June 9, 2024
Greetings, Families,
As the school year comes to a close, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for the opportunity to work with your children, our families, and our community. Together, we've navigated some challenges and celebrated student growth. This year ended with an amazing number of students who have reached their ATB (all time best)!
As we bid farewell to the 23-24 school year, along with the anticipation for our summer ahead, we must take a moment to recognize and thank each member of the Holly Hall staff! Without them, we would not have reached our ATBs, enjoyed the many community and family events hosted throughout the year, enjoyed nutritious breakfast and lunch daily (especially nacho day!), enjoyed learning in a safe and clean environment, gotten to and from school or field trips safely, made new friends, and so much more. We are truly fortunate to work with such a dedicated group of individuals all committed to student growth and well being.
Looking ahead, we can't wait to see what the future holds. With your continued collaboration and support, there is not doubt we will be able to build upon our successes to reach new heights.
All of us at Holly Hall are wishing you a joyful, rejuvenating summer.
So much to celebrate...
We hope to see you at one of our end of the year ceremonies! Please bring identification. As much as possible, please try to register ahead of time in order to skip the office line!
Tuesday, June 11
- Grade 1 9:15
- PreKindergarten 10:30
Wednesday, June 12
- Grade 5 at 9:00 (doors open at 8:30)
Thursday, June 13
- Kindergarten 10:00
- Grade 4 10:45
- Grade 3 11:30
- Grade 2 12:15
YOUR OPINION MATTERS (twice as much!!)!
Title I Surveys
Title I is a federal grant that provides supplemental funding for schools with a high concentration of students who qualify for Free and Reduced Meals, as well as other Meal Benefits Programs. CCPS has 11 identified Title I schools and 1% of the Title I budget is reserved for Parent & Family Engagement to support instructional programs geared toward increasing parents’ capacity to help their children’s learning and improve student achievement.
As part of the Maryland State Department of Education requirements for school systems receiving Title I funding, parents must be surveyed regarding Parent & Family Engagement so please complete the following surveys so we can use your input as we plan how to best assist you with supporting your children's learning at home.
Please respond to surveys by Friday, June 14. Thank you for your support!
There are 2 surveys:
CCPS Title I Parent and Family Engagement Survey 2023-24
**a little similar, however one is more geared for HHES specifically.
Your time and input is appreciated!
Not sure about what to do with kiddos during summer?? Check out Camp Activate!
HHES Yearbooks!
There are only a handful left! Be sure to get yours before they are sold out!
Simply send in an envelope marked "Yearbook" with your child's name and homeroom teacher!
If you are wondering, students absolutely still love to have their friends sign their books at the end of the year:-)
From our Judy Center:
From CCPS:
The Judy Center supports children and their families from birth through age 5. We are currently collecting information about children not currently enrolled in schools. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey attached.
Here is a link to the Sibling Survey: https://forms.gle/doVZL9P4p4CTE7SK7
Cecil County Behavioral Health Resources - this is a list of mental health providers within Cecil County. The list includes services provided, whether or not the provider accepts Medical Assistance, and contact information.
Behavioral Health Provider List- this resource includes information on behavioral health resources both within Cecil County and surrounding areas.
Healthy Lifestyles Assistance Program: Transportation- Cecil County residents 18 years of age or older may be eligible for transportation assistance provided by the Healthy Lifestyles Assistance Program. Program staff can schedule and pay for transportation to support groups, medical and mental health care, nutritional services, fitness classes and gyms, diabetes prevention, and management classes, and trips to grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and food banks.
Local Care Team- may assist with coordinating outreach services and connecting caregivers or parents to resources.
Holly Hall Elementary School
Proud Title I School
Email: ndreckner@ccps.org
Website: https://www.ccps.org/hhes
Location: 233 White Hall Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: 410.996.5050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollyHallElem