member. Being a PTA member does not require any additional volunteering or work, though the PTA is always looking for volunteers. To join the PTA, simply click the link below. Remember, students, parents and even grandparents can join the PTA!
Emory Academy es el hogar de una activa Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA). La PTA de la escuela ayuda a apoyar a los estudiantes, maestros y personal, además de organizar y financiar muchas actividades durante todo el año. Una de las maneras más fáciles de apoyar a la PTA es convertirse en miembro. Ser miembro de la PTA no requiere ningún voluntariado ni trabajo adicional, aunque la PTA siempre está buscando voluntarios. Para unirse a la PTA, simplemente haga clic en el enlace a continuación. Recuerde, ¡los estudiantes, padres e incluso abuelos pueden unirse a la PTA!
National Night Out - Aug 6th
Military Family Corner
Our school-based MFLCs are here and ready to listen and provide confidential feedback to support military students and parents through short-term, situational, problem-solving counseling sessions. MFLCs are also available to provide school-based support to school staff. Start your conversation today!
Register & More Events: https://taskca.org/calendar/?month=jul&yr=2024
The Autism Ask Line is a call-in line for caregivers, autistic self-advocates, and autism service professionals in San Diego County.
The program provides
- Peer-to-peer support with a trained representative who has personal lived experience with autism.
- Compassionate guidance through the landscape of services and resources in San Diego County.
- Resources for a range of questions from newly diagnosed to adult services and programs.
- Referrals and information about the San Diego Regional Center, special education and IEP's, mental health referrals, adult resources, and much more.
They invite calls from autistic persons, family members, and autism professionals. Each call will be answered by a specially trained peer support staff member who has personal experience with autism.
Call: 858-715-0678 / Visit: Autism Ask Line | Autism Society San Diego
Virtual Workshops: Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30 pm (Aug 7, Sep 4, Oct 2, Nov 6, Dec 4)
In-Person Workshops: Fridays, 1-3 pm (Aug 9, Sep 6, Oct 4, Nov 8, Dec 6)
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) offers FREE Budget for Baby® Workshops for expectant and new parents. Learn what expenses you should plan for, get money-saving tips, and each participant (or couple) receives a gift including a handmade blanket from a North Island volunteer and a $50 gift card. The North Island NMCRS office also offers one-on-one personalized budget appointments. Call 619-545-4477 to enroll.
Questions: northisland@nmcrs.org
The FY20 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorized the Navy to reimburse members up to $1,000 for State licensure and certification costs of a spouse of a Service member arising from relocation to another licensing jurisdiction due to a permanent change of station (PCS). NDAA FY23 expanded authorization to include business costs and extended the deadline to December 31, 2029.
Full Details: MPM 1754-040
San Diego County is proud to offer the Blue Envelope Program. The program is designed to promote inclusivity and serve as an enhanced communication awareness tool between law enforcement and community members diagnosed with a condition or disability such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, dementia, anxiety or other conditions that might require additional accommodations or awareness during a law enforcement interaction. The Blue Envelope Program does not have a registry component; therefore, the program is voluntary and self-implemented.
The following anti-bullying resources/strategies are utilized to raise awareness and prevent bullying:
- Restorative Practices
- PBIS Lessons throughout the school year
- Alternative Means of Correction
- Social skills groups run by School Psychologist
- Social and Emotional Curriculum
- United Against Bullying Presentation
You can find the form here.
School Website
Visite el sitio web de nuestra escuela para obtener toda la información más solicitada, incluidos horarios, días mínimos, calendario del año escolar estudiantil, próximos eventos y nuestro manual familiar.
Emory Academy of Global Leadership and Empowerment
7:30 AM - 4:00PM
Email: rnelson@sbusd.org
Website: https://emory.sbusd.org/
Phone: (619)628-5300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067566983120
Twitter: @EmoryEagles