Hawks Herald
October 2024
Happy October!
It's hard to believe that October is already here! It has been a very busy six weeks at Hollis. This month brings us a lot of exciting events including fall sporting events, parent teacher conferences, and the end of the first marking period. Make sure to access the Hollis calendars to stay up to date with these events.
Report Cards
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. Mark your calendars for Friday, November 1, from 8:00 - 1:00 pm and Monday, November 4, from 2:00 - 7:00. Classroom teachers will soon be sharing details about how to sign up for conference times. Watch for that information by the end of next week. These conference times provide a great opportunity to check in on your child's academic progress and discuss learning goals.
Substitute Teachers Needed
Hollis is hiring substitute teachers! If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact Alisha Schoedel for more information.
School Safety: Safe 2 Help Illinois
Our district is participating in a statewide school safety program called Safe2Help Illinois. This program offers students a safe and confidential way to share information that may help prevent suicides, bullying, school violence, and other threats to student safety.
Safe2Help Illinois features a 24/7 helpline (1-844-4-SAFEIL), text line (SAFE2), free mobile app, and dedicated website (www.Safe2Helpil.com). In the absence of a trusted adult, students can use Safe2Help Illinois to share concerns about themselves or others in a confidential environment. Once vetted, the information will be immediately shared with local school officials and/or local law enforcement, depending on the nature of the information. The intent is to encourage students to “seek help before harm,” with the goal of intervening and helping students before they harm themselves or others.
A Message from Parent Club.....
Thank you to all that participated in the fundraising efforts for the Fall! Those younger classes really stole the show! The highest participation in a class will have an ice cream sundae in class; that will be the Kindergarten class! The highest donation amount in a class will get a pizza day in class; that was ALSO the Kindergarten class! Wow! Way to make an entrance, team Kindergarten!
The top 5 donation earners will be gaining fast passes for Hawk Day and that is Kira (5th), Crosby (2nd), Zinnia (K), Austin (3rd) and Isaac (K). Excellent work! Congratulations to the top 5! Kira and Crosby have both earned lunch with the teacher of their choice, should they opt to take it! We are so proud of your hard work and leadership! Keep up the great work!
We will be scheduling Hawk Day soon. Spirit Wear sale is coming up! Watch your Friday Folders!
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 1 is "Be Proactive". This habit teaches us to take responsibility for our actions and the choices we make. Habit 1 teaches us that we are responsible for how we react to a situation. Being proactive means we cannot control what people do around us, but we can control our responses and the choices we make. Steps to being proactive:
1. Pause: Stop to think about what you are doing and pause.
2. Think: Think about what you should or shouldn’t do.
3. Choose: Choose the best thing to do.School Lunch
Students in grades 6-8 have the opportunity to purchase an extra entree each day. The extra entree includes just the main portion of the school lunch, not the sides. Extra entrees are $2.20 and are NOT covered under the free or reduced lunch program. If your child is receiving the benefit of free or reduced lunches, please know you will be charged the full $2.20 for the extra entree if your child orders it.
If you believe your family may qualify for free or reduced lunches, please complete an application. Paper copies were sent home the first day of school, and additional copies will be sent home upon request. Please contact aschoedel@hollis328.net to request an additional paper application.
Lunch money can be sent to school as either cash or check. Please send all money in a clearly labeled envelope. Lunch money can also be added to accounts using TeacherEase.
Parents can also use TeacherEase to view student lunch balances.
Please make sure to check out the October lunch menu for your weekly meal planning.
The October lunch menu is attached below.
Student Absences
In the event of an absence, parents and guardians should call (309) 697-1325 or email the school office by 9:00 am. Students should make every effort to be in school each day. Unfortunately, there are instances when illness prevents this.
- When a fever is present, students may only return to school once they have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication.
- If vomiting occurs, students may return to school once they have not vomited for 24 hours.
- If strep throat or pink eye are present, students should be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops are an easy way to make money for Hollis Grade School just by buying the groceries and products you already buy from the stores you already visit. Scanning your receipt is fast and easy. Here is a link to show you how to do it.
2024-25 School Calendar
Below is a link to the 2024-25 school calendar. Additional dates for sporting events and other school sponsored activities can be found on the school website by using the "CALENDAR" tab. Practices, games, and concerts will be updated as they become available.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, October 1: 8th Grade Career Spark Field Trip
- Friday, October 4: School Improvement Day, 11:30 dismissal, LCHS Homecoming Parade, 7/8 Band Performance at LCHS homecoming game.
- Tuesday, October 8: Parent Club Meeting, 6:30 PM, Zoom Call
- Friday, October 11: End of Quarter 1
- Monday, October 14: No School
- Wednesday, October 16: School picture retakes
- Friday, October 18: Report cards are sent home
- Tuesday, October 29: 6-8 Choir Fest at LCHS
- Thursday, October 31: School Improvement Day, 11:30 dismissal
- Friday, November 1: IESA Speech Contest @ Dunlap Middle School
Hollis Grade School #328
Superintendent - Mr. Byron Sondgeroth
Principal - Mrs. Alisha Schoedel
Email: aschoedel@hollis328.net
Website: hollis328.net
Location: 5613 West Tuscarora Road, Peoria, IL, USA
Phone: 309-697-1325