Year End Counseling Newsletter
June 2024
In This Edition...
- Counseling Department Update
- Registration Information
- Summer school information
- Grade level counselor updates
- Summer career exploration and development opportunities
- Parenting Teens 101
**Counseling Department Update!! Please READ :)! **
- If your student failed any semester class(es), be on the lookout for summer school/credit recovery letters sent via email and USPS the week of June 17th.
- Counselors will be out of the office for summer break the end of June through July. We will return to the office in August!
2024-2025 Registration Information
12th grade: 8-11 a.m. Monday, August 26th
11th grade: Noon-3 p.m. Monday, August 26th
10th grade: 8-11 a.m. Tuesday, August 27th
9th grade: Noon-3 p.m. Tuesday, August 27th
Summer School Information
All BHS Summer School Classes will be online through Michigan Virtual with live mentors and BHS labs available!!
Summer School Registration ENDS on June 27th!!
- New Credit (Credit Advancement) classes
- Can begin as soon as June 10th
- The cost for new credit classes is $350
- Essentials (Credit Recovery) classes
- Can begin June 17th
- The cost for essentials classes is $230
- **All courses end August 16th**
Register for summer school here: bit.ly/BAS-Summer-Online
Make sure to consult your grade level counselor regarding advice on appropriate Summer School course selection(s)!
Grade Level Updates
Class of 2024
Seniors - I have truly enjoyed working with you for the past 4 years. You have turned out to be my most favorite graduating class EVER!!!! Please come back to visit and update us on all of the cool things you are doing out there in the REAL WORLD:) Also, if you need your final transcript sent to your schools - please fill out the below form. These will be sent out the week of June 17th!
Take care,
Mrs. Petit
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BHS Graduates and Parents, it was wonderful working with you all this year! I will be available through June 21st if any final questions come up regarding college, financial aid, or career planning. Don't hesitate to reach out to me via email (farinac@brightonk12.com) or this text-only number: (810)-255-8925. I'm happy to schedule a meeting in-person or virtually. Enjoy your summer and best of luck in your next chapter!
- Ms. Farina
Class of 2025
Congratulations! You are now SENIORS! I am so excited for you to enter your final year of high school and dive into your post secondary planning with you. If you are planning on applying to college, applications will open on August 1st. I will be back in the office shortly after that if you have any questions. Please refer to the Future Senior Info Sheet (attached below) for other important dates and items, so you can start preparing.
Enjoy your summer! Please reach out if you need anything.
- Mrs. Grossfeld
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Hello Class of 2025 Families, I'm Clarice Farina, your College Adviser at BHS! I look forward to working with you all next year when it comes time to start planning for your future. I'll be able to assist you with things like exploring your post-grad options (college or not), college applications, essays, Financial Aid/FAFSA, scholarships, and college/major advising. If you have any questions or would like to meet in the coming weeks, feel free to reach out to me at farinac@brightonk12.com or this text-only number: (810)-255-8925. I'll be available through June 21st. Enjoy your summer!
P.S. Juniors, please fill out this survey if you haven't already!
- Ms. Farina
Class of 2026
Class of 2026, you are halfway through your high school career! Enjoy your summer, and we'll see you back at BHS on Monday, August 26th from Noon-3 for registration. I know some of you are looking forward to getting your first BHS parking pass right along with your schedule. Junior year is sometimes the most difficult one academically, so come back ready to learn and motivated. Next year would be a great time to branch out. Join a new club or sport. Meet some new people and make some new friends. Start really thinking about what your path is going to be after graduation, and explore some of those options you think you might be interested in. You all have come a long way from the timid little freshmen you were just two short years ago, so make the last two years of high school your best ones!
Mr. Miner
Class of 2027
Congrats....you finished your freshman year. How do you feel? I am very proud of all of you for showing up, working hard, and making the most of your freshman year. If you didn't get as involved at BHS as you wanted this year, make sure to look for opportunities to get involved next year. A few things to leave you with for summer:
- Relax.
- Reset.
- Get outside.
- Laugh.
- Make memories.
- Enjoy the down time!
I will be in the office June 18th - June 20th should you have any questions about summer school classes and/or course requests for next year!
Enjoy your summer :).
Mrs. Caverly
Summer Career Development Opportunities
Interested in Occupational, Physical or Speech Therapy as a Career? There is an awesome volunteer opportunity this summer!
There is an Intensive therapy camp that volunteers are needed for. This will be good for anyone looking to become an Occupational, Physical or Speech Therapist or just like to help with our camp. It is from 9am-12 noon M-F from July 22nd – Aug 2nd 2024, 3 hours a day for 10 days. There is one meeting before Camp for a couple of hours of orientation. Attached below you will find a copy of our Camp flyer and a Volunteer/Internship Application.
LCC's College Connect Program
Registration is open for Lansing Community College’s 4-week College Connect program!
Students can register online and learn about College Connect on our website. CLASSES BEGIN TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2024
Questions? Please contact C3R@lcc.edu.
Eligible students: recent high school graduates (between 2020-2024) who have not completed college-level math or English courses.
This program supports learners' college transitions with weekly sessions focused on college and career readiness.
MSU's Green and White Days
MSU's annual open house visit days will be held on July 19 and July 22-26, 2024. High school students entering 11th and 12th grades are encouraged to attend with their families.
If you're considering applying to MSU, Green and White Days is the program for you! Here you’ll have the flexibility to customize your schedule and explore campus at your own pace. You can also connect with campus resources, find out more about Spartan life and see spots on campus that aren’t visited during regular tours!
For more information, visit here!
Exploring Careers in Law
The Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center is holding its annual moot court program for high school students in Lansing (June 24-28) and Detroit (July 26). Openings are still available, so I hope you might be willing to forward the opportunity to anyone who may be interested.
Participants will argue a search and seizure case involving drones and zoning enforcement as if before the Supreme Court.
The application is available at https://courts.mi.gov/learningcenter.
Please contact Rachael Drenovsky if you have questions at:
Phone: 517-373-5027 (direct)
Email: drenovskyr@courts.mi.gov
Parenting Teens 101
Summer Unplugged
Our very own social worker, Kris Nelson, wrote an awesome article about teens and technology! Definitely worth your time :).
Why Teens Benefit from Summer Downtime
The slow mornings, relaxing schedule, and decompression time can be very beneficial for teens! Check out this article!