Comet Connection
Superintendent Message
Dear families,
Having concluded the first full month of the school year, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the entire school community for its positivity. Our students have fallen into a routine alongside their families, showing up on time to school and completing homework when assigned. I’m most impressed, however, with the way the Coloma community has shown up for our students. Reflecting on our homecoming parade, it was nice to see so many familiar and new faces showing Comet pride. I hope the enthusiasm continues throughout the year.
I look forward to continued academic, athletic and artistic growth for our students. Seeing all of our students flourish in their own ways as they learn new material and reach their potential is a joy.
Here’s to continued student celebration!
Athlete of the Month
Our September Athlete of the Month is Ava Cartwright! She is a valuable member of both the Coloma volleyball and softball teams, bringing leadership and fun to every practice and game. Ava also prioritizes her schoolwork, demonstrated through her 4.0 GPA. Way to go, Ava!
Homecoming Recap: CHS and CJHS
District-Wide Spirit Week: September 16th - 20th
In the lead-up to Homecoming, the entire district came together to celebrate Spirit Week, with themed days that encouraged students and staff to show off their creativity and school pride.
The district-wide Spirit Week was a fun way for everyone to get into the Homecoming spirit and build excitement for the big game:
- Monday: No School
- Tuesday: Sports Day – Students wore their favorite team’s apparel
- Wednesday: Teacher/Student Switch – Students dressed as teachers
- Thursday: Throwback Day – Everyone recreated an old picture of themselves
- Friday: Green & Gold Day – The school community came together in green and gold to show their pride and support for the big game against Saugatuck.
Homecoming week was full of spirit and celebration for everyone in the Coloma school community!
Junior High Homecoming:
The Junior High students kicked off Homecoming day with a fun-filled cookout featuring burgers and hot dogs, followed by a district-wide assembly in the afternoon. There were games that everyone participated in, helping to build community spirit. The students also joined in the Homecoming parade after school!
High School Homecoming:
Coloma High School hosted its annual Homecoming parade and tailgate, starting at 5:00 p.m. The parade marched from the corner of W. Center St. and S. West St., passing by Coloma Elementary and ending at the football stadium. Decorated golf carts were on display during the parade, as they circled the track before the big game. Coloma fans lined the streets to cheer on our football players, cheerleaders, band, Homecoming Court, and student floats, along with the cross country, soccer, and volleyball teams. Afterward, the varsity softball team hosted a tailgate with BBQ pork from TJ’s Bar and Grill, and a ‘Kids Fun Zone’ that featured games and Comet spirit stations.
The varsity football game against Saugatuck kicked off at 7:00 p.m., and was followed by a halftime show packed with performances by the CHS marching band and cheer team, a parade of floats, and the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen. Even though we lost, coming together as a community to celebrate Comet sprit and acknowledge students past and present was fun to do! The night wrapped up with a semi-formal dance in the high school gym from 9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Capturing Kids Hearts
At Coloma Intermediate, building strong relationships with students is a priority, and Capturing Kids’ Hearts plays a central role in creating a positive school culture. For the past several years, teachers have embraced this program, which emphasizes connection and accountability through social contracts and intentional interactions.
At the start of each school year, teachers and students work together to create classroom social contracts, outlining expectations and fostering a sense of shared responsibility. These contracts are displayed in every classroom as a daily reminder of the agreed-upon behaviors. Teachers also greet students at the door each day, reinforcing a welcoming atmosphere.
This year, the entire K-5 staff also completed training, extending the approach across the district. Part of the program includes asking students a series of reflective questions when they struggle to follow the contract, such as, “Are you doing what you’re supposed to be doing?” and “What should you be doing instead?”
The first two weeks of school have been focused on developing these social contracts and building relationships, ensuring that both students and staff are set up for success throughout the year. Through Capturing Kids’ Hearts, Coloma Intermediate is committed to creating a supportive, positive learning environment.
First Day of School
Coloma Elementary kicked off the school year with a special first day for kindergarten and Young 5 students, creating a welcoming and memorable experience for both students and parents. On Monday, August 26, parents were invited to join their children in class for a breakfast to start the day, giving everyone a chance to ease into the new school year together.
Following breakfast, parents gathered in the gym for an informational session, while students stayed in class for a “top secret” event. Principal Kelly Severin read, The Kissing Hand, a touching story about starting school, to the children, while their parents watched. This heartwarming moment helped create a sense of connection and comfort for the young students.
As the morning wrapped up, each child received their own copy of The Kissing Hand to take home, serving as a lasting memory of their first day at Coloma Elementary. It was a perfect start to the school year, setting a positive tone for students and parents alike.
Student Spotlight
Jeimy German-De Los Santos is the September student spotlight! Jeimy comes to class every day with a big smile, eager and ready to learn. Her dedication shines through as she consistently completes her work on time and with excellence. Jeimy’s beautiful handwriting and ability to work well with any group make her a wonderful classmate. Keep it up, Jeimy!
Staff Spotlight
Some staff members make everyone feel accepted and seen. Today, we celebrate Mr. Robert Durfee, Coloma Elementary and Intermediate custodian and mail man. His colleagues say he is known for his infectious smile and uplifting demeanor. He greets everyone with a warm hello and a cheerful attitude. He also sings in the halls, which helps to create an uplifting environment. We are thankful for Mr. Durfee and his dedication, kindness and spirit!