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WIVA Elementary Monthly News
October 2024
Dear 4K5 Families,
Hello Elementary Learning Coaches,
What a fantastic perk of online work—enjoying this beautiful Wisconsin fall! I hope you've had a wonderful start to the school year and are settling into routines with your learners. I'm proud of our staff's efforts to connect and set everyone up for success. Our focus on early literacy is strong, and we’re continuously improving how we teach essential reading skills. Older classrooms are embracing project-based learning, fostering problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.
Join me on October 9th at 11AM for Learning Coach Lunch with Britta to share your WIVA experience, share ideas and get to know other Learning Coaches. I'll update you on our continued focus on our vision for our learners. You will find the lunch on your schedule in the OLS or HERE.
In partnership,
Britta Hanson
Principal WIVA Elementary School
WIVA congratulates our Student of the Month!
Have you checked out our Partners Active in Learning (PALs) HUB?
This month, our staff is learning about the power of read alouds! We have Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) time scheduled after lunch for all students. This is a great time for you to read to your learner! Check out the newly formed PALS Hub for additional resources.
The K12 Zone is now open for all K-5 learners! Check out the important information in these Smores:
3-5th zone Smore: https://secure.smore.com/n/jhfkxz
K-2 zone Smore: https://secure.smore.com/n/ervm9
Please read through the Digital Citizenship Smore with your learner so they are prepared for and know the WIVA expectations. If you do not want your learner participating, please complete the OPT OUT form in the smore.
School Clubs
WIVA has awesome School Clubs for all students! Check them out School Clubs 4K-8
Concerns, comments or questions about any aspect of our K12 curriculum?
OLS K-5 Guia de recursos para padres
OLS Parent Resource Guide: Lesson Support
If you have specific concerns regarding an aspect of the curriculum please submit a ticket. This allows the STRIDE curriculum team to track trends and develop a plan as needed. The picture below shows how to submit the ticket.
ACE! Attend, Communicate, Engage
When you signed up for WIVA, you as the Learning Coach, committed to being a partner with us in the education of your learner. Unlike a Brick and Mortar school, your learner NEEDs you present, in the home, engaging both online and offline in school.
Please review our ACE expectations ACE-Attend, Communicate, Engage - Copy.pptx
In addition, we expect our Elementary LCs to:
Attend the Meet and Greets hosted by the teacher with their learner
Attend the PALs sessions hosted by teachers
Communicate the importance of schooling with their learner
Communicate with the teacher learner needs
Engage in PALS and the Learning Partnership activities
The Student Customer Care LIne is now available 24/7!
The Student Customer Care Line is now available 24/7, and K12/Stride has streamlined the options! Online Chat and the AI feature are also accessible around the clock.
For additional support, families/students and staff can visit Help.k12.com, which includes various troubleshooting videos and resources. The top navigation bar is packed with useful information! The "Account Resources" tab, in particular, offers essential login assistance.
Students/Families contact Student Customer Care at 866-512-2273 and select Option 2. From there, they can choose the specific assistance they need.
Bookmark help@k12.com and keep the Student Customer Care Info handy.
Upcoming Dates to Note
10/9 11:00 AM Learning Coach Lunch with Principal Britta
10/16 5:00 PM Family Advisory Board Meeting
10/25 Fall Day Away - more info to come
11/27-11/29 Fall Break
What are Elementary Days Away?
We have scheduled 5 days this year where teachers are meeting and growing their skills as professionals and learners get the opportunity to have a Day Away from the computer! We will have themes and ideas for activities on those days which will be communicated closer to each Day Away. The following are the scheduled days this year:
September 27th (BTS BASH)
October 25
January 17
February 14
May 23
Need Tech Support?
Stride - K12 Technical Support
Stride/K12 Customer & Technical Support
Phone: (866) 512-2273
Website: https://www.help.k12.com/s/
Submit a Ticket: https://www.help.k12.com/s/submit-a-case