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Home of the Mountain Lions
Weekly News - December 1, 2023
Dear Middlebrook Families,
We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As we turn the calendar to December and wrap up with the 1st trimester of school, it gives us a chance to reflect on all that we have accomplished as a school community.
- We have received a lot of positive feedback from our bus drivers, cafeteria workers and custodial staff regarding the respectful behaviors that are exhibited from our children. We will continue to develop these skills throughout the school year. Children are practicing saying thank you to staff, looking them in the eye and knowing the names of people who help foster their learning community. Quite often we hear children exclaim how much they love our school while walking in the hallways or lining up for dismissal. It is because of the partnerships we are creating and the investment we have in our children that we are able to grow kind, invested and curious students.
- Another important aspect of our school day is ensuring that all children feel they have a safe adult in school they can reach out to if they feel the need. Take time at home to discuss with your child who they feel is a special adult they can rely upon during the school day. Based on our latest survey, 100% of our students were able to name a safe adult! Not only were they able to highlight classroom teachers, but they also named members of our mental health staff, school nurse, administration, paraprofessionals and so many more!
Important Report Card Information
First trimester ended on Wednesday, November 29th. All report cards will be distributed electronically via your child's online Campus Backpack on Thursday, December 7th.
Please visit this link to learn more about how to access the Infinite Campus Portal and how to locate your child's report card in Campus Backpack.
Warm Regards,
Debbie Ponte and Michele Molloy
Kindergarten Registration Process for 2024-2025
A message from Dr. Semmel regarding the Kindergarten Registration Process for 2024-2025
Did you know that this past spring the Connecticut Legislature passed a new law regarding the age of Kindergarteners? They passed Public Act 23-208, which amended Section 10-15c of the Connecticut General Statutes requiring that all public schools be open to all children five years of age and over who reach age five on or before the first day of September of any school year. The previous law allowed children to start Kindergarten if they reached age 5 by January 1 of any school year.
The new law does allow parents/guardians of children who will not turn 5 until after September 1, but before January 1, the right to send a written request to the district requesting that their child be allowed to attend Kindergarten in the Fall.
For any Trumbull resident interested in registering for kindergarten this fall, please use the link below. This link will guide you through the process for entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2024.
Best Buddies met this week for our November meeting! We shared what we did over Thanksgiving break while we each decorated a paper link to add to the Best Buddies Friendship Paper Chain. After we played friendship bingo, which got us moving around and learning some fun facts about our peers. We look forward to meeting again before winter break!
Upcoming Dates
Friday, December 1st
Meteorologist, Lorin Richardson visits Kindergarten
Sunday, December 3rd
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Thursday, December 7th
Report Cards available on Infinite Campus
Holiday Boutique
Hanukkah begins
Pearl Harbor
Friday, December 8th
Holiday Boutique
PJ Day, school-wide
Tuesday, December 12th
BOE Meeting 7:00pm
Wednesday, December 13th
Winter Concert - grade 5, strings and band
Friday, December 15th
Hanukkah ends
Monday, December 18th
PTA Meeting 7:00 pm in the library
Wednesday, December 20th
PTA Reflection entries are due - Please encourage your child to participate. The theme this year is, "I am hopeful because...." Please see more information listed below.
Thursday, December 21st
First Day of Winter
Father's Club meeting, 7:00 pm in the cafeteria
Friday, December 22nd
Early Dismissal 1:00pm
Monday, December 25th
Christmas Day
Monday, December 25th - Monday, January 1st
Holiday Recess
Tuesday, December 26th
Monday, January 1st
New Years Day
Classroom News
Mrs. Jacovino works with her Kindergarten students creating art that incorporates shape, line and color.
Mrs. Balzano teaches her second graders about fiction vs. nonfiction.
Grade 1
Miss V instructs young scientists about natural versus artificial lighting.
PTA/Father's Club
Holiday Boutique
Save the Date
Holiday Boutique will be held on December 7th and 8th.
If you have wrapping paper to donate please drop it off in the entryway of the school. In addition, if you have time to create gift packages please let us know via mbholidayboutique@gmail.com.
Reflections Contest
The 2023-2024 Reflections Contest is HERE! Get your creative thinking cap on and design an original work (painting, drawing, poem, essay, dance, video production etc.) answering the question I am Hopeful Because... Link to Entry guidelines is below. Deadline for entries is Wednesday, December 20th.
For inspiration, visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships.
Learn More: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuaoV5TyfBI&t=9s]
Sneaker Drive!
Did you know that your gently worn sneakers could help Middlebrook?
Well, they can and here’s how…Our school is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell; all we need is your support and your gently worn, used, or new sneakers (children's and adult's)!
Here’s how you can help:
Start in your closets at home and gather as many pairs of sneakers that you no longer want; maybe you’ve out-grown them, they’re out of style, or out of season. Every pair counts!
The sneakers that we collect will help raise money to support our program AND will help our environment by keeping sneakers out of landfills.
We will be setting up a box in the lobby soon, but start saving them now!
Warmer Spiritwear is now available! Check out the link! We now have fleece jackets, hats, flannel bottoms and more! https://middlebrookspiritwear.orderpromos.com/
Community News
TPS Mental Health Events
The Vulnerable Child and Family Series: Children in an Anxious World - Part 1 of 2
December 06, 2023 from 6pm-7:30pm
Target TPS Audience: Parents of young children (birth to age 12); elementary school teachers
Cost: Free
Registration required: https://eventactions.com/eareg.aspx?ea=Rsvp&invite=geajtbyd77nmea4kuxfw0c7j1effxu09kmd86td658hxpkp0gy79
For registration questions, please contact Emma Velasquez, SERC, (860) 632-1485, ext. 218 or velasquez@ctserc.org.
Presenter: Dr. Ira Chasnoff, NTI Upstream
Event's Public Description: The COVID pandemic has removed structure, consistency and predictability in the lives of children and families around the world. Humans are more likely to thrive with these three elements, so when they are missing, the stress of everyday living rises. This online session will provide an overview of how stress affects the human brain and present some family-based strategies for helping children from birth to age 12 deal with stress.
2023-2024 Trumbull Public Schools Calendar
School Hours
Substitutes Needed
Trumbull Public Schools is looking for teacher and paraeducator substitutes for the 2023-2024 school year. Click here to learn more about these exciting opportunities.
Inclement Weather Schedule
Delayed Opening Hours
1 ½ hour Delay – 10: 05 AM – 3:20 PM
2 hour Delay – 10:35 AM – 3:20 PM
2 ½ hour Delay – 11:05 AM – 3:20 PM
Middlebrook School Hours
Doors open at 8:20 AM
Regular School Hours: 8:35 AM - 3:20 PM
Early Dismissal Hours: 8:35 AM - 1:00 PM
Delayed Opening Hours
2 hour Delay – 10:35 AM – 3:20 PM
2 ½ hour Delay – 11:05 AM – 3:20 PM
Middlebrook WEBSITE LINK: https://mes.trumbullps.org