Anne Wien Announcements
School Newsletter for April 20, 2020
Dear Anne Wien Elementary Families,
As you know, it has been declared that school buildings will remain closed across Alaska for the remainder of this school year. Still, it has been nothing short of inspiring to see all of you continue to connect with our teachers, our school, and our community. Our plan is to continue offering the same instructional support we've provided so far to our students over the coming weeks of 4th Quarter. Then, during the week of May 11-15, we'll begin collecting iPads and Chromebooks and will also start distributing any personal items your child still has at the school until the last official student day of the school year: Tuesday, May 19.
Our school and our district continue to have numerous learning, food, and technology resources available to support your family during these challenging times, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our teachers and staff are ready to hear you, so you are welcome to contact any of us. Our school phone number is 907-451-7500 and you can also simply reply to this emailed newsletter. Our minds and attention continue to be on each of our students, and on your families. Take care and have an AWEsome week, Anne Wien families.
Michael Angaiak
Principal, Anne Wien Elementary
Morning Message for April 20-26, 2020:
Need Tech Support?
Coming Soon: Talent Show!
Our Student Council is planning a VIRTUAL Talent Show, called "QuaranTalent!" We welcome you to video your River Otter singing, dancing, playing an instrument, or performing a comedy/magic act, and participation by other family members is encouraged, too! Here are the guidelines:
• Videos should be no longer than 1 minute 30 seconds
• All videos and any music used must be appropriate for elementary school
• Email kelly.hayes@k12northstar.org for directions on how to submit your video
• Submitting a video is your agreement to FERPA (Check your PowerSchool here to double check)
• Deadline for all entries: Friday, May 1
Thank you, Anne Wien Families! It's going to be an AWEsome show!
Thank you, Daily News-Miner!
PTA's "Family Photo Friday"
A Video Gift from your AWE Staff
Congratulations, 3rd Quarter AWEsome Otters!
Each quarter at Anne Wien we recognize students who are modeling our school beliefs to Work Hard, Play Fair, and Take Care of Each Other. Here are 3rd Quarter's AWEsome Otters followed by a video of our Counselor Ms. Grace reading a description of each student written by their teachers and nominees:
Owen Osborn (AM Preschool, Mrs. Mertes)
Ian Vent (PM Preschool, Mrs. Mertes)
Joey Saavedra (Kindergarten, Mrs. Hagen)
Pablo Escobar (Kindergarten, Ms. Tallberg)
Chloe Clark (Kindergarten, Mrs. Kennon)
Kaylee Parrish (1st Grade, Mrs. Reece)
Johannes Erick (1st Grade, Mrs. Anderson & Mrs. Ellis)
Lola Mattson (1st Grade, Ms. Kane)
Aryiah Weeks (2nd Grade, Mr. Callahan)
Embry Coen (2nd, Grade, Ms. Alonzo)
Colten Beer (3rd Grade, Mrs. Weber)
William Dupree (3rd Grade, Mrs. Champagne)
Saphire Stafford (3rd Grade, Ms. Hayes)
Tegan Jayne (3rd Grade, Ms. Barkdull)
Leann Snowden (After School Program, Ms. Hood & 3rd Grade, Mrs. Champagne)
Cassia Felix (4th Grade, Mrs. Zalewski)
Reagan Thompson (4th Grade, Ms. Wallace)
Julian Dumajel (4th Grade, Ms. Wallace & Ms. Rebecca)
Brendan Burke (5th Grade, Mr. Wiegand)
Giana Case (5th Grade, Ms. Carosso)
Sydney Wells (After School Program, Ms. Hood & 6th Grade, Ms. Swift)
Sean Middleton (6th Grade, Ms. Swift)
Olivia Bryant (6th Grade, Ms. Cerven)
Resources for Parents:
Access to Free WiFi in Fairbanks
The district has put together this map of free wi-fi hot spots around town.
Food for Students
The district has breakfast and lunch for ANY child in our community. There are multiple locations to access food and Anne Wien's times are 9:00-11:00am each day but you can go to ANY site for pick up. Students will not enter buildings; food will be by pick-up only with First Student school buses being used for delivery.
See the link below for times, locations, and other details:
Previous Morning Message: April 13-19, 2020
Follow FNSBSD for the latest information:
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Contact us:
Email: michael.angaiak@k12northstar.org
Website: https://www.k12northstar.org/annewien
Location: 1501 Hampstead Avenue, Fairbanks, AK, USA
Phone: (907) 451-7500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annewienelementary
Twitter: @TeamAnneWien