Conroe High School Tiger Tracks
December 12, 2021
Hello Conroe Tiger Families,
Semester exam week is here! We want our students to do their best and finish the semester strong. If you are a freshman or new to CHS, we will have early dismissal on Wednesday - Friday. Buses will run and students will leave at 11:25 each of these days. We dismiss before lunch. Should your student need a lunch, then our cafeteria staff will prepare a “To Go” bag that students can quickly pick up as they are leaving.
CHS9 students and parents, please pay attention to the exam schedule. There are some days that our students that shuttle to or from CHS main will have different transportation patterns. Here are a few updates and reminders.
Final Exam Schedule:
Fall Semester Exams
Seniors may exempt one-semester courses if they meet the requirements. There are no exemptions for our fall semester exams for underclassmen. Exams will not be given early. Any considerations to this may be presented to CHS administration. If a student is absent on the day of the exam, then a student will earn a grade of a 0 for the semester exam. Students will have an opportunity to make missed exams up when we return from the Winter Break.
Semester Averages
Credits and Grade Point Averages are determined by semester averages. Your semester exams factor into that average. It is important that you do your best as these exams will help or hurt your semester average.
UIL Eligibility
Students can gain or lose eligibility based on their second marking period scores. As you are working on your semester average, remember that it is the marking period that determines eligibility.
Communities in Schools
As we get closer to the Holiday season, please know that we have programs on both campuses that can provide assistance to those in need. We have a program at our campuses called Communities in Schools (C.I.S.). Communities in Schools offers great resources for our families. If you are interested in learning more about the program and how it could benefit your student or family, then please read the document below. To participate, a Parent Consent form needs to be submitted to the campus based C.I.S. Representative. On the Main Campus the CIS Representative is Marcus Primer and on the Ninth Grade Campus, that Representative is Ellen Leder.
C.I.S. Information
21-22 Parent Consent English BLANK (1).pdf
21-22 Spanish Consent Form BLANK (1).pdf
Parent Access Center
A very important tool that is often overlooked by parents is the CISD Parent Access Account. With the next grading period fast approaching we've created a flyer that will help communicate the importance of this account and offer our assistance (via phone or in person) with questions that you might have while learning how to navigate the website.
Parent Access Account ENGLISH.pdf
Parent Access Account SPANISH.pdf
Nuris Defensor is available to assist you at the Main Campus:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us:
Conroe High School: 936-709-5700 or
Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus: 936-709-4000 or
We greatly appreciate your continued support!
Sic ‘em Tigers,
Tasha Smith
Principal, Conroe High School
James Bush
Principal, Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus
CISD School Calendar
Late Bus Registration Information
Go to the Conroe ISD Home Page
Select Parents/Students
Select Transportation
Select Register for Transportation (select again)
Enter Student ID
Enter Student Date of Birth Click REGISTER
Click "Yes, the student will be riding the school bus"
Then scroll down to REGISTER FOR LATE BUS RUNS--
Fill in the information requested and select CLICK HERE TO SIGN
Conroe High School PTO
Important Information For Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Parking Passes - If your child is driving to school please be sure they take care of everything they need to in order to purchase a parking pass. Students will need to park in their assigned parking spot!
View Student Parking Map Here:
Car Riders - Parents that will be dropping off their students, DO NOT drop your student off or pick them up on Hwy 105! You can either drop off in the Preferred car rider line at Wilson Road and Longmire or in the front of the building. Please plan for delays with the car rider line and remember First Period begins at 7:15.
View Car Rider Map Here:
Important Information For Freshmen
CHS9 Tutorial Information :
We have teachers that remain after school until 3:30 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Please communicate with your teacher if you would like to remain for extra assistance as you will need a pass from your teacher to remain after school. Students remaining for tutorials will be escorted by their teacher to the front of the building to be picked up at 3:30. Should you need your student to ride a late bus, then you will need to register your student for late transportation. The student will remain in the library supervised until 4:45 and then escorted to the late buses on campus.
CHS9 Car Riders:
If you bring your student to school by vehicle, then please remember that the traffic loop in front of the Ninth Grade Campus contains two lanes. Vehicles can utilize the inside lane (left lane) to help alleviate traffic. When our duty personnel see students getting out of the vehicle from the left lane, we will stop traffic in the right lane allowing your student to cross safely. Please remind your student to check traffic before getting out of the vehicle. Parents, please continue to drive slowly and safely in the student drop-off area. We appreciate your attention to safety and patience every day.
Ninth Grade Students with Classes at CHS-Main:
My first period class is at CHS-Main, what do I do?
If you are a freshman and your FIRST period class is at CHS Main, you are to report to the Main campus in the morning. If you have questions about your bus route from home to the Main Campus, then please contact CISD transportation at 936-709-7940 or CHS9 at 936-709-4000. You will ride a shuttle bus from Main to CHS9 at the end of FIRST period.
My fifth period class is at CHS-Main, what do I do?
If you are a freshman and your FIFTH period class is at CHS Main, then you will ride a shuttle bus to Main. Shuttle buses will pick you up at the back of CHS9 at the end of fourth period. The shuttle bus will return you to CHS9 at the end of FIFTH period.
My last period class is at CHS-Main, what do I do?
If you are a freshman and your SEVENTH period class is at CHS Main, then you will ride a shuttle bus to Main at the end of sixth period. Your day will end at Main campus. You will need to go home from the Main campus by car or by bus. If you have questions about your bus route from the Main campus to home, then please contact CISD transportation at 936-709-7940 or CHS9 at 936-709-4000.
- Monday, December 13th - CISD Mid-Year Graduation: Grand Oaks High School
- Tuesday, December 14th - Boys Basketball vs. Lake Creek
- Friday, December 17th - Boys Basketball vs. Grand Oaks
- Tuesday, December 21st - Boys Basketball vs. College Park
- Tuesday, December 28th - Boys Basketball Tournament - Christmas Classic
- Wednesday, December 29th - Boys Basketball Tournament - Christmas Classic
Mobile App
Stay in touch with CISD by downloading our new mobile app!
Download the app on your mobile device today and select ‘yes’ to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District.
Key Features:
• Push Notifications - Select ‘yes’ when you download the app to receive the latest push notifications from the District.
• Calendar Events - Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app.
• News - Check out the latest District-wide and school news all in one place!
Conroe High School
Phone: 936.709.5700
Twitter: @ConroeHigh